Is this week's nightfall soloable?
Probably, assuming on Sepiks you use the room on the left side when you fight him.
Is this week's nightfall soloable?
No chance. In the very first raid stream I saw on the first night the guys all grouped up on that far left platform and took his shield down from there in relative safety. All those platforms are there by design, not chance.
Starting the nightfall if anyone wants to join. Lvl 30 titan on PS4. ZeroPanzerAlpha
i would enjoy your write up. i explored some of these areas with friends earlier today. will post some pics later too.
might try to get into dusk warrens too.
I would love to have that one, full auto with solar burn? rad.
The raid only gave me ass shards and chatterwhites so far...
Sent you a friend request, lets see if we can't find more Gaffers.
Accessing these areas:
Jovian Complex :
Jovial complex can be accessed using the sparrow spawn glitch, access is granted by going to the sky watch area, and just to the left of the original engram cave is a hive nest, at the very bottom of that cave you will load in to "jovian complex", what you need to do is not turn the last corner but instead jump on the box by the left wall, spawn your sparrow and glitch through the wall in to the area. Video on how is here
Seraphim vault : Seraphim vault can be accessed through a series of particular jumps done after glitching through terrain volume, it's a much more complicated process so i would advise simply watching the video demonstration.
Kings Watch : Again, much like Seraphim vault the kings watch area is a bit of a pain to access and much more of a pain to describe, video can be found here.
The Dark Below : This area can be accessed by playing through the black garden mission, upon defeating the defenders at the warp gate, jump on your sparrow and ride it through, you will come out the other side still riding the sparrow - you simply need to ride it from the entrance all the way to the blocking volume later on in the level, and ride on through, video demo here. (Video isn't mine)
The Terminus : This last area, as many will remember, is accessible through the large pillar of light on Venus that has a force field around it, to simply a much more intricate reality, you climb up the left wall and jump towards the light lift, completely bypassing the forcefield blocking volume and get dragged up to the new area, video is here. (again, not my video).
Dusk Warrens : Another area accessible, this time from the moon map - video of how to access it is here.
If anyone finds this particularly interesting, I may be convinced to post a write up on my raid map findings too.
Added a video for that area, add me sometime, glitching is fun- psn Nevada
Imo the Pocket Infinity is better, but the SGA is very doable compared to it.Got another exotic weapon bounty, Pocket Infinity or Super Good Advice? SGA sounds like a lot easier to get, but which is better?
Yep, once it's upgraded it's really cool. Full auto loses a bit of precision if you choose to have higher impact, but it's still very accurate. The rate of fire is still slower than the upgraded Suros and until now it had overall lower damage (need to see after hotfix), but I fucking melt wizards now. Those fuckers at level 28 used to be really annoying before I had this SR.
My other raid rewards so far were Chatterwhite, Glass Minuet (ship) and ass shards. I'm still amazed I got Vision of Confluence considering that after playing for over 80 hours I still haven't gotten a single exotic drop. All exotics I have I had to purchase with my hard earned coins.
Last weekend I even gambled on the exotic engram Xur was selling for motes. Got a Hunter helmet. I'm a Warlock...
Why's that so funny? (Genuine question)
Most people can do it with their eyes closed, even Nightfall.
I need a new auto rifle, what's the best one? (For PvE AND PvP)
Imo the Pocket Infinity is better, but the SGA is very doable compared to it.
Just did the nightfall and got an ark legendary machine gun. Yay, I needed an ark weapon.
So is it going to be easy to solo this weeks Nightfall? The last few weeks have been cake. I just love the challenge.
The culling?
dont use it much now i have fatebringer. But was my first legendary
Is this the week where I finally get the Last Word? Nightfall and Hard Raid, here I come!
Solo is difficult imo. A lot of small enemies that hit like a truck
So is it going to be easy to solo this weeks Nightfall? The last few weeks have been cake. I just love the challenge.
If only trades where possible, I got a warlock helmet and I'm a hunter :lol.
The full-auto perk VoC has is really nice, but sometimes it stops firing when the trigger is held, and I have to re-press it. Maybe a lag issue? I haven't noticed anything similar with other full-auto weapons.
I just finished soloing it. It was far easier than I was expecting.
lol atheon's epilogue is making this so easy
Yeah, I use this strike for the easy "don't die in a strike" bounty, and it's always the only section where I'm a bit nervous / about to die from time to time if I'm not really careful.How was the "three waves of enemies" section? It's probably the only difficult bit of the strike.
How was the "three waves of enemies" section? It's probably the only difficult bit of the strike.
How was the "three waves of enemies" section? It's probably the only difficult bit of the strike.
Is this the week where I finally get the Last Word? Nightfall and Hard Raid, here I come!
Would anyone be up for a hard mode on ps4 right now?