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Destiny |OT44| A Community in Discord

With a little bit of creativity, Bungie could come up with a worthy mm substitute. They practically created mm back with H2, right?

Just off the top of my head, all they have to do is have one player start a raid lobby, set some parameters (checkpoint start, min light, etc) and then people can search for that lobby. Server browsers have been in games for decades, this is not a new thing. Then the players begin once they all ready up or the host begins. Once in the raid, if at any point someone leaves, the host can bring everyone to orbit and the host can then 'repost' the server. Essentially putting it back in the search.

Its really that simple. And thats just off the top of my head. Bungie could easily make a proper system that accounts for players having a good time whether its their first time in the raid or their 100th.

An in-game browser isn't a bad idea but it's not going to solve the issue of time. Allowing for parameters just serves to gate the content moreso than it is now. (LFM WOTM Normal LL400 must have previously cleared... Then you join to find the leader has LL 390 and never played the raid and doesnt know strats etc...).

This isn't just supposition. It's literally already happened a LOT in other games. This is why I said there is no perfect solution. It is *not* easy to implement a system for Raid grouping that has everyone happy. It's never been done. So it's really up to Bungie to pick whichever evil they feel best suits their game and hope it works out. Given that we're on Y3, and Destiny 2 is on the way, what they have now seems to be doing pretty good.
I don't get the argument against adding raid MM. I used to be heavily against it because of how complicated some of the raid mechanics can be but now in year 3 when most people who are still playing this game pretty much know how all the raids work. I think as someone mentioned, it would have been a great idea for them to test it out for D2 while deploying this update on the 28th. I mean why not? Atleast add it for Nightfalls and since they are most likely bringing POE to current LL, add it for that.

I personally wouldn't use MM for end game since DGAF and 100.io have been very awesome with getting groups, but why not give the option ? A great idea for Destiny 2 would be adding an in game LFG system in the tower and I feel Bungie could make a LFG system that's pretty fucking good too. I have a feeling we will see something like that in D2.

IMO testing out MM for end game activities with Destiny at its current state wouldn't be hurting anyone. It would certainly help for D2 because Bungie can see what works and what doesn't.
The argument against matchmaking comes from people playing other games with Raids in them and seeing first hand what happens when matchmaking is added. People rage quit on failure and/or the content gets nerfed when it doesn't need to be.

The argument for matchmaking is primarily "I don't have a steady group and don't want to put in outside effort to find one but I want to play and beat the hardest content in the game."

Neither side is perfect but one thing that happens regardless is that when the community has content on farm, people get bored and quit. Matchmaking the content has a higher chance of rage quits or nerf. Rage quits are always a bad thing and nerfing results in content on farm faster.
Why not just have an option? It's not like premade groups will ever have to deal with random.


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
ummm where can I view the age of triumph reveal online? I missed it yesterday
Why not just have an option? It's not like premade groups will ever have to deal with random.

Because perception is a double edged sword. The most powerful marketing is word of mouth. Have enough bad experiences and you will talk about how bad a time you're having. Enough people do that and the playerbase evaporates. Also something commonly seen in MMO's which largely do gangbusters on launch and die out if the endgame is too easy, too hard, or bugged to shit.

Think about all the times you've been annoyed at Crucible due to teammates. Now instead of a 10-20 minute activity that you can get a fresh start on again immediately afterward, change that to an hour or more long investment that falls apart and due to lockouts you can't start fresh again until next week. Imagine how much more upsetting that is.

Kill one boss, fail 2 or 3 times (or more) on second boss. 2 people rage quit. Now you have to refill. But who wants to join a partially cleared Raid run?

Player browsing/matchmaking sees/joins a partial clear. Maybe they need replacements because someone had a legit reason to leave but far more likely is that they failed and had quitters. Was it the quitters bringing them down or the people who stayed? No idea. But should I commit my lockout to finding out? Nah. Just run a fresh one instead.

You've also got the "I only want one specific drop from this run" types who have no reason to join if the boss they want is down and no reason to stay once the boss they want killed. Etc... And so on...

All this stuff leads to a ton of players being frustrated and there's nothing a Dev can do to fix this frustration because its source is player interaction. Banning cuts profit potential and risk Dev reputation so it's a last ditch/worst case response.

