Went through the story missions and the strike, and the other quest in Rise of Iron. Does the plaguelands patrol quest lead to new missions?
This seems so light (well aware it's like Destiny's thing to be light on content) and now I guess I just grind up until I'm Raid ready? (At 330 so far) Personally after some of the good steps forward they took in Taken King, the story mission stuff in rise of iron were a step back to everything that made them lame in OG destiny.
This seems so light (well aware it's like Destiny's thing to be light on content) and now I guess I just grind up until I'm Raid ready? (At 330 so far) Personally after some of the good steps forward they took in Taken King, the story mission stuff in rise of iron were a step back to everything that made them lame in OG destiny.