Can we all just discuss the age old topic of matchmaking for a moment? Leave Raids out of it. Screw Raids.
Let's talk about everything else: Nightfall, Daily Story, Challenge of the Elders, all levels of Prison of Elders.
How is there even the slightest semblance of logic behind a single one of those not having optional matchmaking? The reason for it not existing in Raids is reasonable: they require too much communication and they are overly complicated. That isn't an issue with any of the activities I just listed.
Nightfall? I almost never use the mic on Nightfall. I use an LFG site three separate times each week just for the Nightfall. No one ever talks and the majority of the time, it goes fine. On top of that, you can unlock special super hard versions of strikes that are part of quest lines. ... And those do have matchmaking. They're harder than the Nightfall yet they have matchmaking.
Daily Story? Story missions just kind of suck on single player. And it's not as if Bungie wants us doing it alone since you can go into it with a Fireteam. I would do it all the time if I could just hop on with randoms real fast.
Challenge of the Elders? Prison of Elders 41 is longer and a bit more difficult and that has matchmaking. Using LFG, I did CotE on all three characters almost every single week from last spring up until Rise of Iron. 90% of the time, no one used a mic. It just made the process last longer because I needed to go back to LFG multiple times.
I don't think anything has frustrated me more in a game that I love as much as I love Destiny. It's completely illogical.
TIL I have 19 Wrecking Balls.
gotta love people kamikazing your dome i guess
The new record book is pretty great. Bungie really needs to keep doing those for D2.
I completely agree with you. Personally I think (puts spinfoil hat on) that they don't have mm because they WANT you to call your friend to get them to play. We all know peer pressure is one of the best ways to sell a game. How many people buy CoD because they 'just want to play with their friends' even when they could give a shit less about CoD? A shit ton. And if you're playing Destiny regularly, and you want to play end game content, you're going to naturally want to play with people you like more so than people you don't care about or no one at all. Thus you try to convince your friend to play. That's just the way I've always seen it. I honestly can't think of another reason why NF, PoE/CoE, or Daily Mission dont have mm.
It just feels like pure stubbornness. But they read the forums, they call out regular Crucible players and Reddit posters in the streams. They know matchmaking is needed.
So I do wonder if the terrible development tools that Kotaku has reported on make it difficult for them to implement? But honestly, after all this time that shouldn't be an issue.
Like I said a couple times in this thread, I would do the Daily Story all the time if it had matchmaking. It would be fun to wake up in the morning, do the Daily Crucible and the Daily Story, then go to work.
It just feels like pure stubbornness. But they read the forums, they call out regular Crucible players and Reddit posters in the streams. They know matchmaking is needed.
So I do wonder if the terrible development tools that Kotaku has reported on make it difficult for them to implement? But honestly, after all this time that shouldn't be an issue.
Like I said a couple times in this thread, I would do the Daily Story all the time if it had matchmaking. It would be fun to wake up in the morning, do the Daily Crucible and the Daily Story, then go to work.
I have always thought they could have a kiosk or social space within the world, where you could place an ad for other guardians to join you or join them in raids and nightfalls. Jesus didn't final fantasy on the PS2 have this?
That would make sense for Raids but for everything else? No bulletins needed, just simple matchmaking with option to turn off if you want to solo.
Another amazing update, complete with a new giant grind book! You get to grind for weapons you probably already had multiple times but were forcefully retired by Bungie so that they could incentivize you to grind for them again. The icing on the cake is that the only real attempt at new content is locked behind raids with no matchmaking. If Destiny 2 is anything like the last 1.5 years or so of Destiny 1 then consider me seriously deflated about it, and this is coming from someone who dumped 1500 hours into Destiny over the first year. I can't even remember what made me so excited about it at that time, although I suspect it was probably the fact that there were actual amazing weapons/armor that changed the gameplay significantly rather than having +/- 5 ammo capacity etc.
Another amazing update, complete with a new giant grind book! You get to grind for weapons you probably already had multiple times but were forcefully retired by Bungie so that they could incentivize you to grind for them again. The icing on the cake is that the only real attempt at new content is locked behind raids with no matchmaking. If Destiny 2 is anything like the last 1.5 years or so of Destiny 1 then consider me seriously deflated about it, and this is coming from someone who dumped 1500 hours into Destiny over the first year. I can't even remember what made me so excited about it at that time, although I suspect it was probably the fact that there were actual amazing weapons/armor that changed the gameplay significantly rather than having +/- 5 ammo capacity etc.
Edit: Yes, I'm cranky about it, grumble grumble grumble...
Welp I had 5 three of coins so I used one per match for 5 crucible matches. No good at all. I have the worst luck with the drops in this game.
*looks at vault*
So, what's the consensus on what Bungie showed yesterday? Cookery got in the way of Destinery and I wasn't able to watch the stream.
People complaining about lack of raid matchmaking...
*Bungle adds raid matchmaking*
People complaining about terrible team mates, AFK'ers, no mic'ers, laggy players, can't find a match, WTF bunlge fix this shit, who asked for raid matchmaking blah blah blah...
Will all pages of the book auto fill-in because we already did most of the stuff or just the story page?
Wait... did they add matchmaking for raids?
No they did not. Matchmaking in raids sounds like a horrible idea, only a very silly, inexperienced player would keep requesting it. Probably hoping that 99% of match-made raids turn out to be carrying them all the way. And what if the match-made team wipes once? Stupid newbies would immediately go to orbit and pick another match-made raid. No punishment.Wait... did they add matchmaking for raids?
My Destiny disc has never left my PS4 since three years ago. Took it out today and it's cleaner than anything.
People keep saying this
You won't know till they try. As is, matchmaking would be better for the game than not, until proven otherwise.
My Destiny disc has never left my PS4 since three years ago. Took it out today and it's cleaner than anything.
Anyone who thinks raids should have matchmaking either hasn't done many raids or hasn't tried to look at LFG for raids especially during the time they released. Even a couple months after a new raid can lfg be hard enough.
Raid matchmaking would create way more horrible experiences than good, by far. I'd say 99.9% bad.
Heck even relatively easy Siva Strike playlists are so hit and miss.
Y'all are straight trippin if you think raid matchmaking is a good idea. Get over that. Do yourself a favor and ask here or lfg. It isn't hard when a new (or in this case, remixed) raid comes out.
On average, it's like 1 exotic for 7 pvp games.
Just a rough avg because there are times you dont get anything for 15 games and then you can get 1 back to back.
Stock up when Xur comes on Friday.
As much as people like to say LFG is a cesspool, it is very efficient at getting you into a group fast.
What a completely baseless statement. Lol
Destiny is the last physical I ever bought. Destiny bundle. I've gone fully digital since then.
You mean just as baseless as people claiming otherwise? Yup.
The argument against matchmaking comes from people playing other games with Raids in them and seeing first hand what happens when matchmaking is added. People rage quit on failure and/or the content gets nerfed when it doesn't need to be.
The argument for matchmaking is primarily "I don't have a steady group and don't want to put in outside effort to find one but I want to play and beat the hardest content in the game."
Neither side is perfect but one thing that happens regardless is that when the community has content on farm, people get bored and quit. Matchmaking the content has a higher chance of rage quits or nerf. Rage quits are always a bad thing and nerfing results in content on farm faster.
Its really that simple. And thats just off the top of my head. Bungie could easily make a proper system that accounts for players having a good time whether its their first time in the raid or their 100th.