This stuff is complex and most people never bother to consider the complexities. They don't care. They just want what they want. Give it to them or else. And if they don't like it when they get it, fix that too or else. It's not at all easy to balance this stuff.
good post

Not to mention, with random players you can't say when the fireteam leader may kick you out to get someone else in, or be a griefer who kicks people right before the loot drop.

If they disable kick option, then you're stuck with bad/afk players and can't kick them for a certain amount of time.

In a nutshell, the issues from having in-game raid mm far outweigh the ones from not having it.


I don't get the argument against adding raid MM. I used to be heavily against it because of how complicated some of the raid mechanics can be but now in year 3 when most people who are still playing this game pretty much know how all the raids work. I think as someone mentioned, it would have been a great idea for them to test it out for D2 while deploying this update on the 28th. I mean why not? Atleast add it for Nightfalls and since they are most likely bringing POE to current LL, add it for that.

I personally wouldn't use MM for end game since DGAF and 100.io have been very awesome with getting groups, but why not give the option ? A great idea for Destiny 2 would be adding an in game LFG system in the tower and I feel Bungie could make a LFG system that's pretty fucking good too. I have a feeling we will see something like that in D2.

IMO testing out MM for end game activities with Destiny at its current state wouldn't be hurting anyone. It would certainly help for D2 because Bungie can see what works and what doesn't.

I'm all for it. I haven't played many MMOs/MMO type games, but FFXIV would eventually add raid matchmaking after the raid has existed for some time. FFXIV and Destiny are very different types of games. But as an example, I joined a WOTM regular Sherpa last Sunday with my brother. Two people knew the mechanics, the other 4 brand new. We beat it. That would never happen in FFXIV raids. Ever. They require different skill sets being different games, but I would consider FFXIV harder. You need the same group practicing on a regular basis to have a shot at beating FFXIV raids, even after all the mechanics of the raid have been figured out. And they have matchmaking.

So why not?
With a little bit of creativity, Bungie could come up with a worthy mm substitute. They practically created mm back with H2, right?

Just off the top of my head, all they have to do is have one player start a raid lobby, set some parameters (checkpoint start, min light, etc) and then people can search for that lobby. Server browsers have been in games for decades, this is not a new thing. Then the players begin once they all ready up or the host begins. Once in the raid, if at any point someone leaves, the host can bring everyone to orbit and the host can then 'repost' the server. Essentially putting it back in the search.

Its really that simple. And thats just off the top of my head. Bungie could easily make a proper system that accounts for players having a good time whether its their first time in the raid or their 100th.

Is be fine if they included a lobby system as well. But Im sure people would be against that too. Having a lobby system where you can name your group, set requirements, and choose the content to do would be great.

Matchmaking is the nuclear option(if some people are to be believed) apparently, so having a lobby system is a better option.

And yeah, MM for raids in an online game is nothing new. Its just that most Destiny fans think their raids are the hardest ever.


They need LFG in-game, not matchmaking.

Other games like WoW that have matchmade raids, the matchmade version of raids are a lower difficulty and are simplified/redesigned to accomodate matchmaking. You can still only play the full version by going in with a manually made raid group.

Final Fantasy is absolutely a different case (and WoW) as well, because they require a monthly subscription to play. That mentally creates more of an investment into wanting to learn the deeper mechanics of the game already. But the raid groups are also larger and if one person is faffing off they won't break the raid if 18 other people are there.

I think the closest you would or should see in Destiny is Strikified Raids, where there's strikes that go through parts of the raid redesigned for the usual 3-person fireteam, sort of a tourist version of the raid.

Also, Destiny is on par with raid completion rates with other MMOs.
I'm all for it. I haven't played many MMOs/MMO type games, but FFXIV would eventually add raid matchmaking after the raid has existed for some time. FFXIV and Destiny are very different types of games. But as an example, I joined a WOTM regular Sherpa last Sunday with my brother. Two people knew the mechanics, the other 4 brand new. We beat it. That would never happen in FFXIV raids. Ever. They require different skill sets being different games, but I would consider FFXIV harder. You need the same group practicing on a regular basis to have a shot at beating FFXIV raids, even after all the mechanics of the raid have been figured out. And they have matchmaking.

So why not?

You're correct that MMOs are more complex a require better player synergy but you overestimte the skill level of the average player of any game. There's a reason why most people never complete the games they buy and why MP is most often the key to a games longevity. Little time investment and no pre-requisites barring entry. Raids by nature are counter to both those things.

