I recently got the Destiny collection on PS4 (last years holiday sale) and I've been playing with a friend. I think we're pretty much done with all content now, and so I'm wondering if there's anything left to do but "grind". I assume there's no new content coming for this, right? We're not really into PvP or the racing stuff, we just want to do co-op PvE.
I don't think we've done all the Heroic SIVA strikes (we're only level 340 so level 350 stuff still kicks our asses) but they're pretty much the same levels/bosses as the regular SIVA strikes, just harder, right?
There's also a Rise of Iron raid (level 370) that we haven't attempted, but I'm not sure we want to grind just for that. Is it worth it?
I recently got the Destiny collection on PS4 (last years holiday sale) and I've been playing with a friend. I think we're pretty much done with all content now, and so I'm wondering if there's anything left to do but "grind". I assume there's no new content coming for this, right? We're not really into PvP or the racing stuff, we just want to do co-op PvE.
I don't think we've done all the Heroic SIVA strikes (we're only level 340 so level 350 stuff still kicks our asses) but they're pretty much the same levels/bosses as the regular SIVA strikes, just harder, right?
There's also a Rise of Iron raid (level 370) that we haven't attempted, but I'm not sure we want to grind just for that. Is it worth it?
Ah, that's good to know. I don't have a problem with any of that, except for the grind and the fact that it's just me and my friend and so the game keeps pairing us with randoms.The raids are the best PvE content in Destiny by a mile. But it is gindy to get ready for them. And you do need a coordinated group to get through them. They have "mechanics" that require communication and team work and a multi hour time commitment.
Isn't that the definition of grinding? To repeatedly play content over and over for leveling up?Raids are the best. Also, theres not much grind. Just do strikes, nightfalls, archons forge.
We love the gameplay. It took me a while to get used to the platforming, and I'm still not crazy about it, but the gunplay is typical Bungie goodness.Play Strikes for the gameplay if you like the gameplay. You'll just naturally be pulled upwards in light.
Ah, that's good to know. I don't have a problem with any of that, except for the grind and the fact that it's just me and my friend and so the game keeps pairing us with randoms.
We love the gameplay. It took me a while to get used to the platforming, and I'm still not crazy about it, but the gunplay is typical Bungie goodness.
I also wish the skill tree was better. I play as a Warlock void(walker?) and most of the skills I have yet to unlock incur heavy penalties on agility or defense, etc. So I have no incentive to level up my skills, which honestly fucking sucks. Like, I remember Borderlands' or Champions of Norrath's skill trees and those were great.
We love the gameplay. It took me a while to get used to the platforming, and I'm still not crazy about it, but the gunplay is typical Bungie goodness.
I also wish the skill tree was better. I play as a Warlock void(walker?) and most of the skills I have yet to unlock incur heavy penalties on agility or defense, etc. So I have no incentive to level up my skills, which honestly fucking sucks. Like, I remember Borderlands' or Champions of Norrath's skill trees and those were great.
I'm reeducator on PSN. Look me up -- I only do strikes and pvp these days, so I'm more than happy to go with you and your friend to do that. Might even be able to help you ease into raids with some of my friends when I can convince them to go.
Couple of things - you're more than high enough to do the old raids for fun, and with a good group, they're an awful fun. Check the100.io or on here, or reddit "fireteams".
I would highly recommend finding a "nostalgia" run and joining in. almost any group running those now will have some seasoned vets who are used to playing in groups...i.e. they shouldnt be nobs.
Skill tree - don't worry about the stat bonuses - they make very little difference unless you're really really pushing the edge of the game. I.e. either top-end PvP play or the current highest level raid.
In 99% of content the bonus you're choosing matters more than the stat changes.
Ah, thank you guys. The game really is fantastic in the gameplay department so I'll probably come back after my break. I'll keep your suggestions in mind as well. Cheers!Yeah the way the system works, the drops you get from strikes and so on will just naturally pull you up to max over time.
and yeah it's brutal until you unlock all the skills.
Can't promise anything in the near future, but I think you guys will enjoy the chapter of my book that I'm working on right now!This community needs a fresh Jason Schreier info dump.
Can't promise anything in the near future, but I think you guys will enjoy the chapter of my book that I'm working on right now!
