Templar Wizard
Can I join a CE group? I have never done that raid
psn: templarfreeman
psn: templarfreeman
Can I join a CE group? I have never done that raid
psn: templarfreeman
I see Archons Forge is dead.
Also I don't understand why Bungie would matchmake AF the activity separate from AF the location.
A couple times I've walked in with people just outside and it puts me in a different...lonely instance :/
Need to scan that anomaly near Archon Keep.
Problem is I got all the way down there and need a fucking key?
Where can I get one of those GAF?
I see Archons Forge is dead.
Also I don't understand why Bungie would matchmake AF the activity separate from AF the location.
A couple times I've walked in with people just outside and it puts me in a different...lonely instance :/
In the plaguelands? If so you get it from killing wizards in the area.
I must be having some bad luck.It's not dead.
Just go in there and start one up. Every single time I do that people matchmake into my instance and then it just keeps going and going and going on
Can I join a CE group? I have never done that raid
psn: templarfreeman
Is there anything else I can do with Flawless Vigil Ornaments, like trade for Age of Triumphs ornaments?
Cool, I'm down.
Crota first time:
Noob reporting in. Just about to finish the dark below missions. I'd like to join if possible. dh4n_dredd on PS4.
Deathsinger Challenge failed according to the game. Got the rewards. Hit the wizard with 1 second left.
Are there people who've never done or never finished the Crota raid?
I'm happy to take them through a newbie raid this weekend, maybe grab another sherpa DGAFer to help out if required.
Spent some time ghost hunting tonight. Some of these are soooo frustrating.
I think this one is the dumbest. My hunter can't even get close: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWrpOimxo08
Man, people are still really, really bad at running sword. All that practice with minicrota, and nothing.
Ahh well.
Collecting all the Calcified Fragments is such a pain in my ass
Apologies for the request, but I've tried googling a bit on my phone and got nowhere.
Does anyone have a picture of the emblem you get for completing "raid insignia" in the book? This is the one you get for doing all 9 challenge modes.
Is it worth coming back now or should I wait for Destiny 2?
Any tips?
has bungie removed quests from the game?
Crota armor is trash, just like Oryx armor.
Can't wait to get ass shards from VoG again![]()
There is fun content to play; do you have friends that play or are amenable to looking for raiding groups on GAF/other sites?
Really like what they did with the bridge encounter in the 390 version. The kill 2 ogres and you're done felt so bland.
Also, armor drops for me were not that great. None on my Titan, 2 on Warlock and 1 on Hunter. Awful perks and no helmetsThis has to mean I'll get everything from VoG, right? Right?
You didn't noticelol what did they change? My group is there now and we waited for ogres for like ten mins.
You didn't noticethe many swords that spawn in the center plate ;p The bridge is made whole after 5 people cross it, and 6 or 7 swords will spawn. Everyone picks one up and just go ham on ads. The encounter ends when you kill 5 or 6 gatekeepers that eventually spawn.
I know the whole raid has been soloed so i guess it is possible. You can still use the sword to swing your way across. I'm assumingOh that makes sensewe only ever got 4 across two guys we're holding us back. Can you not solo this encounter then?
Any crota runs organizing? Need that necro
I don't play Destiny since The Taken King (I didn't even played that expansion's raid). Is it worth coming back now or should I wait for Destiny 2?
Any crota runs organizing? Need that necro
I'm down for some Crota.
Anyone doing raid or NF on PS4?
Edit: looks like Crota. Count me in. PSN diggymow