Is be fine if they included a lobby system as well. But Im sure people would be against that too. Having a lobby system where you can name your group, set requirements, and choose the content to do would be great.

Matchmaking is the nuclear option(if some people are to be believed) apparently, so having a lobby system is a better option.

And yeah, MM for raids in an online game is nothing new. Its just that most Destiny fans think their raids are the hardest ever.

Not that the raids are so incredibly hard but that player skill across the playerbase as a whole isn't as high as you think it is. Raid completions in any game are incredibly low across the board.

To put it in PvP standards Raids are to Trials as Nightfalls are to Iron Banner.

Except it's harder to carry a raid due to individual requirements and party numbers.


The updated Knight design for CE looks dizzity dank



Mrs. Harvey
There should be an option for MM. But at the same time don't dumb down raids for it. Let the randoms suffer. It's kinda like Twitch plays Pokemon. Everybody for themselves. If they are more serious about it then they would look for non randoms.
There should be an option for MM. But at the same time don't dumb down raids for it. Let the randoms suffer. It's kinda like Twitch plays Pokemon. Everybody for themselves. If they are more serious about it then they would look for non randoms.
This is how I feel about it honestly.

I don't buy into the argument against (that to open it up to MM would have impacted on the playerbase). Gated content is more of a frustration speaking as someone who primarily plays solo.

Anyone with a bit of sense can quickly realise the pitfalls but the reticence to give people a choice is based on flawed logic. I really hope that sort of condescending design isn't as pervasive in D2.

I can understand the opposition to opening raids up to MM but when I can solo the Nightfall and POE routinely, Bungie's gone dun goofed on other activities (open that shit up). I'd also like to see Trials MM for the same reason as raids. You're not taking anything away from the existing player base by giving the average player the OPTION to participate.
Without knowing Bungie's network infrastructure, it might not be that simple. There could be multiple reasons why they can't get it to work in the current version of Destiny. On a technical level.

With all the rumours of how Destiny's engine is a pain to deal with, I wouldn't be surprised if the network code they have in place, for strikes, can't be expanded for Raids without breaking Destiny. Which could be why they never implemented it.

I highly doubt that for one reason. Back when weekly strikes were first introduced in Y1, they had no matchmaking. One week the added mm to them. They can surely add and subtract mm at a whim. Now as far as server browser goes, well that is different. But really how much different is it than joining your friends fire team? If you can select a friend from your roster and join them, I don't see any reason you cant select a random from a list and join their fire team. I have a very small amount of game dev knowledge and I don't think it would be too much of a stretch.

An in-game browser isn't a bad idea but it's not going to solve the issue of time. Allowing for parameters just serves to gate the content moreso than it is now. (LFM WOTM Normal LL400 must have previously cleared... Then you join to find the leader has LL 390 and never played the raid and doesnt know strats etc...).

This isn't just supposition. It's literally already happened a LOT in other games. This is why I said there is no perfect solution. It is *not* easy to implement a system for Raid grouping that has everyone happy. It's never been done. So it's really up to Bungie to pick whichever evil they feel best suits their game and hope it works out. Given that we're on Y3, and Destiny 2 is on the way, what they have now seems to be doing pretty good.

Its as easy as the game looking at the hosts LL and saying they cant restrict above their own (a 370 can't say: 371+). Also Bungie could have a cap. Say the raid is 390, you cant go higher than a 390 cap. (Can't say: must be 391+). Youre limiting yourself. Bungie can be as crteative as needed on this.

Because perception is a double edged sword. The most powerful marketing is word of mouth. Have enough bad experiences and you will talk about how bad a time you're having. Enough people do that and the playerbase evaporates. Also something commonly seen in MMO's which largely do gangbusters on launch and die out if the endgame is too easy, too hard, or bugged to shit.

Think about all the times you've been annoyed at Crucible due to teammates. Now instead of a 10-20 minute activity that you can get a fresh start on again immediately afterward, change that to an hour or more long investment that falls apart and due to lockouts you can't start fresh again until next week. Imagine how much more upsetting that is.

Kill one boss, fail 2 or 3 times (or more) on second boss. 2 people rage quit. Now you have to refill. But who wants to join a partially cleared Raid run?

Player browsing/matchmaking sees/joins a partial clear. Maybe they need replacements because someone had a legit reason to leave but far more likely is that they failed and had quitters. Was it the quitters bringing them down or the people who stayed? No idea. But should I commit my lockout to finding out? Nah. Just run a fresh one instead.

