Anyone want to help me beat VoG on hard?
I have a save file at Atheon. Lvl 29 required of course.
which system?
Anyone want to help me beat VoG on hard?
I have a save file at Atheon. Lvl 29 required of course.
which system?
Anyone want to help me beat VoG on hard?
I have a save file at Atheon. Lvl 29 required of course.
:lol no
I feel it's pretty worthwhile sticking around, people switch sides after the losing game, and unless you are consistently one man down, you'll get a win faster by persevering with your current game.
Anyone want to help me beat VoG on hard?
I have a save file at Atheon. Lvl 29 required of course.
I'll help psn: kyored
If you need another, 29 Titan. PSN: Ghekkus
Ok, that's three of us.
Anyone want to help me beat VoG on hard?
I have a save file at Atheon. Lvl 29 required of course.
What changes from normal to hard VoG?
I said I'm down as well. A few posts up
I'm down!
Level 29 Titan
What changes from normal to hard VoG?
that makes four.
5, room for one more
a_javierp on PS4 if you have a spot. 29 TitanAnyone want to help me beat VoG on hard?
I have a save file at Atheon. Lvl 29 required of course.
Just got The Swarm and Grim Citizen III. The latter is apparently inferior to my Shadow Price, so I'm going to scrap it.
I'm down...logging in ps4 now.
PSN phantom8324
a_javierp on PS4 if you have a spot. 29 Titan![]()
Not necessarily. The difference between that tier of AR are so miniscule that it ultimately depends on the upgrades and personal preference in terms of handling. I'd take my Grimm over the Vanguard sold Shadow Price in s planck time. But I've read people finding some dropped ones that have ridiculous perks.
Just got The Swarm and Grim Citizen III. The latter is apparently inferior to my Shadow Price, so I'm going to scrap it. What about The Swarm though? Is it worth upgrading? The perks are Counterbalance, Perfect Balance or Hammer Forged or Skip Rounds, and Reactive Reload.
Sounds good, actually. I'm currently trying to find heavy ammo to give it a try.
Eh. I spent 2 hours getting placed on the other side of a 3 man premade where 2 of them had the mythoclast before I made the choice to no longer try that. It was like the game thought "well it looks like you getting absolutely trucked, so enjoy it for the next 7 games".
I really didn't like my Iron Banner experience. Just got rank 3 yesterday and happy to not have to do it anymore. Actual good games were few and far between for me, it was normally just my team getting beat hard or rarely my team winning hard. Took 4 hours to get the final 3 wins I needed for rank 3 and I hated it. Getting actually mad at when people on my team did stupid stuff, like going and capturing point A on blind watch, because I knew losing got me nothing was terrible.
I wish we could vote for our own maps/strikes
I would love it if Iron Banne was Rumble, that is my favorite mode and doesn't rely on teams or teammates.
Got Atheon's Epilogue and the raid ship from the raid. I thought everyone gets chatter white?
It's bollox 90% of the time the players I'm teamed with are, well.. shit.The Iron Banner is a mess. Rep should be doled out based on individual performance rather than whether your team wins, or the mode should've been rumble instead of control. I feel like 80% of the time I get stuck on the team getting steamrolled where half the people bail early on. I'd be quitting too if it wasn't for the bounties and the chance to get legendary drops (I want that ship.)
Also Mythoclast needs to be removed from PvP, not only is it horribly unbalanced it seems to be the catalyst for people quitting. As soon as people start getting killed with it they bail. I don't think raid weapons shouldn't be usable in PvP; if the only way to get them is through raids than they should stay in PvE.
Oh my god, that hunter special is so fucking annoying in crucible. "Oh sweet, I'm going to basically be invincible for like 20 seconds and just run around slicing necks in for free."
And at some point people would be sick of getting always same strike and same PvP map because nothing else gets voted ever. See C-S and de_dust.
Also is it just me or has OT slowed down like A LOT after it was swapped from Gaming to Community?
Rumble IB where only single winner gets IB rep? Sounds fun... not.
It's definitely slowed down. Not that I'm complaining though. The thread moved at goddamn light speed beforeAnd at some point people would be sick of getting always same strike and same PvP map because nothing else gets voted ever. See C-S and de_dust.
Also is it just me or has OT slowed down like A LOT after it was swapped from Gaming to Community?
Rumble IB where only single winner gets IB rep? Sounds fun... not.
It's definitely slowed down. Not that I'm complaining though. The thread moved at goddamn light speed before
I wouldn't be surprised if this game was the quickest to its seventh OT. I mean we hit the second one before the game even came out, which is crazy.It's definitely slowed down. Not that I'm complaining though. The thread moved at goddamn light speed before
I dont find sunlock that overpowered myself, have killed a lock and took him down again as he has raised, the secondry shield is also a lot weaker than people think from there mellee, void build is ok you can kill them during there attack even with the exotics which increase defence during it.As oppose to the Titan who can beat the hunter's special and decide they just get to slam the area whenever they feel like it instantly. And have an invincible bubble with shield perks. Or the warlock who just gets to not die.
All specials are op. They're specials.
I dont find sunlock that overpowered myself, have killed a lock and took him down again as he has raised, the secondry shield is also a lot weaker than people think from there mellee, void build is ok you can kill them during there attack even with the exotics which increase defence during it.
titan bubbles, just ignore them if they drop it and work on others, yes if it is on control point it is annoying but just let them take it then nuke them as bubble goes, or if you have a lock with you they can use there super to destroy it.
there instant destroy are is fucking annoying specially as there immune as they do it unlike a lock.
Golden gun is ok as long as they do not see you while they have it, but blade dancer...
Bladedancer is fucking bullshit.
Must be nice to work in a state and job that gets Colombus Day off.
Fucking hate vlade dancer, I go out my way to destroy people that use it to keep them down, and the titan attack goes theough walls... damn.You can kill more than 4-5 people max with BD before your power runs out. Titans can kill everyone in the vicinity with one hit. Through walls too. And they always beat other attacks