Great, thanks! :3
2 more spots left!
Who needs to do the final boss of the raid?
I'm downPVP anyone?
I need the final boss as well.
I'm down if we can get 4 more.Who needs to do the final boss of the raid?
PVP anyone?
Darn. I don't have quest. Think I already did and no 350 arti.
Our Warlock had to leave. ;_;
Any other Warlocks willing to help please?
3x Heroic Strikes and 3x Public Events. It won't take us long and we'd really appreciate the help!
Psn: astropoff
Whats with running over crests and it not picking up.
Hello Destiny GAF...
I've been addicted to Destiny for a year, but still I feel like a newbie sometimes, specially with the new raid, since it is very hard to find people to play with (I'm an 34yo adult who can only play sometimes at nights and during the weekends). However, I would love you to have me next time someone is doing a run))
Also, I'm only missing four fragments from the taken king that I would love to get. Two of them are from the third raid and the other two are from court of oryx. Are people still playing those? I never find people there anymore! Should I forget about these?
Thank you, Destiny GAF.))))
You won't have much luck finding that or Court of Oryx here.
What is the best nonPvP way to get my light level above 350?
What is the best nonPvP way to get my light level above 350?
Looking to do nightfall, anyone wanna help out?
PSN is Zocano
Cause bloom is a thing in this world for some reason.How in the world can you miss point blank shots with a direct hit.
Cause bloom is a thing in this world for some reason.
I'm about to hop in on you if that's OK.Looking to do nightfall, anyone wanna help out?
PSN is Zocano
Usually, not a fan of ARs, but this bad boy can kill 2 people in one clip and just map folks (range is sick).
Kinda in love.
I'm starting to like sidearms more than even shotguns in supremacy. Faster and can kill in no time.
Spot on train.
Jon watched my stream and I was missing every other point blank shots with TLW. It just isn't that gun too. It's like if you don't take a shot in a certain window it won't hit even though it looks like it did.
I'm off work on Monday and wanted to put together a blind newbie run on WotM at 10am Eastern. Open to anyone on Xbox who's 355LL or higher and either hasn't done the raid at all or is cool with running with a pack of newbies and letting us figure things out blind.
I just hit 360 and my hope is to 1) experience the first few encounters of the raid blind and at our own pace, and 2) maybe find some gear drops to help us push into the 365 range, all while 3) keeping us to a 3-4 hour limit and not feeling like we have to burn the whole day on a raid. I'm OK with not finishing the raid as I think we'll be too low on LL but that doesn't mean we can't start the raid!
I made a game here, if you want to join (, or throw me a line here. Raid noobs unite!
Two spots.
Looking to fill a spot on current raid team, we're at the Monitor room.
PSN: Harlan_Ryudo