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Destiny |OT7| "In the Garden of Suros" by I. Ron Banner

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rdrr gnr

I sure hope they have something planned besides Iron Bummer and Queen's Crap.

Not sure for how much longer I will trudge on, I definitely don't play as much or as often as I used to. They need to add more PVP modes FFS, immediately, and release the balance patch so that more than two weapons types are viable.
Trials of Osiris is next, I believe.
If you think that's bad...

I got ONE mote of light for hitting crucible rank 4.
That's exactly what I got.
Disappointment in regards to the information on Iron Banner?

In the long run of Bungie Weekly Updates, this one wasn't all that different from what their other weekly updates for the past ten years or so.

the lack of information rather. personally didn't feel like i walked out of that knowing anything i didn't already read or infer, and i don't appear to be alone in that sentiment.

I prefered urk's updates.


Iron Banner is a joke.
I did a fair bit of Queens stuff because the chance of legendary gear was there.

I am not grinding another rep for shitty gear I already have, and I still cant see any difference in "power".

I do the same damage to level 8s and level 30s, at 28.

You cant advertise it as "power matters" then not have power matter.

The weekly update is a joke and tells us nothing.

This coupled with all the d/c's I get, its becoming difficult to keep playing.


And what the fuck is that, pray?

3v3 PVP tournament. Keep winning to get higher ranks or something, lose too much and you have to buy your way back in, sounds fun. 3v3 is where this game's PVP shines anyways, should have been the focus from the get go.


I got a second Timur's Lash after having a great match in Iron Banner with the first.


This one has additional damage after a kill rather than additional damage after reloading after a kill. Better.

I sharded the first forgetting they don't give ascendant mats after. Argh.


Just got Proxima Centuri II (Scout Rifle) for ranking up the Vanguard but I've been using an almost fully upgraded The Calling...

Should I keep the new one or dismantle for mats?

Perks for the new Rifle to speak of is Field Scout. Firefly and extra damage on The Calling
My word of advice, guys, is to not upgrade any weapons until Bungie releases the info on the changes.

Well upgrading weapons is fine, just don't spend too ascendant energy on stuff you know might get a debuff. So AR's are one. Scout Rifles are definitely getting a buff though, but we don't know how much.

Just got Proxima Centuri II (Scout Rifle) for ranking up the Vanguard but I've been using an almost fully upgraded The Calling...

Should I keep the new one or dismantle for mats?

Perks for the new Rifle to speak of is Field Scout. Firefly and extra damage on The Calling

I have the same gun with shittier perks. Haven't upgraded it yet, might start soon and see how it compares to my other legendary scout rifle, the Crypt dweller.


Any and all hate is deserved. Iron Banner is garbage just like the Queen was garbage.

Protip: next "event" will be garbage.

Next event is called 'Collectathon'.

"We know you guys love to collect things, so take part in this great new 'event'. Kill 10,000 fallen for thingamabobs and combine them with 4,000 Relic Iron to become legend."

rdrr gnr

And what the fuck is that, pray?
3v3 tournament where you "buy in" with motes of light. Consecutive wins means better prizes while each loss gets you closer to elimination. Unique gear and weapons along with extra ascendant materials. I probably won't be playing the game by the time that rolls around.


3v3 PVP tournament. Keep winning to get higher ranks or something, lose too much and you have to buy your way back in, sounds fun. 3v3 is where this game's PVP shines anyways, should have been the focus from the get go.

Okay, more TDM. That sure will bring in some variety to what's already there. I already experienced something similar with Uncharted 3's tournament tickets. I wonder if they will monetize them here as well.

I saw the list of weapons that will be available in TOS. It's crap nobody but newbies could want.


I got a second Timur's Lash after having a great match in Iron Banner with the first.


This one has additional damage after a kill rather than additional damage after reloading after a kill. Better.

I sharded the first forgetting they don't give ascendant mats after. Argh.

When does IB gear start to drop? Rank 1, 2, or 3?

E92 M3

Well upgrading weapons is fine, just don't spend too ascendant energy on stuff you know might get a debuff. So AR's are one. Scout Rifles are definitely getting a buff though, but we don't know how much.

I have the same gun with shittier perks. Haven't upgraded it yet, might start soon and see how it compares to my other legendary scout rifle, the Crypt dweller.

Yeah - that's what I meant. The ascended energy expenditure.


Got another pocket infinity bounty and leveled up Vanguard again. Got Dr Nope. Is the gun worth it?


Okay, more TDM. That sure will bring in some variety to what's already there. I already experienced something similar with Uncharted 3's tournament tickets. I wonder if they will monetize them here as well.

I saw the list of weapons that will be available in TOS. It's crap nobody but newbies could want.

