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Destiny |OT44| A Community in Discord


Is there a valid reason for Xur now having stuff like 3oC and Glass Needles in rotation?

Edit: Nevermind, seems to be a "known issue".

Vendor/UI was built to do one thing, game design evolved to wanting another thing, and the bug is not a showstopper so he'll probably be updated to have the ability to have more inventory when the next major patch goes out (probably with Crimson Days). Depends on how many "surfaces" it touches I guess (UI, Vendor code, yadda yadda)


based off my ~dev knowledge~ the reason why Xur would have a relatively low limit in the first place would have to do with bits and bytes. If he was set up to have his entire inventory. rolls, and position data to be encoded in say, in 16 bytes, then to push him past you have to change all the backend data and so on up to the next "jump", which is 32. The reason why you would set up such a low limit is that his information has to be sent over the wire to you every tick, so Xur's entire dataset needs to be as small as possible (and the same with every vendor, with IIRC are all blasting data at you constantly like they're each their own server, hence why the tower DDoS'd Kor of Memory out of the game when he was having router packet issues)

Just eyeballing it Xur would have to store:

- What he has in each slot
- What the rolls are for each item in each slot (and even the non-rolled items probably all have innate rolls that are ignored, but they still exist in the dataset for every item in Destiny)
- the cost of each item
- any allow/disallow flags (ie, you have to have X to redeem or buy Y, like they did with the first year for Halloween, or the Xur Urn for Dark Below. Even if he doesn't do this anymore it would still be vestigial code in the engine)
- Probably his location encoded (when Bungie moved him before when the Reef was glitched, he actually appeared in real time in the Tower without needing to re-orbit). Educated guess: there's a certain number of "Xur slots" he can be at, to make is location a single bit and the engine just knows where to put him.

Another example: Halo Reach supported only 26 maximum activated playlists at a time. It sounds low, but then you remember Bungie had to in that era send out the playlist data to all the players playing the game, so what it sounds like they did was store the playlist meta ids in a byte (0-255) and did some software modulus/etc tricks to toggle them on/off or do other things(0 to 25 is 26 unique IDs, then you store extra playlist information in the last digit) (note this is my guess, they never actually wrote a paper on the grit details of their playlist backends)

edit: i'm writing engine posts again, I need my replacement TV to show the fuck up already lol

Deku Tree

Vendor/UI was built to do one thing, game design evolved to wanting another thing, and the bug is not a showstopper so he'll probably be updated to have the ability to have more inventory when the next major patch goes out (probably with Crimson Days). Depends on how many "surfaces" it touches I guess (UI, Vendor code, yadda yadda)


based off my ~dev knowledge~ the reason why Xur would have a relatively low limit in the first place would have to do with bits and bytes. If he was set up to have his entire inventory. rolls, and position data to be encoded in say, in 16 bytes, then to push him past you have to change all the backend data and so on up to the next "jump", which is 32. The reason why you would set up such a low limit is that his information has to be sent over the wire to you every tick, so Xur's entire dataset needs to be as small as possible (and the same with every vendor, with IIRC are all blasting data at you constantly like they're each their own server, hence why the tower DDoS'd Kor of Memory out of the game when he was having router packet issues)

Just eyeballing it Xur would have to store:

- What he has in each slot
- What the rolls are for each item in each slot (and even the non-rolled items probably all have innate rolls that are ignored, but they still exist in the dataset for every item in Destiny)
- the cost of each item
- any allow/disallow flags (ie, you have to have X to redeem or buy Y, like they did with the first year for Halloween, or the Xur Urn for Dark Below. Even if he doesn't do this anymore it would still be vestigial code in the engine)
- Probably his location encoded (when Bungie moved him before when the Reef was glitched, he actually appeared in real time in the Tower without needing to re-orbit). Educated guess: there's a certain number of "Xur slots" he can be at, to make is location a single bit and the engine just knows where to put him.

Another example: Halo Reach supported only 26 maximum activated playlists at a time. It sounds low, but then you remember Bungie had to in that era send out the playlist data to all the players playing the game, so what it sounds like they did was store the playlist meta ids in a byte (0-255) and did some software modulus/etc tricks to toggle them on/off or do other things(0 to 25 is 26 unique IDs, then you store extra playlist information in the last digit) (note this is my guess, they never actually wrote a paper on the grit details of their playlist backends)

edit: i'm writing engine posts again, I need my replacement TV to show the fuck up already lol

Why not just stop selling the 3 HEavy for 1 SC? 10 for 3 is all you need.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Yeah, that'd be great. I'd like to run the Sword if at all possible, but my Gunslinger's only at 28 so I can settle for...not. I'll try to get up to 29 at the very least ASAP, or I can pop my spark of light that I was saving.

