I can't believe I have seen so many people complain about the 25 K/D ratio quest for unlocking the Invective. I literally finished it in two matches.
Consider him/her more of a secondary locker and less a character
The only thing Crucible has ever given me. The fire rate is not too hot.
Why no Monte Carlo? :/
My only advice is to send 2 guys up there. Makes it much easier.Ahh ok. Well i think we are doing it tonight, but i can give you the checkpoint tomorrow if you need it.
I did it in one.
Yeah, its easy.
The Thorn void one, on the other hand...
Theres a new 30 second method, as shown above.My only advice is to send 2 guys up there. Makes it much easier.
Man, consider how someone that doesn't consider themselves one of the better pvp'ers feels. The gun is ludicrous and I'm seeing more games than not now where at least one person has it. A nerf has to be incoming. Bungie! Please!consider myself one of the better pvp'ers out there, and im wondering how one manages to die with a mythoclast?
In the case of the Icebreaker, you don't need to have it fully leveled in order for it to help you get past Juggler missions. So if I ever got another one, I'd throw it on a secondary character and just have them go through a weekly/daily with it, without having to do any character vault shenanigans (which is what I'm doing right now).Is this post serious? You would level up another icebreaker rather than just swap the same one around with your vault? I love having alts because the bounties level all my weapons...can't imagine leveling exotics twice.
So for shits and giggles I jumped into an IB match. Got 18 kills and a 1.5 kdr and we won. I say all this because I suck at the Destiny PvP but damn if the combo of a fully leveled Suros and Sunbro with burn damage isn't OP. Someone with any real skills would have completely dominated. Got nothing as a reward btw, thanks Bungie.
another atheon solo from a titan
no wonder there are mythoclasts everywhere. seems really easy to boost the final boss with one other person. only one person needs to be a high enough level.
Shadow Price is slightly better than the Vanquisher.Hey guys, I am wondering what is the"best" full auto rifle in the game for PvP? I am currently working on getting the Vanquisher VII but I also heard Shadow Price is pretty good as well. And Grim Citizen III is so so.
I hope Xur has the Mask of the Third Man this weekendI really want that helmet.
It doesnt have amazing range so you die to snipes, sometimes shotguns, 3 on 1s or good 2 on 1s otherwise your good. I win most of the rumble matches i play with the mythoclast but there are other op weapons in the game.rank 3 iron banner
consider myself one of the better pvp'ers out there, and im wondering how one manages to die with a mythoclast?
gun seems like an insta-win
feel like if i had one id be averaging over 4.0 lifetime KDR
not that im complaining mind you, its the best gun in the game off the hardest piece of content in the game, its cool that its there
just fucking wish i had one goddamn
Shouldn't you be able to do that with a warlock with two grenades as well?
either one
Helmet is exclusive to hard raid sadly.
Shadow Price is slightly better than the Vanquisher.
If you have super with Sunbro it will be even easier with Solar grenades.I've got to try, I might have the check point from playing yesterday.
Where did all the people salty about Xur Ice Breakers go now that the Cheese Mythoclast is a thing.
Magazine size.Whats the difference between the two rifles?
If you have super with Sunbro it will be even easier with Solar grenades.
I take it all back. Just got in a game with a bunch of fusion rifle guys. Lol, that shit is crazy. One shotted from basically any range. Yeah, I can officially say that this is the worst PvP I've ever played. It's not even fun when I'm doing well. I wanted to get enough marks to buy stuff from the FWC but fuck it, this garbage PvP is just not for me.haha same boat. i'm HORRRRRIBLE in pvp and have stayed faaaar away. finished all pve stuff this week so decided to jump in since I hear fusion rifles are OP and such. went in with pocket infinity and shadow price as back up and did amazing. finished usually around 1st or 2nd and got to the (easy) rank 1 of IB and almost 2/3rd finished with the exotic pulse rifle bounty that's been sitting forever. lol. definitely gonna go back tomorrow after work. XD
How do people rank up the Ironbanner (and Queen) rep so fast? I have played a decent amount and go to 1.5. Am I not playing 18 hours a day?
How do people rank up the Ironbanner (and Queen) rep so fast? I have played a decent amount and go to 1.5. Am I not playing 18 hours a day?
You can't understand how a weapon type can be unbalanced and clearly the dominating choice among players? Really?i will never understand why this community is so toxic with demanding everything gets dumbed down. that's how a game isn't fun. Every weapon is "average" and they all end up feeling the same.
Not that many people know about it yet, the forums will be filling up with tears soon enough.
I just hope Bungie takes their sweet time in patching it so I have another chance at a Mythoclast since it didn't drop tonight.
I did get the hilarious Sparrow, hold L2 + R2 to make it explode![]()
You get more rep if you are wearing the class item, emblem, and shader.
What actually is class item? Do you need rank 2 and buy armour or something or what?
You receive 20 reps per level... so 3-4 matches with bounties (50-100 per bounty) give lvl 1... buy the emblem and shader and equip them to receive 30 reps per win... do bounties while that. When reach lvl 2 buy the class item and equip it to have access to more bounties.How do people rank up the Ironbanner (and Queen) rep so fast? I have played a decent amount and go to 1.5. Am I not playing 18 hours a day?
You can't understand how a weapon type can be unbalanced and clearly the dominating choice among players? Really?
2.5 hours for the raid to be beaten with 5 new players, not bad.