You've also got the "I only want one specific drop from this run" types who have no reason to join if the boss they want is down and no reason to stay once the boss they want killed. Etc... And so on...

All this stuff leads to a ton of players being frustrated and there's nothing a Dev can do to fix this frustration because its source is player interaction. Banning cuts profit potential and risk Dev reputation so it's a last ditch/worst case response.

This stuff is complex and most people never bother to consider the complexities. They don't care. They just want what they want. Give it to them or else. And if they don't like it when they get it, fix that too or else. It's not at all easy to balance this stuff.

How is anything you're saying different than how it is now, except through a 3rd party site/LFG?

Who wants to join a partially cleared raid run? Um... a lot of people. Anyone who has already cleared everything before that checkpoint or anyone who wants to do the later half of the raid.

Was it the quitters bringing them down or the people who stayed? No idea. But should I commit my lockout to finding out? Nah. Just run a fresh one instead. No one gives a shit about this. How many LFG runs have you had on Destiny? If I want to just run final boss, I don't care. I join a CP that is on final boss. Why run an entire fresh raid if you already have the loot from 75% of it or you only want the final boss loot?

You've also got the "I only want one specific drop from this run" types who have no reason to join if the boss they want is down and no reason to stay once the boss they want killed. Etc... And so on... Again, how is this different from LFG? Who cares if someone only want to join at final boss. Or only want to do 1st bos for loot/challenge, then they leave? People already do this in LFG. How is an ingame LFG any different?

Idk man, you just seem to be saying, 'it wont work so dont even try' instead of actually trying to think of ways to make it work. LFG on a 3rd party site works. LFG in game, would therefore work, and be better since its in game.
I highly doubt that for one reason. Back when weekly strikes were first introduced in Y1, they had no matchmaking. One week the added mm to them. They can surely add and subtract mm at a whim. Now as far as server browser goes, well that is different. But really how much different is it than joining your friends fire team? If you can select a friend from your roster and join them, I don't see any reason you cant select a random from a list and join their fire team. I have a very small amount of game dev knowledge and I don't think it would be too much of a stretch.

Its as easy as the game looking at the hosts LL and saying they cant restrict above their own (a 370 can't say: 371+). Also Bungie could have a cap. Say the raid is 390, you cant go higher than a 390 cap. (Can't say: must be 391+). Youre limiting yourself. Bungie can be as crteative as needed on this.

You're talking about ideas that seem simple but implementing them takes technical execution and THAT is what is outside the realm of our knowledge.

This is the same game that reportedly takes nearly 24 hrs to compile something as simple as a moved rock in the environment. And you're talking about implementing complex additions to what must already be a complex MM system (we know it compares regions and player skill amongst whatever else). We don't know that it's easy at all. We don't know if they tried it and it broke something else.

It's not nearly as quick and easy as you want to think it is.
You're talking about ideas that seem simple but implementing them takes technical execution and THAT is what is outside the realm of our knowledge.

This is the same game that reportedly takes nearly 24 hrs to compile something as simple as a moved rock in the environment. And you're talking about implementing complex additions to what must already be a complex MM system (we know it compares regions and player skill amongst whatever else). We don't know that it's easy at all. We don't know if they tried it and it broke something else.

It's not nearly as quick and easy as you want to think it is.

I never said D1. I was speaking in general. With D1 coming to a close it would be pretty pointless to put any of this in. D2 on the other hand should have an ingame LFG system. I was merely playing devils advocate to all the people who say theres no way possible for Destiny (as a franchise) to have any kind of mm in raids. I personally think a straight up mm option isn't going to cut it, and thats why I support a server browser/LFG option.

I know its not quick and easy. Like I said I have a small amount of game dev knowledge and I know how far that rabbit hole goes once you look into it. I am however saying that these mechanincs (server browser) have been a staple in multiplayer matchmaking for decades and Bungie doesn't have to completely reinvent the wheel here. But they could RELATIVELY easily set it up. It is not a big to do. The game already supports joining friends and randoms.
I never said D1. I was speaking in general. With D1 coming to a close it would be pretty pointless to put any of this in. D2 on the other hand should have an ingame LFG system. I was merely playing devils advocate to all the people who say theres no way possible for Destiny (as a franchise) to have any kind of mm in raids. I personally think a straight up mm option isn't going to cut it, and thats why I support a server browser/LFG option.

