"Oooh, there's a chest!"
..it was gone when I got there after respawning.
lmao chest envy is real
"Oooh, there's a chest!"
..it was gone when I got there after respawning.
We starting soon?Need 2 more for Raid (Normal). Preferably someone that has experience with the Relic
We starting soon?
Think you have to invite me. It's not letting me join from orbit.Right now. EL_CUCO305
Think you have to invite me. It's not letting me join from orbit.
It says "fire team is set to invite only"Try again.
God damn that's hell of a misadventure there...
Tell me GAF. When you and a fellow random are farming an area, and you come across a chest, do you try to get the randoms attention by pointing out the chest or do you just open it?
Yeah that's the one
Don't forget to run back to the shattered coast and get the kills in the building before the courtyard![]()
God damn that's hell of a misadventure there...
Tell me GAF. When you and a fellow random are farming an area, and you come across a chest, do you try to get the randoms attention by pointing out the chest or do you just open it?
I don't think it matters, I assumed the chests you see are unique to you - like loot is - so I open them as they might not have spawned at that location in the other dude's game.
"Oooh, there's a chest!"
..it was gone when I got there after respawning.
They in fact are not unique to you, I usually shoot at the random if I notice they are farming the resource. If they are focused on a quest or something, I don't.
Iron banner gear isn't even close to worth it for all the misery i went through to get to rank 3.
Finally got to Iron Banner Rank 3, but not before this happened.
This happened last night as well.
oh bungle u silly
Iron banner gear isn't even close to worth it for all the misery i went through to get to rank 3.
Has anybody got an IB drop that isn't Timur's Lash? Why is everything else so hard to bloody get?
I try to get their attention, but they never seem to understand.
Hmm... So right now when I spawn from orbit I go right to the coast, then turn left at the statue to go inside the building and underground. I get out of the tunnel at the academy (the long room with balcony on each side). Once that's cleared I continue forward until I get to the courtyard. From there I go left into that build and clear it out. Then I get back to the courtyard and inside the nexus build and clear that out too...
Am I missing anything?
I don't think it matters, I assumed the chests you see are unique to you - like loot is - so I open them as they might not have spawned at that location in the other dude's game.
Started my second character, already regretting going with the Titan instead of the Hunter, I haven't used the Titan before but it seems like it's not particularly good early on whereas bladedancer destroys everything from the start. The Hunter will almost certainly be my go to PvP character when I finally get around to making one.
Had the best luck ever in hard mode raid.
Got the Vex Mythoclast exotic primary Fusion rifle, Facade of the Hezen Lords, and XV0 Timebreaker sparrow. All I need now is ascended shards and I can reach level 30 ^-^.
What does the shader for rank 3 look like?
Only 300 points away from lvl 3 in Iron Banner, and then I can happily never touch this god-awful PvP again.
I honestly wonder if anybody at Bungie even played this before it was shipped.
The maps are bad.
The vehicles are not fun to use, or fight against.
Modes are used on maps they are not suited for.
The lag is horrific (and I say this as somebody that benefits more often than not, but killing people that have strafed around a corner with bullets fired a full second or more earlier is just pathetic).
On and on.
Garbage. Hot, stinking, garbage.
If anyone is on Xbox One and needs a group to consistently do the Vault of Glass with (normal AND hard mode), then join my clan on bnet.
Clan's name is The Inimitable. Request to join and I'll add you, then set it to your Xbox clan on the website. Here's the link to the clan's page: http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/468194
We're on often and daily, and we're all pretty chill, helpful and experienced players. I've completed normal raid 6 times and hardmode once completely.
Also, add me on Xbone. Gamertag is G0lden 5un
That being said, I'm leveling another warlock to 20 so I can have 2 times the chance to get the mythoclast each week...
I want it so badly!
Iron banner gear isn't even close to worth it for all the misery i went through to get to rank 3.
I got rank 3 this morning. The second shader is uglier than the first, at least as applied to Hunters IMO.
I wanted to get rank 3 before they changed the rules/fucked with the balance in response to the community. At least I can buy whatever gear is on offer after without grinding in a potentially harder IB.
I wanted to get rank 3 before they changed the rules/fucked with the balance in response to the community. At least I can buy whatever gear is on offer after without grinding in a potentially harder IB.
there are also exotic cloaks
New Monarchy Cloak of the Rising
Dead Orbit Cloak of Oblivion
FWC Chaos Cloak
i have no problem being FWC's billboard. gimme gimme