With each game that comes out, doesn't Bungie brag about how they can do quick hot fixes for weapon balance and map rotation? Yet weeks later, the Vex Mythoclast is still one of the most overpowered weapons to ever exist in a multiplayer shooter, and they've been completely silent on the matter.
The fact that the gun exists in its current state is another mind-boggling example of the designers seemingly not playing their own game.
Easiest fix would be to prevent certain weapons from being used in PvP.
Based RNGesus
What's the fastest way I can possibly level up a weapon?
Only have 4 upgrades on my mythoclast and would like to finish already
i'd rather they make the weapon better than limit it to one mode. there were overpowered weapons before the mythoclast.
Used Mythoclast in a crucible match for the first time and already got a bunch of hate messages on PSN. I wasn't even wrecking anybody.
Used Mythoclast in a crucible match for the first time and already got a bunch of hate messages on PSN. I wasn't even wrecking anybody.
most badass song in destiny. that bassline
until the percussion kicks in and ruins it. marty pls
How could they fix the Mythoclast though? They'd have to fuck with the speed and/or damage of each shot.
who the fuck is playing at 5-6 am? Jesus lol
It took me hours to clear the hard raid, don't really care what anyone says. I think I've earned it.Isn't there a way to block who can send you messages? Do that, and enjoy your gun.
How many sets of Raid Armor are there per class? One or two? Do you get different armor from Hard Raid than Normal Raid? Or can you get any armor from both raids due to RNG? Thanks!
It took me hours to clear the hard raid, don't really care what anyone says. I think I've earned it.
there's one full set (helmet, gauntlets, chest, boots) for each class. the helmet is the only piece exclusive to hard mode.
Giant Bomb are so bad at this game :lol
Did not know about the helmet being locked to hard mode. Guess I'll keep hoping for the hunter gloves.
i'm really glad the boots it dropped me had intellect on them. i had none from my other gear prior to them.
be sure to pay attention to the stats even if it drops the same piece for you.
Anyone doing the Hard Raid tonight?
Feel free to add me on PSN, always down to help.
Level 29 Titan
Completed Hard Raid 3 times
Normal Raid 10+ times
Used Mythoclast in a crucible match for the first time and already got a bunch of hate messages on PSN. I wasn't even wrecking anybody.
Their fireteam is underleveled. Two 26s and two 27s. I thought they were doing pretty good considering.
27s shouldn't be having trouble and 26s are fine as long as they're good.
They're getting there though.
I'm so tired of people on my team taking A on Blind Watch.
are their primary weapons 300?