Does my gear matter? I'm averaging around 150 light right now, I still have all my raid gear from the Vault.

EDIT: Hit 31.
That's fine, to do full damage to Crota you'll want to hit 32 though.
I am down for a CE hard mode...If the Ahamkara are kind he will drop the crux.

Also I definitely want to do Kings fall when that comes up. I think my one and only time in there was a newbie raid you led.
Haha sounds good, should be fun. The damage you can do to the bosses now is good stuff.
Angry guy said:
I'll be on most of the day probably if anyone on PS4 would be willing to bang out a quick run of Crota's End
I don't know why they make me work, it's just not right! Hopefully you can get a group together.
I'd be down for CE tonight but I'm seeing La La Land at 8 which will make timing tricky :p
I just loaded up on 3 of coins, but going to use them conservatively...I'm not sure what I even need to get anymore besides a good Sword and Gilaj-soemthing. So got the Heavy engram, the helmet for my Warlock, and the auto rifle, then spent the rest on 3 of Coins I plan to use for the next week or so.

Gotta hit that 390 tonight baby! Hopefully nobody messages me in SFV for sets...
I haven't been able to complete the Aksis challenge yet, and would love to get the full WotM armor set too.

Anyone interested in doing the WotM HM today? I would love to start in 1-2 hours maximum.

1. Marco_Tovarich
Thanks for the feedback! Though I hope you are wrong and we do get back elemental primaries =) How I loved those. As much as Bungie was like "but it ruined the fun of building random load outs," I think it is worse now. With VoG and CE you had what, two different primaries for each element type (not to mention HoW with a random element per primary type). Now, if its ARC burn, I feel weird not using Zhalo. If they wont bring back elements on legendary primaries, at least give them to the rest of the exotic primaries. Give void back to Bad Juju, maybe solar to Outbreak Prime, etc.

Also, in case anyone stocks up on ships, Amanda is selling the rare ship AFv3 Octavian. Now I just need her to sell the NS22 High Water and CX20 Slipper Misfit soon...


Hey guys, hate to derail the conversation at hand, but I was watching some of the older Destiny promotional videos, namely the older ViDocs, and I saw that Pathways Out of Darkness (Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwOUi4JDC4o) was released on February 17th, 2013. This has me thinking that it wouldn't be unreasonable to think we'll get a reveal sooner than E3. Unfortunately I don't keep up with the conversation here as much as I used to, but I just wanted to get everyone's opinion on it. E3 2017 is 155 days away, but my money has a reveal or a teaser shortly after whatever they decide to do for an April Update.

Hey guys, hate to derail the conversation at hand, but I was watching some of the older Destiny promotional videos, namely the older ViDocs, and I saw that Pathways Out of Darkness (Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwOUi4JDC4o) was released on February 17th, 2013. This has me thinking that it wouldn't be unreasonable to think we'll get a reveal sooner than E3. Unfortunately I don't keep up with the conversation here as much as I used to, but I just wanted to get everyone's opinion on it. E3 2017 is 155 days away, but my money has a reveal or a teaser shortly after whatever they decide to do for an April Update.


Beta in June or July for sure.
Hey guys, hate to derail the conversation at hand, but I was watching some of the older Destiny promotional videos, namely the older ViDocs, and I saw that Pathways Out of Darkness (Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwOUi4JDC4o) was released on February 17th, 2013. This has me thinking that it wouldn't be unreasonable to think we'll get a reveal sooner than E3. Unfortunately I don't keep up with the conversation here as much as I used to, but I just wanted to get everyone's opinion on it. E3 2017 is 155 days away, but my money has a reveal or a teaser shortly after whatever they decide to do for an April Update.


I was talking with a friend about this recently. The last Weekly Update stated that they would be keeping the conversation going week to week, month to month

we'll resume the conversation about the rituals that return to Destiny week over week and month over month.

I think they will do something in April like they did last year.


Also, in case anyone stocks up on ships, Amanda is selling the rare ship AFv3 Octavian. Now I just need her to sell the NS22 High Water and CX20 Slipper Misfit soon...

Im waiting on AX19 Slipper Misfit, CX20 Slipper Misfit and LRV3 Javelin

I dont think shes ever going to sell them hahahaha
Stopped playing Destiny for almost three months now. I used to play it everyday, have almost 1k hours(started in December 15) but ever since the PvP changes(shotgun fest) I gradually played less and less. Crucible was where I would spend most of my time with my friends.

