I dont have the save there, and i've no interest in lootActually now that I think about it, does anybody have a hard mode save where the maze is?
Thought being that if I joined your group, could I not loot the 2 chests for some free gear if I haven't already been there on hard mode?
Could you send me an invite to your raid just so I could try the above please if at all possible?
I was seeing my Grimoire and under the Hunter card activity bonus it says I have over 1600 kills as a Hunter. I made a Hunter alt the first week and got him to level 3 before deleting.
How is this calculated? That number is impossible.
I was seeing my Grimoire and under the Hunter card activity bonus it says I have over 1600 kills as a Hunter. I made a Hunter alt the first week and got him to level 3 before deleting.
How is this calculated? That number is impossible.
You don't even need the cheese to beat Atheon, he's the easiest fight on hard mode, we took him down in three portal runs.
It seems that when a Guardian is close to you and does the killings it somehow counts as your kills as well. I remember seeing stuff popping up on my screen about kills as warlock and hunter when doing the loot cave as a titan.
Thanks, I figured that was a likely explanation.It counts kills from players nearby. I was already nearly rank 1 kills as Warlock before I even made one.
There's a perk on the Shadow Price that I got last night that speeds up reloads when the mag hits 0. That is going to be so clutch.
Exploit that should have been patched, by any means necessary, within 24h from its discovery by community. Bungie has really fucking dropped and lost whole ball with this one, not even funny anymore.
If they can't fix pathing then e.g. bring walls right next to "ramp" area from which boss gets knocked off. This way he can't walk off from area, won't die to few grenades and will rip pushers apart causing wipe.
And yes, I have cheesed him to death 3 times now with my Warlock. I want this to be fixed yesterday.
You don't even need the cheese to beat Atheon, he's the easiest fight on hard mode, we took him down in three portal runs.
A silent patch would be the funniest. Just a simple if statement to check if he dies within a minute or so from spawning, and if that's the case; don't give any loot or just a mote of light.![]()
Damn, I did hard mode twice this week and two of us (the same two actually) got a Mythoclast both times. Crazy how small a chance that is.
I thought you could only get loot once a week.
Once per characterI thought you could only get loot once a week.
I thought you could only get loot once a week.
Was looking for a fresh hard mode run on Destinylfg.net/com now that my hunter has hit 29. Not a single group, all are begging for checkpoint at Atheon, or looking for more to cheese him. Disgusting.
A silent patch would be the funniest. Just a simple if statement to check if he dies within a minute or so from spawning, and if that's the case; don't give any loot or just a mote of light.![]()
Don't encourage people to be PvP cunts :< There is already enough corner fappers with their Fusion Rifles and Shotties.
Yeah, he is easy as hell as fight. Always been after your team got tactic down for smooth runs through out of phase.
Cheese is just so much faster to do [time saved for other grind] and allows low-level alts / characters to leech loot like Mythos. It's so sad that Bungie has not been able to respond to existence of this cheese and fix it.
Being super stealthy and assholy about it wouldn't help Bungie at this point, backslash would be insane. There will be backslash already if they ever bother to fix this exploit, but more manageable one if they just come out and say "We know that there is AI pathing exploit with Atheon and you guys have been using it to your advantage. That time is now over, we have...."
Once per character
Different characters probably
Finally hit 30. Wish we had better customisation options.
Great PvP weapon. Doesn't have a good range though so you gotta improvise. Upgrade it and reduce the recoil.
Once per character
How is Hard Light? Just got it from Iron Banner, felt good as I was #1 that round.
http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Playstation/508393 setting it up for raids we will only be raiding on friday nights and saturday nights because you know.. life.
Join if you want.
Also why the fuck cant we access clan members in the roster.. damn it bungie stop fucking up.
In order to fix the whole Atheon cheese they need to change both the way they handle checkpoints and Atheon itself.
Seeding checkpoints past the toughest parts is being exploited to hell and back to quickly milk the vault by using alts skipping the templar's confluxes and the gatekeepers.
so if I do the Raid on Normal then do it on Hard the same week, I will not get any rewards or drops from Atheon on Hard mode?
