Anyone running hard mode at reset?
I would like to if enough people are on
Anyone running hard mode at reset?
What time is the reset?
I'm sorry what does kill volume even mean? (And kill box)
What time is the reset?
I would like to if enough people are on
I feel that auto rifles were keeping fusion rifles in check, now they are going to dominate everything
Cool, are you on PS4? If so Aztechne is my PSN ID
So, what's the weekly guardians?
These nerfs are bullshit.. Does PvE even exist for you bungie? Why oh why would you nerf weapons for PvP balance than nerf them across the board instead of for the game mode intended.
never played the strike before, got an invite right at atheon. after a good bit of grease we nailed him and it was one of the best feelings i've had in a game.
this crew, i'm so glad they invited me. thanks guys.
Sepiks Prime with Lightswitch.
Nightfall has Lightswitch, juggler and void burn.
Nightfall and Weekly are The Devil's Lair, HAHA!
Eurgh, those Vandals are going to be a bitch with Lightswitch on.
Nightfall and Weekly are The Devil's Lair, HAHA!
Now I'm itching to see how my maxed out Vision of Confluence does. I use it a lot, but it always felt underpowered compared to my maxed out Suros Regime.
I just hope this week's Nightfall has solar burn, it'll just melt enemies.
Kill volumes / kill boxes are volumes Bungie can place in a map that will either instantly kill you or throw up the "Turn back!" (or Return to Battlefield in Reach) and starts the countdown before it kills you.
In Halo Reach and 4, these are placeable by users in Forge, and defaults to being shaped like a box that you can change the size of. if a player intersects with this volume/box, they are either killed or told to turn back, but the box itself is not rendered in normal gameplay.
This kill volume was also stored as an easily changeable part of the map metadata called the Forge Variant, not hardcoded into the map itself.
It's clear that Bungie has kept this system for Destiny, so they can easily close off areas to players quickly without having to go in and recompile the map.
Ya I'm cyborg1
Why's that so funny? (Genuine question)
i am. psn same as here. whats yours?Anyone up for doing the Nightfall right now? lol
Why's that so funny? (Genuine question)
Cause that level is just hilarious too me, done it so many times (fucking Bad Juju 25 Strike objective) funny to see it twice
Will be doing it on 3 chars, so 6 in Total over this week
Perhaps the maps were made with one jump height in mind, and a tweak later by another team made them reachable very easily.
I was a Community Cartographer for Halo Reach and 4, so I'll use an example from that. I was one of the most paranoid Cartographers in the group with map killzones and softkills. Whereas most other map makers would just put a kill volume across the bottom of the map and call it a day, I would box that shit in on all four sides, and then make the kill boxes themselves (what bungie is using in Destiny) really big to make sure people couldn't phase through them due to latency. Even if it was impossible to reach a spot from inside the map to the outside, i'd still killbox it, just in case.
And people would STILL find cheap spots in maps. What happens is when one spot doesn't work, people will just try other ones. And when one is found, that knowledge spreads like wildfire through the internet, and by the end of the first 24 hours the map is out, people have evolved into finding an exploit spot even better than that, because other players found counters for it. In interntal testing, you are limited by free time (as a volunteer) or paid time (as an internal tester). On the internet, everyone can poopsock the map for 10 hours straight and any cracks in the system will be made larger and apparent. I'd download films anonymously from the in game file share, watch someone break into something i thought was unbreakable, and think to myself "you clever son of a bitch", sigh, and address it in the next update wave.
It hurts even more when the company stops updates and doesn't let you get the exploit fixes in. It hurts when you CAN fix it, because you feel like you let people down, but not as much.
And even if you're super militant with your killboxes, you'll draw negative responses from the playerbase for doing so. It's a balance between them feeling like they're in a location vs "playing on a map". On one of my maps I put softkills in the playable space to keep Humans from having too cheap of a spot to kill Zombies from, since I didn't have to worry about any held Objectives from being reset (ball, flag, etc). You could reach it by simply hopping or walking to it, but it was either that or block off that entire side of the map. I figured it was better to allow people to transition through it but tell them "shoo, go play the game" if they decided to try and stay there. Some people liked it, some people sent me threats over it.
The most important part is that you have the ability to and do address the issues as they come. They can't patch as fast on console as they could on PC, but they're also much faster than they could be with Halo (hotfixes could be one to two months, actual title updates half a year to a year apart). Changing how a boss works touches a lot of systems. Putting killzones in a trouble spot is faster, touches less systems, and addresses the problem.
Throwing knives are awesome.
this continues to baffle me.
why does a whole area need to be blocked off if there's no event there?
this continues to baffle me.
why does a whole area need to be blocked off if there's no event there?
Is it strange I'm kind of happy they are nerfing the Mytho, because it finally lets me use my icebreaker? I mean I know I don't have to use the Mytho, but it was good to the point where it was simply stupid not to use it.
It never occurred to me, or any of the people I've been grouped with, to even attempt to jump onto those would be incredibly believable that the same happened with an internal testing group.
but you really think its not going to be more powerful than the other weapons even with the nerf?
I am using mine now, not even maxed it out yet and its awesome, if the maxed out mytho is as strong as an unleveled one, then I will be happy.