You're cheesing the fight dude. It's not some cool smart strat.The Templar nerfs are stupid because it doesn't make the fight easier at all to have people on the hobgoblin platforms or to ball up on the starting ledge with the relic. In fact, people on the platforms are basically screaming "please shoot me" to the other hobgoblins, and are also in a bad spot to see half of the oracles. Meanwhile, the everyone-ball-up-at-the-top-with-the-relic strategy is funny, but takes way longer than a normal fight and also risks an easy wipe if everyone balls up and gets shot or if the relic carrier is bad at managing his cleanse, since you'll only be able to shoot maybe half of the relics from up there.
Plus, there's the other aspect of it, which is Bungie sending signals that no, you will play everything in Destiny exactly the way we say, which kills community development. I dunno, I'm grumpy and I tweeted about it in depth.
still, no reason cheese spots should be left alone it's suppse to be the hardest endgame content right now.On hard any fuck up there would be instant death for you and with no rez, likely everyone else.
1)Get splash damage by boss more than once- Everyone's Dead
2)Let harpies take over- Everyone's dead
3) Fuck up your detain and jump out of it or something- Everyone's dead
Wait were people in here cheesing the vault of glass boss? the templar robot thing is by no way hard at all you don't need to cheese it or camp on the pillars on the edges.
For shame gaf.
Anyone seen this stuff posted on Reddit from someone claiming to be a tester The Dark Below Expansion? I'll spoiler it just in case it turns out to be real.
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The Templar nerfs are stupid because it doesn't make the fight easier at all to have people on the hobgoblin platforms or to ball up on the starting ledge with the relic. In fact, people on the platforms are basically screaming "please shoot me" to the other hobgoblins, and are also in a bad spot to see half of the oracles. Meanwhile, the everyone-ball-up-at-the-top-with-the-relic strategy is funny, but takes way longer than a normal fight and also risks an easy wipe if everyone balls up and gets shot or if the relic carrier is bad at managing his cleanse, since you'll only be able to shoot maybe half of the relics from up there.
Plus, there's the other aspect of it, which is Bungie sending signals that no, you will play everything in Destiny exactly the way we say, which kills community development. I dunno, I'm grumpy and I tweeted about it in depth.
Fuck. Yes.Anyone seen this stuff posted on Reddit from someone claiming to be a tester The Dark Below Expansion? I'll spoiler it just in case it turns out to be real.
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Have a checkpoint at the gatekeepers on hard raid. Need 4 more. PSN is same as gaf name.
still, no reason cheese spots should be left alone it's suppse to be the hardest endgame content right now.
Anyone seen this stuff posted on Reddit from someone claiming to be a tester The Dark Below Expansion? I'll spoiler it just in case it turns out to be real.
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Anyone seen this stuff posted on Reddit from someone claiming to be a tester The Dark Below Expansion? I'll spoiler it just in case it turns out to be real.
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Anyone seen this stuff posted on Reddit from someone claiming to be a tester The Dark Below Expansion? I'll spoiler it just in case it turns out to be real.
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im lvl 26 probably wont be any use are you gonna cheese it... PSN ne0ism-
The Templar nerfs are stupid because it doesn't make the fight easier at all to have people on the hobgoblin platforms or to ball up on the starting ledge with the relic. In fact, people on the platforms are basically screaming "please shoot me" to the other hobgoblins, and are also in a bad spot to see half of the oracles. Meanwhile, the everyone-ball-up-at-the-top-with-the-relic strategy is funny, but takes way longer than a normal fight and also risks an easy wipe if everyone balls up and gets shot or if the relic carrier is bad at managing his cleanse, since you'll only be able to shoot maybe half of the relics from up there.
Plus, there's the other aspect of it, which is Bungie sending signals that no, you will play everything in Destiny exactly the way we say, which kills community development. I dunno, I'm grumpy and I tweeted about it in depth.
The most amount of Legendary engrams that I've received since the latest engram patch has been with the Daily Heroic missions. I've received 4 engrams so far, not bad at all.