I know its not quick and easy. Like I said I have a small amount of game dev knowledge and I know how far that rabbit hole goes once you look into it. I am however saying that these mechanincs (server browser) have been a staple in multiplayer matchmaking for decades and Bungie doesn't have to completely reinvent the wheel here. But they could RELATIVELY easily set it up. It is not a big to do. The game already supports joining friends and randoms.

The problem with Devil's Advocate positions is that it's usually based on suppositions or assumptions. The opposing position is citing evidence from previous games that have attempted these things and the DA counter is, "Yeah but maybe not this time" or "It's easy and everyone would love it" with nothing to support the stance.

They may do a browser or MM or who knows what else going forward. Who knows? What I'm saying and what I've been saying is that each idea for an in-game grouping system for Raids has its drawbacks and a lot of these drawbacks have a more negative influence on the playerbase than not having a MM/LFG system.
The problem with Devil's Advocate positions is that it's usually based on suppositions or assumptions. The opposing position is citing evidence from previous games that have attempted these things and the DA counter is, "Yeah but maybe not this time" or "It's easy and everyone would love it" with nothing to support the stance.

They may do a browser or MM or who knows what else going forward. Who knows? What I'm saying and what I've been saying is that each idea for an in-game grouping system for Raids has its drawbacks and a lot of these drawbacks have a more negative influence on the playerbase than not having a MM/LFG system.

Thats the thing. It has support. We already have LFG. We already know how it works. Do you really think putting it ingame changes anything for the worse? I have no idea how often or how many raids youve played, I can only speak for myself. But I've found groups on LFG, this forum, the DGAF Discord, and groups partially made up of IRL friends. So the question is: how does connecting with randoms on a server browser ingame differ from connecting to randoms on a forum, discord, or LFG site? How is that connection worse than the current ways of connecting with people?

What drawbacks could you possibly have from an ingame LFG, when 90% of people who raid already use a 3rd party LFG?


A key point is even if the engine supports a switch and the raids can matchmake, you'd have to redesign the entire raid because so much of it would be griefable by MM randos. Matchmaking has a direct effect on encounter design.

One of the reasons the entrance of the VoG is the way it is. Not only did they have a lower entity limit because it also existed in patrol, they had to make the opening of the Vault ungriefable, which limited what they could do.
A key point is even if the engine supports a switch and the raids can matchmake, you'd have to redesign the entire raid because so much of it would be griefable by MM randos. Matchmaking has a direct effect on encounter design.

One of the reasons the entrance of the VoG is the way it is. Not only did they have a lower entity limit because it also existed in patrol, they had to make the opening of the Vault ungriefable, which limited what they could do.

What does this mean?


Lack of a vault space increase is disappointing, but if we can't take it with us to D2 I don't really see the problem. Time to clear out my old Raid gear sets.
Thats the thing. It has support. We already have LFG. We already know how it works. Do you really think putting it ingame changes anything for the worse? I have no idea how often or how many raids youve played, I can only speak for myself. But I've found groups on LFG, this forum, the DGAF Discord, and groups partially made up of IRL friends. So the question is: how does connecting with randoms on a server browser ingame differ from connecting to randoms on a forum, discord, or LFG site? How is that connection worse than the current ways of connecting with people?

What drawbacks could you possibly have from an ingame LFG, when 90% of people who raid already use a 3rd party LFG?

Putting it in game definitely changes it. Out of the game you have to put in effort to go to the site and express interest. In game it's just pressing some buttons. You absolutely will see people sign up that have no clue what to do and in some cases no idea what they signed up for.

It's also a fact of human nature that the more effort a person has to put in for something, the more important the result becomes. Its a marginal difference in going outside of the game but you can bet that if it's enough that outside sources aren't *easy* enough, then inside sources will result in people caring less. Which leads to more poor attitudes, rage quits, trolling, etc...
Putting it in game definitely changes it. Out of the game you have to put in effort to go to the site and express interest. In game it's just pressing some buttons. You absolutely will see people sign up that have no clue what to do and in some cases no idea what they signed up for.

It's also a fact of human nature that the more effort a person has to put in for something, the more important the result becomes. Its a marginal difference in going outside of the game but you can bet that if it's enough that outside sources aren't *easy* enough, then inside sources will result in people caring less. Which leads to more poor attitudes, rage quits, trolling, etc...

