I missed the first part of the stream. Anyone have a quick recap?
HCs are back, Special Ammo is gone after each death, special crates every 60 seconds
They nerfed Arc Blade, my mind is shattered. It's comfortably the shittest super in the game.
Watching them play at the end explains everything
Lmao. I'll give it a month until the special changes are reverted like there last failed experiment. Trials will be all HC - Ice Breaker/Invective as no one is going to risk losing one round then have to wait 60 seconds for ammo
NLB will be abused as well. I was so hopefully after all the no nerfs shit but as we saw they're playing a different game
Are only the high damage auto-rifles getting buffed? not the mid- impact ones?
They didn't announce any changes to that archetype; why would you pick it over Hawksaw and friends?
Lmao. I'll give it a month until the special changes are reverted like there last failed experiment.
they did. faster rate of fire
Since they killed my Grasp, is hawksaw effected?
Faster ROF for the next damage tier up. Parthian, Lyudmila...
Move on to TTK stuff and follow the quests that direct you to certain missions
I'm an idiot on archetypes. Is their a compilation of guns that just became great to have?
I see Nirwens mentioned above.
I'm an idiot on archetypes. Is there a compilation of guns that just became great to have?
I see Nirwens mentioned above.
Move on to TTK stuff and follow the quests that direct you to certain missions
Most of us have been with the game since the beginning. Bungie has never really done any changes which the majority liked. History repeats itself.
Word, I'll continue to stay away from this shit
> bring back ice breaker & place it behind nightfall bounty rng
> fuck up the special ammo economy so everyone wants an ice breaker
> ???
> profit
good thing I have an Ice Breaker
unless we really care about doing literally everything we can skip most of the TTK quests correct?