Trials with VIN-BUC and molnizzle.
We're at 8-0 with our mercy still intact!
Good games everyone. IB is going to be good or bad depending on what we get.
That really sucked for you, I'm sorry you didn't get to come with us 😢
We totally clutched that 2v3 game though.
And that 9th win match was unbelieveable. I refused to believe they were going to just kill themselves each round. I thought for sure it was a trick lol
That really sucked for you, I'm sorry you didn't get to come with us 😢
We totally clutched that 2v3 game though.
And that 9th win match was unbelieveable. I refused to believe they were going to just kill themselves each round. I thought for sure it was a trick lol
I'm down. Will run it on my Hunter. PSN: GibbShiftNeed one more for trials...PS4.
Just playing casually to finish up book bounty and get some loot. Anyone down?
GGs, everybody, but that game mode left me WAY too salty. Think I'm gonna stay far away unless I need bounties or quests on it.
Congrats on your Flawless no mercy victory against High Crimes 125x flawless sweats!
Hedgeyy and Molnizzle (and Zocano) =P
I know Bungie is removing the tempered buff for Iron Banner but what about the catch up buff for your alts?
Congrats to VIN-BUC and Molnizzle on their first flawless. These guys really put in work and we made a lot of great plays. Honestly, helping people get flawless is a ton of fun. I'd definitely be willing to help out next weekend.
Congrats to VIN-BUC and Molnizzle on their first flawless. These guys really put in work and we made a lot of great plays. Honestly, helping people get flawless is a ton of fun. I'd definitely be willing to help out next weekend.
I don't know, but I'm happy it happened. We kept playing on that card and beat the next team which was legitimately playing, but still. Weird.I don't get the trials match making. How do you get suiciders on the ninth game? Obviously they are grinding the bounty and haven't won 8 games straight and then decided to grind.
Nice of you to scrub out our KD's. ;-)
Someone wants to help me with trials today? Got the whole day, never played trials much as i couldnt find decent people. Never been to Mercury. Im at LL 358, but i'm quite good at PvP (i'm in the top 15 % in the Crucible).
No word on that but apparently the alt buff is still in place. With no rank up packages, not sure there is even a need to play on alts.
Congrats, well done!
First world Destiny problems. Trying to reach 365 to raid. All your equipment is 360+, but your artifact is still 355
Why won't it drop for me.![]()
Those KDs mean nooothing.
No way I could have done thtat with bad players.
I don't know, but I'm happy it happened. We kept playing on that card and beat the next team which was legitimately playing, but still. Weird.
Got to the zamboni yesterday. Ran 3 fresh starts with 3 different groups and each time stalled on the zamboni. Six hours of play and I got squat. I am so salty.
Thanks, fam. I just tried farming Sepkis all day. Need to change it up I guess.Try using a Skeleton Key at the end of a heroic strike if you have one. Guaranteed artifact if that is your lowest slotted item.
Congrats to VIN-BUC and Molnizzle on their first flawless. These guys really put in work and we made a lot of great plays. Honestly, helping people get flawless is a ton of fun. I'd definitely be willing to help out next weekend.
Try to get to 370 or so before playing Trials, you can get body shot by snipers at that level.
It's every Fri 10 am - reset.
This is going to be the first week in a long time where if you want to maximize your light ups you have to do raid x3, IB five x3 and if possible flawless x3.
I can't tell if you are saying that negatively or positively.
This is going to be the first week in a long time where if you want to maximize your light ups you have to do raid x3, IB five x3 and if possible flawless x3.
And Shaxx's bounties x3. So that's a lot to do.
Really? Zamboni is probably the easiest (and most fun) part in my opinion. That sucks dude. The trick is using as many supers as you can in that part pickup run.
I'm running a VoG Raid (I have a couple of friends who are getting NTTE) and I need 3 more, would anyone like to come? It's okay if you don't know the raid, but it's better if you do. Come get an Epilogue for your Thorn bounty.
10am Pacific. 8 hours after reset.What time is Iron Banner being released, is it at reset?