September-ish? Would be fun if it hit at the same time as Destiny 2.
I also wish the skill tree was better. I play as a Warlock void(walker?) and most of the skills I have yet to unlock incur heavy penalties on agility or defense, etc.
To get a good rocket replacement I need about 70 legendary marks, which means doing 7 heroic strikes.
Can't promise anything in the near future, but I think you guys will enjoy the chapter of my book that I'm working on right now!
Haven't heard anything new. What I do know is that Bungie has a lot of incentive to make sure it comes out this year.September book and maybe D2 Hype!
Is D2 still looking good for Fall 2017 (September)? Or bumped into 2018?
Haven't heard anything new. What I do know is that Bungie has a lot of incentive to make sure it comes out this year.
Haven't heard anything new. What I do know is that Bungie has a lot of incentive to make sure it comes out this year.
I need something-anything!
I tried starting Battlefield 1 last night to see if I can curb my Destiny addiction. I did horribly, was frustrated and had no fun. I need a new game, but nothing else plays smooth as butter like Destiny.
In the next three months alone we're getting Persona 5, Mass Effect, Zelda...
Haven't heard anything new. What I do know is that Bungie has a lot of incentive to make sure it comes out this year.
But it seems like any of the last three levels (for class/ability/attribute modifiers) of my voidwalker skill tree would drop my agility/strength/armor considerably. I honestly don't understand what they're for if it seems like they would affect the character. I have enough trouble platforming as it is without a heavy penalty to my agility.Levelling up the subclasses is the most grind-y thing you can do (the last few nodes take an awful lot of XP). It's worth it. I use the last three perks on my voidwalker all the time in conjunction with Nothing Manacles for limitless grenades (divine order has nothing to do with that, but I have it equipped most of the time anyway).
Yes, pretty much all of my items/weapons at this point have infusion (and I constantly use it when I like the weapon/item). The problem is that this rocket launcher doesn't have infusion, and I like it a lot. High rate of fire, can fire three rockets before reloading. Even the 350 level one that I'm looking into has a lower rate of fire with no option for leveling it up.Do you know about infusion? Any blue heavy you get that's at your current light level can be put into the launcher you like that's below 300, which ought to make your light level advancement go a lot quicker since you won't have that boat anchor (since light level of drops/decryption are based on your overall light level and your heavy's level is 12% of that).
But it seems like any of the last three levels (for class/ability/attribute modifiers) of my voidwalker skill tree would drop my agility/strength/armor considerably. I honestly don't understand what they're for if it seems like they would affect the character. I have enough trouble platforming as it is without a heavy penalty to my agility.
I hope Destiny 2 doesn't pull an RE6. Having too many people work on it could be a bad thing. And because of so many other games to play I don't mind if they take more time to make it a better game. 2017 is filled with game of the year releases.
I hope Destiny 2 doesn't pull an RE6. Having too many people work on it could be a bad thing. And because of so many other games to play I don't mind if they take more time to make it a better game. 2017 is filled with game of the year releases.
That's honestly a concern of mine, too. When you have so many people working on a game, I hope it doesn't turn into a case of too many cooks in the kitchen, so to speak.
I need something-anything!
I tried starting Battlefield 1 last night to see if I can curb my Destiny addiction. I did horribly, was frustrated and had no fun. I need a new game, but nothing else plays smooth as butter like Destiny.
When is Activision's earnings report? Maybe we'll learn something there lol.
To be honest I'm not interested in min-maxing or anything like that, but I'm not interested in severely affecting my character either. Like, I see a bunch of red downgrades when I hover over those options. Why would I want that?
Yes, pretty much all of my items/weapons at this point have infusion (and I constantly use it when I like the weapon/item). The problem is that this rocket launcher doesn't have infusion, and I like it a lot. High rate of fire, can fire three rockets before reloading. Even the 350 level one that I'm looking into has a lower rate of fire with no option for leveling it up.
No I'm pretty much done with Destiny except for IB every now and then.Are you down to snipe Datto?
I need Nightfall if is not late.Anyone for another nightfall in the next hour?
PSN: Toff74
I need Nightfall if is not late.
I can help a quick run or two.Yeap... we needs another guy
I was finishing a strike.
Yeap... we needs another guy
I was finishing a strike.