The Templar nerfs are stupid because it doesn't make the fight easier at all to have people on the hobgoblin platforms or to ball up on the starting ledge with the relic. In fact, people on the platforms are basically screaming "please shoot me" to the other hobgoblins, and are also in a bad spot to see half of the oracles. Meanwhile, the everyone-ball-up-at-the-top-with-the-relic strategy is funny, but takes way longer than a normal fight and also risks an easy wipe if everyone balls up and gets shot or if the relic carrier is bad at managing his cleanse, since you'll only be able to shoot maybe half of the relics from up there.
Plus, there's the other aspect of it, which is Bungie sending signals that no, you will play everything in Destiny exactly the way we say, which kills community development. I dunno, I'm grumpy and I tweeted about it in depth.
You're cheesing the fight dude. It's not some cool smart strat.
Super solid update all around
Have you ever played an MMO, no wait, a video game before? How many boss fights do you know can be exploited so easily?
Lol no way am I playing the raid on hard now. Fuck that.
Glad to see they ruined the Vex for PvE, with it's already low ammo reserves combined with a 34% reduction.
Why could it not just be modified for PvP and left alone for PvE,
if real those sound ten times better then the launch day skills, more open to change.Anyone seen this stuff posted on Reddit from someone claiming to be a tester The Dark Below Expansion? I'll spoiler it just in case it turns out to be real.
Reddit Link
Pastebin Link
Agreed. I couldn't care less about PvP nerfs, but PvE should be left alone.Glad to see they ruined the Vex for PvE, with it's already low ammo reserves combined with a 34% reduction.
Why could it not just be modified for PvP and left alone for PvE,
Normal raid.Out of curiosity: what are you gonna play, then? Because I sure as hell don't know what I'm going to play
I'm so grateful that I got to experience the Vex Mythoclast in it's prime.
RIP in peace.
Taking the relic back to the start and balling up might be cheesing. I actually think doing the fight regularly, at least at the gear level I'm at, is far easier. Whatever.
I'd really like to know how the heck standing on the hobgoblin sniper platforms is cheesy. It gives you a good vantage point over half of the fight, but it also leaves you hugely open to basically anything that decides to shoot at you (especially other hobgoblins, who will wreck you) and makes you pretty useless in a scramble to get all the oracles down.
It seems like a pretty good risk/reward option to be able to have a player on those platforms to me. It's also doubly stupid that there is now a place enemies can stand but you can't.
I'm not even sure how to respond to this garbage.
The most amount of Legendary engrams that I've received since the latest engram patch has been with the Daily Heroic missions. I've received 4 engrams so far, not bad at all.
I don't really see the point of nerfing any gun for PVE. Bungie are really dum-dumbs for not separating PVE and PVP stats, to a certain point, anyway. I mean, shotguns in PVE are absolutely useless. All of them. Collectively garbage. It needs a PVE buff, but it absolutely does not need one for PVP.
Did you play it on Hard? You can't even begin to understand if you didn't.
We should label more things as exploits. Maybe then Bungie will get around to fixing it sooner.
Hey Bungie when are you going to fix the Atherton shield exploit where people get damaged in the shield?
Just makes me want The Last Word more than ever before.
Bye bye Mythoclast!
I said it before and I will say it again the minute they allowed to take your own equipment into MP was the minute they fucked up the whole game. There is a reason that no other good loot game has PvP (all the others are hot garbage in PvP, just look at Diablo).
You can't balance that shit properly between them. People cry about Bladedancer in PvP all the time. What to do? Nerf it and make it even more useless in PvE? Nah that shit is garbage and they know it.
Retool the whole PvP. Make let's say 3 standard loadouts that everyone can choose from and have rockets be pickups like in Halo like it should have been from the beginning.
Can we talk about how they continue to (aside from the Scout Rifle buff) just nerf and remove things that the community finds fun without replacing them with new and better things?
Sincerely, someone who still has yet to get a single legendary item from a blue engram and has only seen 1 legendary engram drop ever since the patch
Please tell me what in hard mode makes standing on the sniper platforms cheesy, considering it's already dangerous on normal.