Iron Banner seems unpopular with my friend list. Most people are playing Raids, Strikes or Patrol. And for some reason people playing IB have their Fireteam joining closed so I can't even join in. Dunno what's going on.
Anyway, I went at it alone with randoms and did really well. Was the top scorer in my teams and won 5 of the 7 games last night. The games I lost in were really close. Went back to farming for Spirit Blooms which took a while and maxed out my Shadow Price.
I really want to get to Rank 2 before IB ends so I can get the Class Item. I guess playing with friends for it is gonna be a hassle if this keeps up tonight.
The rewards for it just aren't good enough to warrant wasting all your free time for a week to get to rank 3. I might try to get to rank 2 this weekend for the hunter cloak but nothing else is really worth the time IMO.