Sure that can happen, but don't you think most players will want to actually play the content? Your average player will have already done everything in game before they do the raid. So by time they get to the raid, they are taking the game pretty seriously. So wouldn't most players give it a real chance? People rage quit from LFG raids all the time. I don't see that many trolls in raids, but I'm sure it happens. Poor attitudes... who cares as long as you finish the content.

I personally want an in game LFG. If you really think the game will suffer that much from it, then theres nothing I can say.
"Q: Will there be any increase to Vault Space?

A: No. The following Collections added in previous Destiny Updates were the final storage solutions implemented for Destiny 1:
Exotic Weapons
Exotic Armor
Holiday Items
Abandoned Quests"

Lame as fuck.

What is the point of grinding this new content if I can't even keep the things I've already earned in tandem. We're talking about a game where armour sets have perk variations, come oooooonnnn. I'm going to guess it's an engine constraint?


Lame as fuck.

What is the point of grinding this new content if I can't even keep the things I've already earned in tandem. We're talking about a game where armour sets have perk variations, come oooooonnnn. I'm going to guess it's an engine constraint?

I'm guessing since we're going to a separate new title the existing game is working with super budgeted man hours. One of the guys on stream said he usually did raid design but was also working on UI for this release as well.

Which means no new actual features, or 'deep' code work. Same reason that No Land Beyond's twitch glitch won't be fixed. Requires deep code change but now Destiny 1's code branch is getting ready to be mothballed.
Sure that can happen, but don't you think most players will want to actually play the content? Your average player will have already done everything in game before they do the raid. So by time they get to the raid, they are taking the game pretty seriously. So wouldn't most players give it a real chance? People rage quit from LFG raids all the time. I don't see that many trolls in raids, but I'm sure it happens. Poor attitudes... who cares as long as you finish the content.

I personally want an in game LFG. If you really think the game will suffer that much from it, then theres nothing I can say.

People will troll for the same reason they do elsewhere. Just to do it. There is precedent for everything I'm saying in a myriad of games that came well before Destiny. They will continue to do so afterwards. Because some people enjoy being jerks.
Im totally fine with them basically not giving a fuck about Destiny Uno anymore
Idont ;)
. I just want Destiny 2 to blow my socks off.

Please :(

Iv never had a problem with lfg in other games. Used it all the time in Guild wars 2. Good times.


Here's my same stance on in-game LFG:there should be in-game LFG for forming groups for raids, but there should not be matchmaking for raids. Huge difference in the quality of players you'd get from those.


Seeing what the update is

Including a achievement locked tshirt......that you have to pay for lol

I'll see you all in Destiny 2 GAF, I'll probably be more invested in the sequel as well as it's sounding to be pretty badass from everything we have seen so far from leaks and insiders

Sky Walker

So.. no Light Level increasing for AoT ? My vault is full of Exotic engrams so I think this is pointless as far as we know ? "no light increasing + all possible new or returning weapons are quest or raid related".
Will Xur ever sell Nemesis Star!!! UGH.

Also when the next event drops I'm hoping I can get a group of people to do HM WoM since I have not done it for the trophy.
Pop those 3oC regularly. There aren't that many exotic heavies that can decrypt from an engram

I never get a heavy engram and I rarely find a reason to hop on and grind for exotics right now. But I should stock up on 3oC before the update drops since I should be playing much more then.


So.. no Light Level increasing for AoT ? My vault is full of Exotic engrams so I think this is pointless as far as we know ? "no light increasing + all possible new or returning weapons are quest or raid related".

No light level increase. They said on stream they didn't want to move the chains again for people, this is basically "this version of the game is ending, everyone have fun now"


Lack of a vault space increase is disappointing, but if we can't take it with us to D2 I don't really see the problem. Time to clear out my old Raid gear sets.

I wonder, should I delete stuff now or post patch? I remember during Taken King, it was a big thing to save all your items to dismantle as soon as the patch hits for more items. (Legendary Marks+materials)
So, there won't be a light level increase to reputation rewards with the update?

No LL cap change, so stuff will drop according to your LL as it does now. The change is that stuff that drops from the remixed Raids will be current LL instead of the original LL.

Bungie said they didn't want players to grind another LL increase when right just to leave it behind for the next game.
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