Xbox LFG was a rare success tonight. Took forever but all challenges completed. Deathsinger was 9 seconds too long though... least I got my Oversoul Adapt 
I don't find the PVP side fun to play at all, and I'm not alone in that. That's why it would have been better, if they had offered another quest in the last update, that PVE players could actually finish.
That's also my main worry, along with PVE nerfs due to PVP, with the sequel. It makes me think twice about paying a full price for a game, if its quests and events favor a side that I'm never going to play.
I don't find the PVP side fun to play at all, and I'm not alone in that.
I hate the PVP in this game. That said, two Shaxx weekly bounties are very easy to do, since his bounties are designed to be those that get completed just by playing, rather than requiring you to be an MLG-level player. Or even win matches.
And the Speaker's quest isn't the only one added with AoT. There's a quest for the Y3 version of the Crota's End Y1 exotic weapon. I wouldn't be surprised if we see another quest for the Y3 version of the Vault of Glass Y1 exotic weapon, too.
No, that's totally fine. But this specific quest is meant to be a guide through Destiny's activities from vanilla to Rise of Iron so it makes sense to have some PvP in there.
It's only one step out of eight anyway and really easy to get done.
This game is confusing as hell with all the expansions as to what missions are early story missions and what aren't.
Hm? I'm pretty sure every single story mission that isn't from vanilla Destiny has a big label at the top that says which expansion it's from.
It does?
Maybe I'm blind but I couldn't see anything on the director screen.
The Treasure of Ages boxes are glitched. Because of course they are.
I didn't get a box for completing the Weekly Story. The two people I was in a Fireteam with got their boxes but I didn't.
(And no, I didn't play the Daily Story between reset and the update. The list of rewards clearly stated "Treasure of Ages" before the mission. Then it was gone after. But no drop.)
Bought the game from psn sale. I have couple of questions.
I was playing quest devils lair were it put me together with two other players, is this mandatory to advance main questline?
In said quest first there was wave encounter which took quite the while. However after it there was devil something tank and it took forever (15-20mins) to beat, but we failed at last moment and had to start all over again. So my question is is this really supposed to take so long?
How do people on Xbox tend to assemble: here in thread or on Discord? (And on Discord, how does the @xbox tag work? Will it notify me automatically or do I have to flag myself as an Xbox person?)
That was a strike. There are some quests that require you to do them, but maybe not for a while. Since voice chat is opt-in. You can just think of the other two people as AI with inconsistent this mandatory to advance main questline?
Do emblems even carry over to D2?
Do emblems even carry over to D2?
Emblems haven't actually been mentioned in any of the Bungie responses afaik. It's the one area where there's literally no reason they couldn't transfer over.Bungie said nothing carries over
Emblems haven't actually been mentioned in any of the Bungie responses afaik. It's the one area where there's literally no reason they couldn't transfer over.
Emblems haven't actually been mentioned in any of the Bungie responses afaik. It's the one area where there's literally no reason they couldn't transfer over.
Looks like the D2 expansions are Fall 2017 and Spring 2018.
Oh, there's a raid quest as well? Hopefully I can gather my old team members for it. Most of them have abandoned the game a long time ago though. =/ It would be nice to play a challenging version of Crota as well, since I've only played it once between TTK and the April 2016 update.
The thing is, I don't like PVP in any game. Even in TLOU, which is one of my all-time favorites, and is highly praised for its competitive mode. I've tried some PVP modes in the past, including Destiny's, but I just don't find them enjoyable to play. For that reason, I've missed some exotic gear in the game.
Do emblems even carry over to D2?
Does every node in the AoT Record Book need to be unlocked to reach Rank 7? I haven't been able to get a definitive answer on this.
I saw Ruthless_Barbarian was Rank 6 at like 94% completion which would make it seem like every node completed was needed to get there.
Does every node in the AoT Record Book need to be unlocked to reach Rank 7? I haven't been able to get a definitive answer on this.
I saw Ruthless_Barbarian was Rank 6 at like 94% completion which would make it seem like every node completed was needed to get there.
Can I reach 400 in just the Crucible and nothing else?
lol I finished the book and sold the code online a day ago
You don't need everything. You can skip 2-3 pages and still get it easily.
What's the code for?
Do I need to do all this stuff to get veteran rewards in D2? halp
My record book hit rank 7 and 100% after popping 63 or 64 of the 96 available nodes. I've since popped a few more nodes, and the percent hasn't gone up any further.
So yes, you can entirely avoid the PVP nodes and still unlock all of the rank-specific rewards.
Book was awesome. I hope Destiny 2 launches with something this comprehensive and rewarding, with spoiler bits obfuscated with ???s where appropriate.
But completing all eight nodes on each page gives you a page specific emblem. I like the raid page emblem. And I only care about rank 6 because I don't want to buy the tshirt. Actually the rank 6 emblem is ugly so I don't care about my rank anymore.
But completing all eight nodes on each page gives you a page specific emblem. I like the raid page emblem. And I only care about rank 6 because I don't want to buy the tshirt. Actually the rank 6 emblem is ugly so I don't care about my rank anymore.
If anyone is running raid, I have a Croat checkpoint.
Group couldn't get it done
I'm a 399 Warlock, not a sword Bearer but if anyone is running the raid, invite me as I just want it done.
I have a gally, have an icebreaker - prefer to be part of group doing challenge
PS4: Pacificsun0481
Did you get a group together? I just really want the Warlock helmet.
I mean, I'd be down for a full chill raid, but I haven't done CE in a long while and I am pretty sure I've never done it sans cheese. Never been sword bearer.
Anyone need the Nightfall? Looking for 1 more. PS4.
PSN: Azys_