What time does Xur leave?
I think I will start to save my notes from now on. Just in case one day good Xur will bring in Exotic weapon engrams for sale...
9am Sunday (EST)
Alright, thanks. Papa still needs 4 coins for a new icebeaker. I can do this.
Done the weekly heroics yet? 9 coins for the highest level
Need 3 more for normal raid. Experience/non experience welcome. PS4.
PS4: Hit-me--
Yeah, took care of that already. Just going to do some tiger strikes and hope for the best.
Alright, thanks. Papa still needs 4 coins for a new icebeaker. I can do this.
You poor, poor fool. You know not what you do.
I'm literally grinding for 4 hours already to get my last one, no success.I got three in a row from blue engrams, after a few dozens with nothing. So it's possible. Got 6 total today.
Did you send me a message on psn? It's iffy if those ever come through on my end.
Also, the result of my first Iron Banner game immediately reminded me why I don't feel the PVP in this game that much...![]()
Derek: Please remind players that, win or lose, they get Crucible Marks, XP, and Gear rewards for completing the match. As with all things Destiny, were looking at the data and well come up with a plan to address it in future events.
Need 3 more for normal raid. Experience/non experience welcome. PS4.
PS4: Hit-me--
Well I caved and bought Icebreaker, still not really sure what I think about it. The ammo regen is nice, I'll grant it that, but it feels more limiting than a normal sniper with 20 some odd rounds. To top it off it's still ugly as shit and it kicks worse than any gun I've used in this game so far. I'll give it a real chance though since so many of these exotics only seem to come into their own once you've invested them a bit.
All that being said, I was gifted Patience and Time from an engram earlier this evening. Now that is a gun that is way more my style. The stability on it is insane and it gives you the precision to repeatedly hit vulnerable spots on targets that won't drop in one shot. For ad on the fence as I am about Icebreaker, I am stoked about P&T.
The only downside to today's play time was that I never really had the right timing yo synch up with a raid group. My Warlock is 29 and I haven't gone yet. Hopefully soon, I'm dying to jump into that content and hit 30.
Need 1 more for hard raid, you in?
Need 1 more for hard raid, you in?
I have enough marks to buy a Crucible weapon and soon enough to buy a Vanguard weapon.
There is no weapon or piece of gear that I *need* right now, so I am not sure what I want to go with.
Lord High Fixer is a front runner, even though I got a dropped Devil You Know yesterday -- it's stats don't compare to the LHF's incredible range and stability upgrades. I don't have a Legendary Scout Rifle either.
In the end, I may just get a Rare sparrow, hah.
someone on my team just finished a game with a 0.09 kdr. I don't even.. I can't.
I bought a rare sparrow and upgraded it via Xur, man I fucking love it! Really have to get used to it lol
It's tempting! Though I have 3 characters now so I will be constantly switching between them, and to have just 1 with a faster sparrow would be awkward I think.
Why are sparrows so damn expensive, haha.
I'm going to sleep on it -- I'll make a decision tomorrow.
Count me in if you can get a group for the normal raid. Ps4 Ditters1Looking to play normal raid or I have a save spot on athoen on hard