We (all 29s) carried a level 28 all the way to the Athean fight. Or was it the Gatekeepers? Can't recall.
Was that with or without the hobgoblin platforms??
We (all 29s) carried a level 28 all the way to the Athean fight. Or was it the Gatekeepers? Can't recall.
If you guys still need it.
PSN x__xo__o
We (all 29s) carried a level 28 all the way to the Athean fight. Or was it the Gatekeepers? Can't recall.
So I'll login to Destiny in about 10-15 minutes so if somebody can help me out with a VoG hard mode Atheon checkpoint please hit me up on PSN (PS4 version) HighOnPCP
Definitely, developing and managing an MMO is way, way out of Bungie's league.
Not what I was talking about at all.People want more end-game content and you're calling them entitled? Seriously, WTF?
What I was talking about.I don't really have any issue with the need to go through all of the raid to get to the final boss. That's part of what makes his drops so good -- it takes time to get to the boss and then you have to get lucky. Whatever. That's typical MMO stuff.
I agree completely, Bungie seriously fucked up on the rewards, IMO the Mythoclast is a bad thing to have the in the game as it devalues just about every other exotic in the game. I don't understand why Bungie tried to reinvent the wheel here on the way different difficulty content handles loot.People went into the raid, not to mention the entire game, expecting more than we received. Bungie hyped it up to hell and severely under-delivered on the amount of content in this game. There is no point to replaying dungeons or raids if there is no carrot at the end of the maze. That isn't entitlement, that's wanting what you were advertised.
We (all 29s) carried a level 28 all the way to the Athean fight. Or was it the Gatekeepers? Can't recall.
Is it possible to do the raid on hard if you are level 28? I have a few legendary and exotic weapons maxed, but anyone looking to join up is saying you must be level 29 or 30.
Anyone interested in doing Normal Raid from the start on PS4? Need 2 more people. PSN is MrJellyBean.
Thanks once again for letting me tag along for the Thorn stuff, sorry I couldn't use my mic bro.
Also I was trying to pronounce your username and my girlfriend freaked out and told me how "El Cuco" was the monster her parents told her about when she was younger to make her behave.
So I think it is safe to say Bungie has added nothing positive to this game since launch
-Queens Wrath was a cheap way for low 20s to get better armour and was useless to high 20s once they nerfed the shards. Plus it was not the PvE addition anyone expected being recycled content and set a precedent that new content will be $$ only
-Iron banner was false advertising and the loot was lame
-Patches have only ruined people fun and finding new ways to cheese the system that plenty if other games have and allow
-They have focused on getting these shortcuts fixed instead of fixing numerous bugs such as Raid glitches (oracles not appearing, no end screen, sound cutting out, enemy health hard replenishing and more)
-Have been very quiet regarding how poor the story and gameplay elements are compared to every other game the ever released. And that includes Oni!!
-Neefing exotics to the point that none of them feel exotic or any better than a legendary
-An RNG loot system that is broken to shit and while some improvements have been made it has some serious problems (3 energy for beating the hard raid for the first time? Fuck off)
The Dark Below better be fucking good.
The Dark Below better be fucking good.
So I think it is safe to say Bungie has added nothing positive to this game since launch
-Queens Wrath was a cheap way for low 20s to get better armour and was useless to high 20s once they nerfed the shards. Plus it was not the PvE addition anyone expected being recycled content and set a precedent that new content will be $$ only
-Iron banner was false advertising and the loot was lame
-Patches have only ruined people fun and finding new ways to cheese the system that plenty if other games have and allow
-They have focused on getting these shortcuts fixed instead of fixing numerous bugs such as Raid glitches (oracles not appearing, no end screen, sound cutting out, enemy health hard replenishing and more)
-Have been very quiet regarding how poor the story and gameplay elements are compared to every other game the ever released. And that includes Oni!!
-Neefing exotics to the point that none of them feel exotic or any better than a legendary
-An RNG loot system that is broken to shit and while some improvements have been made it has some serious problems (3 energy for beating the hard raid for the first time? Fuck off)
The Dark Below better be fucking good.
What are you even going on about? In what way is asking for some form of competent matchmaking entitled? Unlike WoW, Destiny has no endgame and is incredibly bare-bones. The raid isn't even max level content. I would have preferred the game that was shown in 2013.
Anyone interested in doing Normal Raid from the start on PS4? Need 2 more people. PSN is MrJellyBean.
Sent request, you can't imagine what I would do to change that ID.Ummm...I tried entering it and I can't seem to find you lol. (Very unique PSN name XD)
Any chance you could friend me? XD
PSN: Streakydude
Based on all of this, they would have to try really hard at this point to convince me to pay for their cut content.
Sent request, you can't imagine what I would do to change that ID.
Still trying to accept the others FR.
Yep, still got cheese. Add me because its really slow here.Any room on that train? PSN: nya_08
Yeah the fact that the raid has been out for a month and the mission complete timer after beating Atheon is still broken is just an example of where Bungie's priorities are at.
Yeah the fact that the raid has been out for a month and the mission complete timer after beating Atheon is still broken is just an example of where Bungie's priorities are at.
Yep, still got cheese. Add me because its really slow here.
So I think it is safe to say Bungie has added nothing positive to this game since launch
-Queens Wrath was a cheap way for low 20s to get better armour and was useless to high 20s once they nerfed the shards. Plus it was not the PvE addition everyone expected being recycled content and set a precedent that new content will be $$ only
-Iron banner was false advertising and the loot was lame
-Patches have only ruined peoples fun and finding new ways to cheese the system that plenty of other games have and allow
-They have focused on getting these shortcuts fixed instead of fixing numerous bugs such as Raid glitches (oracles not appearing, no end screen, sound cutting out, enemy health hard replenishing and more)
-Have been very quiet regarding how poor the story and gameplay elements are compared to every other game they ever released. And that includes Oni!!
-Neefing exotics to the point that none of them feel exotic or any better than a legendary
-An RNG loot system that is broken to shit and while some improvements have been made it has some serious problems (3 energy for beating the hard raid for the first time? Fuck off)
The Dark Below better be fucking good.
You guys experienced and just need bodies?
I apologize, I never meant to quote you, I was making a statement about how a bunch of people are frustrated about not able to reach level 30, (I have 3, 29's by the way) how it's too hard to find groups (Clearly people never had the experience of actually reaching out to people to get groups together) and voicing their frustration that Bungie is trying to stop exploits in the raid.
So hard raid is harder now? Somebody hold me!
IceBreaker loses its unlimited ammo.
Based on all of this, they would have to try really hard at this point to convince me to pay for their cut content.
Hahahahahahahahaha!It's gonna take us 3 days to get through it again, isn't it? :'(
It's gonna take us 3 days to get through it again, isn't it? :'(
Need two people, preferably warlocks who have already pushed him off the ledge before, for hard mode Atheon.
Xbox One, message Korosenai. We are doing it now.
Raid - Vault of Glass
Templar Encounter
Kill volume added to sniper platforms to prevent players from sitting on top of them
Relic is now removed and respawned if the holder leaves the playable area
I'd join but I'm a Titan
Gt: dmc spokane
Yep, still got cheese. Add me because its really slow here.
we're 30s though.
The Dark Below better be fucking good.