I believe Fat of All Fools is tied to Osiris...


Found the all black legendary shader called The Revenant. (Exotic chest piece cant be colored all black)

Got it from rank 11 dead orbit.


Well the update killed my love for this game. Just repeat garbage that someday this game will be better and someday we will know what that means.

Hopefully they can get me back with a patch next week or something.


Is it really so hard to be concise and to the point? Had to skim through a novel of nonsense this guy wrote just to find the information that's actually relevant. Good to know Iron Banner is completely pointless just like the Queen's event, and probably won't change much at all, so you might as well just stick with Crucible. I love how their solution to people leaving is essentially to remind them they might get something at the end. LMAO.
Im rather disappointed reading the bungie weekly update with info on iron banner, turns out removed restrictions are limited and still balanced for low levels to play and compete in.

um, isn't that the point of normal crucible, bungie? so iron banner is no different then just a second control point playlist right now.

I've read through it and thought to same. It's hypocrisy.
"We want you to gather 6 powerful friends to do the VoG. But we won't enable matchmaking cause it's for the hardcore!"

"Iron Banner is for the hardcore player. But we're going to standardize all the gear levels anyway and tell you that skill is the REAL power, whilst shooing away those videos where level 4 guardians do the same damage as a level 29 guardian."

Good god.

And this part-
Derek: Please remind players that, win or lose, they get Crucible Marks, XP, and Gear rewards for completing the match. As with all things Destiny, we’re looking at the data and we’ll come up with a plan to address it in future events.

Yeah uhm...they get REDUCED crucible marks, reduced XP, and gear has a much, much smaller chance at appearing in the loot table.

Is it different enough to serve its purpose?

Nope. It really isn't that much different. Just another grind for gear that is easily replaceable for gear that you can already get from a faction you leveled.
That all really makes a lot of sense. It really is a shame that they couldn't have made this a little more transparent... Two quick questions:
What makes you think Venus is past, and Mars is Future? Are there clues in those areas? I never stopped long enough to look around. Also, how do the Vex sacrifices play into this, and why do you die if there are too many of them?

Yeah. They need to find a way to dialogue this kind of stuff out. You can figure most of it out through inference in the Grimoire but that's clearly not a great way to deliver the story.

As for your questions...
That's because the two rooms are exactly the same room that you enter in the beginning. Green is before The Darkness ever attacked, Brown is after The Darkness destroys everything. The Present is a pocket of all Space and Time at once so it has no truly unique features. Next time your team is wiping and you're in a portal, jump around the room a bit before you die and you'll see it's the same room that Atheon is in. When you're doing Gatekeeper, you're running from the "front" of the room to the stairs at the "back" and when you're doing Atheon, you're running from the "back" of the room to the portals at the "front."

The sacrifices, at my best guess, is The Vex trying to block you from unlocking the next section. In the Story missions, you have to charge a Gate Lord head with the Conflux specifically for The Black Garden. To open the door to the raid, you have to activate and complete the building of a giant conflux. The first part of The Templar is again, activating and protecting Confluxes. I don't know much about IT but I want to say the confluxes are like Password or maybe doors that break through The Vex's firewalls (so to speak) allowing further entry into their system. Something like that anyways.

Apologies for the late response btw.

DUDE. You win this thread. Seriously.

Thank you but like I said, bits of it are from the Grimoire, others parts are theories/ideas I've seen elsewhere (Reddit and Bungie.net) and some is my interpretation. Most of the heavy lifting for that synopsis wasn't me.

LOL supplicants can go into the portal during atheon phase

what a weird way to wipe near the end, lol

Yeah, I've seen it once or twice. Pretty funny when it happens.


Did they not create enough weapons for the initial game release? I'm not understanding the steady use of this slow carrot stick song and dance.

Navy Bean


Wish Faction Vendors sold Shaders though, like they did in the Alpha.
Dude, all you need to do is equip a Dead Orbit piece, play every day for a month ranking up 11 levels and pray to the RNGesus. That's much more fun than buying something you want.../s. Shader is sweet, though.
Omg, I just unlocked the stability upgrade on my New Monarchy Vanquisher and my first Iron Banner match with it I went 27-6. So much impact and the sights sit right on the head and the last half of the magazine do extra damage. It was mowing people down so quick. This might be the start of something beautiful......until they nerf it and then back to my trusty Last Word.


So the Icebreaker is a game changer.
Before I got my Suros, I was using Grim Citizen III. I was thinking about grabbing shadow Price, but they seem very similar.

I really love the Icebreaker though, game changer!

Game changer and game breaker. It made the weekly 28 heroic that was a bit of a challenge, at least the other day, absolutely pathetically easy solo today. That's without even having any upgrades.
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