Twilight Gap
ladies and gentlemen, RNG
when Bungie implements trading i'll pass it to somebody.

when Bungie implements trading i'll pass it to somebody.
My word of advice, guys, is to not upgrade any weapons until Bungie releases the info on the changes.
Safe money is on waiting for nerfs. Even if the nerfs aren't bad, you can choose to upgrade after or not. If you invest your shards now, you could be boned.
ladies and gentlemen, RNG
when Bungie implements trading i'll pass it to somebody.
I think this is so dumb. Sorry. It's just a game, enjoy what you can while you can.
Waste of energy? So be it. You can get more eventually.
Raid Hard... I got shards, shards, shards, a Helmet and...
Found the all black legendary shader called The Revenant. (Exotic chest piece cant be colored all black)
Got it from rank 11 dead orbit.
My goodness the damn Invective shotgun has an insane range!
Thats one way to look at it. Others like to plan ahead, and not "waste" time upgrading something only to have it become weaker later.
Anyone have the atheon checkpoint on hard so we can cheese it?
Nerfs and buffs. Planning ahead for unknown chaos is a waste of time.
Yup. ADS is crazy on it. Pretty sure that's gonna get nerfed
Beat the Raid for the first time wooot, got chatterwhite and bond and shards/energies![]()
The best part was reaching the checkpoint after dieenjoy the speeder.
gave me a bunch of ass, cloak again, mythoclast again, and finally the raid boots. i can unplug my rabbit feet from the USB drive now.
good job to our group, fig especially for rocking it with the relic.
icebreaker really makes a big difference.
I sure hope they have something planned besides Iron Bummer and Queen's Crap.
ladies and gentlemen, RNG
when Bungie implements trading i'll pass it to somebody.
Wtf Bungie? I was looking forward to IB since launch. I'm only level 27, but I wanted it to be difficult to kill level 30s.I've read through it and thought to same. It's hypocrisy.
"We want you to gather 6 powerful friends to do the VoG. But we won't enable matchmaking cause it's for the hardcore!"
"Iron Banner is for the hardcore player. But we're going to standardize all the gear levels anyway and tell you that skill is the REAL power, whilst shooing away those videos where level 4 guardians do the same damage as a level 29 guardian."
Good god.
And this part-
Yeah uhm...they get REDUCED crucible marks, reduced XP, and gear has a much, much smaller chance at appearing in the loot table.
Nope. It really isn't that much different. Just another grind for gear that is easily replaceable for gear that you can already get from a faction you leveled.
gonna be doing the nightfall again on my alt. anyone who hasn't done it is free to join.
PS4 ID: Twilight_Gap
Agree. To quote P.J. O'rourke, "it is better to spend money like there's no tomorrow then to spend tonight like there's no money."Nerfs and buffs. Planning ahead for unknown chaos is a waste of time.
Would have sex for 4 strange coins. Willing to fulfill fantasies.
Wtf Bungie? I was looking forward to IB since launch. I'm only level 27, but I wanted it to be difficult to kill level 30s.
The way we pitched Iron Banner did make it sound like a “no-holds-barred” playlist. In reality, we delivered what we felt would be a competitive experience for everyone, not just players at the level cap. The reaction from players seems to be: “No, we want it to be bad for lower-level players. That’s the point!”
A decked-out endgame Guardian can’t defeat a low-level guardian with one shot from an Auto-Rifle. In fact, “time-to-kill” is the same when you’re using higher-level gear against lower-level gear. The opposite is not true, so an enemy with average weapons is going to have a harder time taking you out.
last call for nightfall!
Word on the street is that next weekend Xur is having a special. Buy one The Last Word, get a Vex Mythoclast for free.
On a serious note, anyone get other than boots and the ppistol to drop in IB yet, as in their specific gear?
I'll do another nightfall but my alt is only 26...
A decked-out endgame Guardian cant defeat a low-level guardian with one shot from an Auto-Rifle. In fact, time-to-kill is the same when youre using higher-level gear against lower-level gear. The opposite is not true, so an enemy with average weapons is going to have a harder time taking you out.
Sooo I've bought 5 exotic helm engrams in total and got 3 Hunter and 2 Titan helmets...I play Warlock.
Really holding out for a week with exotic weapon engrams. Already have 2 of the 3 exotic helmets for my class, so doesn't seem like a great idea for me. That's another option if you really need shards though, yeah.