I think the "gear, weapons and char don't carry over" rumour damaged my enthusiasm for the game. Everything that we've done and achieved feels irrelevant and made it pointless to spend more time with the game.

Also, the microtransaction Halloween event left such a bad taste in my mouth that I didn't found the strenght to bother with the Dawning.

I now it's unfair to ask more of a game that gave us so much but that "disappointment" feels like a testament of the game's quality and uniqueness than anything else.

My question to you guys is: Why do you still play Destiny? Did you ever took a brake and then jumped back right in? Do you play other online games? I tried to convince my clan to play other things but they're too committed with Destiny.
I think the "gear, weapons and char don't carry over" rumour damaged my enthusiasm for the game. Everything that we've done and achieved feels irrelevant and made it pointless to spend more time with the game.

If all of us have all the gear we want and a fully levelled character of each class— how are our characters any different? My achievements in the game are mine, not my character's. As much as I customize each of them, it's just a means to an end— to have fun. The play styles I favour with each are a function of my relation to the core game mechanics and the options it gives me, they don't come from the character.

I will play the sequel regardless of whether the faces I created (at least one of which I'm quite fond of) get carried over.

Why do you still play Destiny?

It's fun? Why else play a game? If you're not having fun, stop. If you aren't having fun and can't stop you're addicted and should get help.

I play other games and still play Destiny. Some of those games are with my Destiny clan, some aren't.
I don't think everything should carry over. Most of the exotics shouldn't.

But raid gear should, for example. It's just aesthetics, I don't want any advantage for that. It also means you where there when Oryx fell, gives context and structure.

This is an MMO type of game, not any annual shooter.

I know multiple people who play Destiny like a routine thing, I would hardly describe that as fun.

Deku Tree

Bungie should start fresh.

Nobody wants to regrind for the same old crappy "exotics."

Wonder if Bungie has any good ideas for new types of weapons.


We don't even know if Destiny 2 will follow the same path that Destiny has laid out. It might not even have the same gear slots, weapon types, or even classes.

Although, as fond as Bungie is of recycling content, I doubt we will be receiving a fresh game, but instead will receive a drastically rebalanced game in terms of mechanics and gear. Probably a new zone and raid as well. I can't wait to see whatever blowback occurs from fans playing the beta.

The trouble with loot games is that the loot obscures much of the core gameplay, once the dopamine rush of loot collection ends the players see no need to continue playing, even if the core gameplay is fun and rewarding.


Beta in June or July for sure.
Oh yeah, there's no way they won't do a beta of sorts. I'd love it if they did the whole "and the Beta is available now!" thing after it's reveal, but if they were gonna do that it would have to be pushed back toward the end of the conference because a hugew portion of the player base will totally jump ship.
I was talking with a friend about this recently. The last Weekly Update stated that they would be keeping the conversation going week to week, month to month

I think they will do something in April like they did last year.

See, this seems the most likely to me, too. I've always agreed with people who say they won't show off anything major until they don't have anymore to show for Destiny 1, so at the end of the Y3 April Update stream would be most logical, and at that it would only be a teaser at best.


I hope the hardware requirements for the PC beta aren't too great, if there is a PC beta.

And that the netcode isn't complete shit.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Okay, I've got either 2 or 3 spots for a WotM Newbie Raid (Normal) tomorrow at 3:30PM Eastern time. One person who wanted in isn't responding to me so that spot is up in the air :p But there are two open for sure. I'm going to forgo the form this time because a couple of weird sign-ups occurred before I had even decided on a day and I have no clue if they can make it.
I'm new to this xur vendor, so I don't even know if the items are any good.
I already have a pretty nice exotic helmet for my warlock (apotheosis) so I guess I don't need the one he has on sale now, but what about the other items?
Legacy engram, monte carlo, vehicle upgrades, three of coins, exotic shards all seem kinda insteresting.

I currently have 117 strange coins.
I know multiple people who play Destiny like a routine thing, I would hardly describe that as fun.

So don't play it? Maybe they actually enjoy it, or maybe they haven't figured out that they don't.

I'm new to this xur vendor, so I don't even know if the items are any good.

Vehicle upgrades are just cosmetic and you probably have a cooler one from SRL etc.

Legacy engrams are for stuff from Year 1 and aren't relevant to current content; if you don't have any Y2 exotics they can help you get those because (in most cases) allow you to spend 150-175 marks to unlock the Y2 version if you have the Y1 version in your kiosk.

