Ideally, there would be separate volume sliders for music, voice and sound effects.
On/off options would also be nice for the crucible announcer and your ghost.
THIS. Mother of god let me please turn down the music!!!! And let me skip cutscenes after watching them once.
I was hoping so, but in the latest mail sack someone asked about them and Deej dodged the question by pretending he thought they were asking about voice chat in matchmaking.
Urk did the same thing one time when someone asked him about the launch game having more character customization than what we saw in the beta. He answered as if they were asking about weapons and gear...and then the game launched with the exact same character customization options from the beta.
Ive got 2 questions about Exotic weapon bounties. First of all, i just started the one for Thorn and im on the part that says Harvest the energies of Hive on the Moon to activate this weapon. What weapon do I need to use to get these kills? My second question is whats the easiest way to get the 200 kills for the pocket infinity bounty in the nightfall?
Doesn't matter what you use, you just need to kill Hive. I just played the "We've woken the hive" farming spot over and over until I had it done.
VoC is the new mythoclast
Anyone doing normal raid tonight on XB1?
I might also be interested in carrying each others alts through nightfall/weekly heroic.
I was hoping so, but in the latest mail sack someone asked about them and Deej dodged the question by pretending he thought they were asking about voice chat in matchmaking.
Urk did the same thing one time when someone asked him about the launch game having more character customization than what we saw in the beta. He answered as if they were asking about weapons and gear...and then the game launched with the exact same character customization options from the beta.
Give it time. This kind of change isn't easy. Most of the time, you can't "just slap on some volume sliders". It will likely require a refactor of how the sounds are grouped, which means essentially modifying every asset.
Yep, I actually just removed myself from my clan because the "DestinyGAF NA Clan 3" on my nameplate was pointless and cluttering.these guys are the masters of PR speak and dodging questions. When somebody asked Deej/Urk about clan implementation for the full-game they went on about what they hoped clans would mean. Never answered that "clans don't have any purpose besides a tag under your name" and let us move on from the topic.
I've played this game an unhealthy amount and literally, at no point, have I had a moment where I needed to switch an AR out for a pulse rifle. I'm running pure meritocracy over here when it comes to weapons, and PRs simply never get any prolonged usage.
these guys are the masters of PR speak and dodging questions. When somebody asked Deej/Urk about clan implementation for the full-game they went on about what they hoped clans would mean. Never answered that "clans don't have any purpose besides a tag under your name" and let us move on from the topic.
The thirst is real for some, I guessHA, I wish! Would be set with mine maxed out.
You guys blow your Raid loads way too soon. Wouldn't it be better to do it around the weekends (fridays, saturdays and sundays)?
THIS. Mother of god let me please turn down the music!!!! And let me skip cutscenes after watching them once.
Congratulations on beating the Nightfall. Here are your Ascendent Shards.
I wouldn't be able to do the job they do. Takes a special type of person.
Congratulations on beating the Nightfall. Here are your Ascendent Shards.
I really can't understand how Bungie could test this game and not realize that sound/music sliders would help so much. Of course, these are the same developers that thought, "Hmm, let's make a dedicated sitting on the floor button and make the players navigate through a few menus in order to use an ammo pack."
Right, so them "nerfing auto rifles until we're forced to use inferior rifles" really means "ARs are too dominant, so let's give people more options".
HOLY SHIT is Control depressing when the other team is able to dig into B and C on Blind Watch. Kept getting paired against a fucking clan (most likely with mics) and one of them had a Mythoclast. They just cover the choke points sit pretty while the Heavy ammo spawns in their area. There was literally nothing I could do. Horrible map design.
I would KILL for a bunch of shards from the nightfall. KILL!
It's the only thing in between me and level 29. And I need about 20 of them. ARGH.
EDIT: * between me and level 29
Was a good couple runs though!
I'm willing to bet that even with the change, PI can dish out more damage by a large margin than any other fusion rifle. In the time it takes to fire one shot and recharge for the second shot, the PI has spit out 3 shots. I don't have much problem with this change...
I'm 2 shards and a lot of a filaments away from being able to hit 29 but I have zero Raid gear so it's pointless.
Yeah it was, thanks for accepting my request.
I can't blame them, I'm sure this wasn't the vision they had for the game whatsoever so they had to try and divert any negativity away. But with the writing style of Deej I'm starting to think he went into the wrong line of work. He should be going to interviews as the reincarnation of JRR Tolkien. With his overly-elaborate style.
It's way more depressing when your team controls B and C and everything is going fine and dandy and then some numbnuts goes and caps A and everything flips and you end up losing due to that.
Prediction: The Last Word becomes one of the best and most coveted PvP weapons in the coming weeks.
Congratulations on beating the Nightfall. Here are your Ascendent Shards.
Just because a weapon is effective, or even most effective, doesn't mean it's OP. It certainly doesn't mean they need an across the board nerf as a cockamamie way to get people to use other weapons.
I've been anticipating that as well. It's already one of the best - and I hope to get it one day.
To me, that's a better reward than an exotic I won't use. 10-12 ascended shards would be great. Last week's nightfall I only got a legendary engram. Doesn't get worse than that lol.
The thirst is real for some, I guess.
But yeah, Nightfalls > Raids, importance wise. Should always go Nightfall first and then whatever due to the Rep buff.
I have no idea why anyone thought Deej's condescending and self-important prose was a good idea, though.
Need three for normal raid PS4. Unknown837.
I think ascendant energy would be worse than a legendary engram... but that's coming from someone who has a metric fuck ton of energy.
Congratulations on beating the Nightfall. Here are your Ascendent Shards.
Prediction: The Last Word becomes one of the best and most coveted PvP weapons in the coming weeks.
This weeks Nightfall was dreadfully easy, at least solo. Most likely because of Icebreaker. And the switch to void weapon when needing to take down shielded mobs helped severely. Heck... I don't know. All I know is that I feel an Icebreaker fix/nerf coming sooner rather than later. Reluctantly of course.
But if you can get to 29 then you can do the hard raid (without being a total liability) which gets you a lot more gear per run. I'd rather spend the shards to hit 29, do the hard raid and get my raid gear (and shards hopefully) that way.
Edit: filaments are the easiest material to get in the game... so... I don't feel bad for you on that one.