Bungie did it to themselves
The community will react to getting something rather than nothing
The Raid has no many bugs/glitches in it, that it would be hella' frustrating to put in that much time and if won, get shit rewards
I get RNG plays a factor, but not to these lengths and no fixes on the way for it at the moment
Getting a Speeder & Ascendant Materials x 3 for killing the boss on Hard and working your ass off, doesn't look like a decent reward for you to chase
I'm not saying hand everyone Mytho's or just hand hold players with loot galore, but there has to be a balance
Your telling me the last boss on hard drops the same amount of Ascendant Materials as a chest on normal raid
You should get a chunk of them, at least 15 to cover almost 1 legendary/exotic fully upgraded (Only last boss on Hard)
If you earn the Chatterwhite shader, if you have it equipped or in your inventory, game shouldn't be giving to you and removing something from the pool, FOR FUCK SAKES the Iron Banner emblem you buy @Rank 1 already does this and locks you from not to buying it again
Seriously if the Raid was decently enjoyable without getting screwed by the game fucking you up and you overcome it, then the rewards are those measly items that can be obtained more efficiently somewhere else, then people will look for a way to accomplish it the easiest way possible
In order to fix the whole Atheon cheese they need to change both the way they handle checkpoints and Atheon itself.
Seeding checkpoints past the toughest parts is being exploited to hell and back to quickly milk the vault by using alts skipping the templar's confluxes and the gatekeepers.
this is the exact reason I kinda like Blind Watch. As long as everyone in the lobby understands the imbalance, it turns into a fairly intense fight for the superior side, with most of the action around B but with options to flank straight to the A flag. My criticism would be that it can be too focused, with all of the action happening in one corridor stalemate outside B.the reason i dislike rusted lands is because the entire area between B and C is so fucking awkward. the hard routes to B from C are ridiculously easy to defend with shotguns. then there are people way on top of the bricks throwing grenades or some dumb shit and you're on the ground with nothing to jump on or hide behind. and that heavy ammo spawns in a weird corner that nobody can see. it also has the same problem many destiny maps have in that there's no real point of contention. everyone just kinda runs around.
i just think it plays very inconsistently. the lines of sight are generally good but the geometry doesn't match up.
They should make it so that you only get the Atheon checkpoint if you passed the previous checkpoint/gatekeepers.
Finally happy with how my Exo looks, wasted far too much time on it lol.
Bungie would punish legit raiders way too harshly if they changed how checkpoints go in VoG. In Hard you can't revive your teammates so if you got wipe, but checkpoint was located far back in some early section it would be insane punishment for not being flawless at first try.
Easiest fix would be, requiring somewhat big patch tho, to wall off ramp from both sides. Wall is already hugging right side of ramp hence you can't push Atheon off from there. Left side needs same treatment. This way even if he was to walk backwards he would just walk to a wall.
Then he would proceed to rip Team Push apart like shredders rips paper.
I was thinking mostly how you can invite anyone and he's gonna get the checkpoint. That way you can set up your alts for oracles+templar and then Atheon.
They should make it so that you only get the Atheon checkpoint if you passed the previous checkpoint/gatekeepers.
Yeah, I'd also kill to be able to rotate my character in the creation tool.I wish you could go back and redo the customization. My Warlock Exo looked fantastic on the creation screen, but in game he is way to flashy.
I think all legendaries and exotics do discard slowly.Speaker Class Items are very slow to discard. Like twice as slow as regular items, for good reason. I feel all Legendaries should discard at this rate so you don't accidentaly rid yourself of a purple after doing a mass inventory cleaning (like any time you farm mats for over 20 minutes)
Store bought Grim Citizen or Vanquisher? I'm just about capped crucible marks on my alt Titan from playing IB and his factions aren't very far along so I should probably a choice now.
They should make it so that you only get the Atheon checkpoint if you passed the previous checkpoint/gatekeepers.
You will, but only from boss drops. You get double loot if you just do hard.
Skipping checkpoints doesn't matter anyway, you are rewarded at every point so skipping a section means you are skipping a loot, a perfectly fitting trade off.
You will, but only from boss drops and the chest on the left side of the Gorgon's maze. You get double loot if you just do hard.
ok great.
but only ones on normal and once on hard per week per character?
Bungie would punish legit raiders way too harshly if they changed how checkpoints go in VoG. In Hard you can't revive your teammates so if you got wipe, but checkpoint was located far back in some early section it would be insane punishment for not being flawless at first try.
Easiest fix would be, requiring somewhat big patch tho, to wall off ramp from both sides. Wall is already hugging right side of ramp hence you can't push Atheon off from there. Left side needs same treatment. This way even if he was to walk backwards he would just walk to a wall.
Then he would proceed to rip Team Push apart like shredders rips paper.
Just realized, I bumped into you in IB a day or two ago.Fun factoid: Most people doing Hard only care about Vex Mythoclast and Raid Helmet => Atheon is only boss who can give them to you => Skipping to him doesn't lose you any loot, it just saves fuckton of time and gives basically free loot that you want anyways.
Had to fix.
Or you could just have a OHK AOE if you get within a certain range of the boss.
Just realized, I bumped into you in IB a day or two ago.