Monte Carlo is fun for any activity in which you want your melee recharged often. It's a decent mid-ROF AR.


Okay, I've got either 2 or 3 spots for a WotM Newbie Raid (Normal) tomorrow at 3:30PM Eastern time. One person who wanted in isn't responding to me so that spot is up in the air :p But there are two open for sure. I'm going to forgo the form this time because a couple of weird sign-ups occurred before I had even decided on a day and I have no clue if they can make it.

I'm down! Trying to convince Threnody as well...


Mrs. Harvey
Even Shotguns are OP against Cabal captain Americas.

Okay, I've got either 2 or 3 spots for a WotM Newbie Raid (Normal) tomorrow at 3:30PM Eastern time. One person who wanted in isn't responding to me so that spot is up in the air :p But there are two open for sure. I'm going to forgo the form this time because a couple of weird sign-ups occurred before I had even decided on a day and I have no clue if they can make it.

Put me down as tentative to help out for the time being please.
I think I'm going to actually be using monte carlo a bit, I happened to have the royal flush ornament so now the gun goes nicely with my midas shader and king's touch sparrow >_>.
Okay, I've got either 2 or 3 spots for a WotM Newbie Raid (Normal) tomorrow at 3:30PM Eastern time. One person who wanted in isn't responding to me so that spot is up in the air :p But there are two open for sure. I'm going to forgo the form this time because a couple of weird sign-ups occurred before I had even decided on a day and I have no clue if they can make it.
I would like to do this.

Only did it once, and up to Aksis.
Does anybody know how much longer the Strike Scoring Bounties Zavala gives out are going to go on for? I quite like them & the whole Strike scoring thing, Dawning loot, etc.


Dgaf for 3 weeks in a row are ignoring my requests.

Questioning the validity of this board

The hardcore that are still running trials are more active on Discord than the board, honestly though VERY few are still doing much in Destiny these days.

Does anybody know how much longer the Strike Scoring Bounties Zavala gives out are going to go on for? I quite like them & the whole Strike scoring thing, Dawning loot, etc.

They should be staying indefinitely
Hey Dgaf, i really really would like to play trials this evening.


Psn Jerky

I'll add you and try to do a card either today or just this weekend.

And what frostburn said is true, the few good pvp players from this board that still play trials regularly hang around discord, i came here because someone linked the post.
I'll add you and try to do a card either today or just this weekend.

And what frostburn said is true, the few good pvp players from this board that still play trials regularly hang around discord, i came here because someone linked the post.
I accepted your request 😀

I bought a card just in case
Bah, the quest for the exotic sword requires pvp, guess I'll never get it.

As Gusty mentioned, you can take 2 friends into classic rumble and cheese the 25 sword kills.

Kills with the hilt count, so you don't even need heavy ammo.

Better yet (and way more fun) is to do it in mayhem, because heavy ammo spawns a lot more frequently ;)
As Gusty mentioned, you can take 2 friends into classic rumble and cheese the 25 sword kills.

Kills with the hilt count, so you don't even need heavy ammo.

Better yet (and way more fun) is to do it in mayhem, because heavy ammo spawns a lot more frequently ;)

It was an interesting experience getting hilt kills. I got my first hilt kill in a salvage match with some friends. We were terrible and the other team was coming in for clean up and bashed someone's face in before being killed. A player on the other team recognized what I was doing and applauded.

From there I solo'd it. I tried mayhem for the same reason you suggest but I was getting killed by rockets/lmgs/supers far too often. I cant remember if I did clash or rumble, but it was fun running around with just the hilt and sneaking up to get clean up kills. Funnest match was I heard a fight occur and was like "man I am going to clean those up" walked into the room, realized there was an arcblade, stopped, our eyes locked, and I started running away. I ended up winning the fight as he lost his super trying to get me.

Not sure how it will be anymore with the amount of shotgunning. Feels like its much more prevalent now than around TTK launch when I got my sword.

ROI Book Question: The trials quest is just card completions regardless of how good you do correct? Like I dont need to hit 5 or 7 wins to get card rewards to progress in it do I? It is the only book progression I have not even touched yet (have some clean up in the raid and supremacy wins as well).
ROI Book Question: The trials quest is just card completions regardless of how good you do correct? Like I dont need to hit 5 or 7 wins to get card rewards to progress in it do I? It is the only book progression I have not even touched yet (have some clean up in the raid and supremacy wins as well).

Yes you just need to complete the cards. 3 losses will complete a card.
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