I have a shit ton, but always welcome more. They will always have a use of some kind. With legendary engram the chances are it's for a piece I wont equip.
Add me.
Hit-me-- (I'll be on in a minute)
Still looks for 1 on Xbox? GT: Dr ChadManXbox One, looking for two more for normal raid.
Join GT: "Der Flatulator6"
is the fix patch up yet? i'm trying to see what it feels like
for some reason, all this "nerfing" doesn't inspire much confidence, granted some things were overpowered but i hope they won't be patching every time people complain about something
Wasn't asking for your sympathy, merely voicing frustration. My group isn't ready for hard raids and the nerf to the Mythoclast makes it unappealing anyway.
Fair enough. I am just pretty set on my weapons right now. Really just need a good void special/heavy (non-shotgun) and a legendary hand cannon at the moment to fill out my "most wanted" list. So the energies aren't at the top of my priority list.
Shards on the other hand... I have four right now and need another 20 to hit level 29. I cannot seem to get them.
Nah, we'll be okay: Ice Breaker is meh in PVP.This weeks Nightfall was dreadfully easy, at least solo. Most likely because of Icebreaker. And the switch to void weapon when needing to take down shielded mobs helped severely. Heck... I don't know. All I know is that I feel an Icebreaker fix/nerf coming sooner rather than later. Reluctantly of course.
that eight bullet clip hurts though
Mmmmmm. Okay. It's only affecting PvE balance so there's no chorus of people yelling at Bungie to fix it. Guess I'll just carry some of my friends through Nightfall to make up for the disappointing lack of challenge. Heck the only reason it took nearly an hour was because I had to wait for the gun to charge. Maybe AI should be able to shoot at least half as far as your maximum range. They can barely target acquisition because of how far away I usually am. I imagine some of the Strikes are less easy to solo. Like that time I tried to solo the Nexus... Blagh.So far every nightfall has been perfectly soloable without an ice breaker, so I don't think that's the issue.
Meh is an understatement. Can't collect ammo and don't spawn with ammo. It's useless unless you have 15 seconds to burn getting set up somewhere.Nah, we'll be okay: Ice Breaker is meh in PVP.
Sitting on the floor, which no one does = one tap of a button
Mounting up on your sparrow, which we all do all the time = press the touch pad, and then hold square for three seconds
It's not all nerfs - scout rifles will be receiving a much-needed buff.
Curious how many hours you've logged in crucible if you don't think ARs and shotguns needed a nerf.
that eight bullet clip hurts though
I was only trying to offer an opinion and some thoughts around your statement. I will refrain from doing that going forward.
Yo, you in for a nightfall and a weekly back to back tonight? I think I should have time for those two (ignore my PSN message that I wont be able to until Thurs, the gf is letting me have some time tonight).
did you read what i said?
Thanks for he help in nightfall tstrider! Got an exotic chest piece. Now I need to buy a legendary helmet lol.
Wish it was the other Titan one bit oh well.
anybody wanna do nightfall? PS4
Im surprised they havent nerfed the Icebreaker yet.
Sure thing man sounds good
Anyone up for the Nightfall strike?
PS4 - cloud945076
I think I saw you guys doing the raid last night (or night before?), were you doing it on hard? How did it go? Good loot?
I should be available to rock around 5:30pm Central.
The gun itself isnt the issue. The fact that its basically an infinite special ammo synth is lol.Meh. It's difficult to use up close and the ammo regen is pretty slow in hectic situations. The dmg is high but not absurdly high. Although I get the feeling we won't see Solar modifiers too often going forward, lol.
What would you do instead?
Bear in mind that if they buff other sustained damage weapons to AR efficiency then TTK would raise.
And it wasn't just a weapon, but almost an entire weapon class.
Still an exotic lolI got a legendary engram. I didn't even realize that was a possible reward. Thought it only dropped regular legendaries.
Was good though since it leveled up the cryptarch and the gift gave me 2 more legendary engrams... So no complaints. Although one of these days I hope to see a Last Word or Hawkmoon as a nightfall reward.
I've been noticing that there's moments when Sprint is not responding to clicking the stick. At first I thought it was to simulate running fatigue, then I realized the Sprint is unlimited.
I almost wiped yesterday during the 26 Summoning Pits (trying to kill Xyor) because of that. I'm playing on PS4. Is this happening on all platforms?
I've been noticing that there's moments when Sprint is not responding to clicking the stick. At first I thought it was to simulate running fatigue, then I realized the Sprint is unlimited.
I almost wiped yesterday during the 26 Summoning Pits (trying to kill Xyor) because of that. I'm playing on PS4. Is this happening on all platforms?
Congratulations on beating the Nightfall. Here are your Ascendent Shards.
Yeah, it sounds like you don't think the nerfs are legitimate and are only based on what the vocal minority is complaining about.
I'm saying after spending dozens of hours in crucible, I think these nerfs will diversify gameplay and have a positive effect on the fun factor in crucible.
Really? I was hoping it would be included with the other weapon patch...Still no Thorn buff? =/
So which strike is this week's Nightfall?
Congratulations on beating the Nightfall. Here are your Ascendent Shards.
I'm ok with a 2% damage reduction, but a class wide stability nerf just seems odd and lazy. Handling tweaks should be made on a per weapon basis. Something like Hard Light will probably be totally useless now, where as before, despite its limitations, it still rewarded you for being able to control the recoil(which many of the good ARs do).
Yep we beat it on hard, took a break on the weekend and then resumed last night from the gatekeeper. I got the Fatebringer but still need my raid gloves. Ska is 30 now. That new patch though, no more Templar cheese so we have to do it legit again lol.