On the final boss for Nightfall.
Join me if you want. PSN is College_Boy
Is anyone gonna do the hard raid on PS4 soon?
can't wait to unlock radiant skin and fireborn...
Doing atheon hard. Feel free to join if you want to come along for the ride or just need checkpoint. psn : breakfuss.
Doing atheon hard. Feel free to join if you want to come along for the ride or just need checkpoint. psn : breakfuss.
Msged if you don't mind carrying.Doing atheon hard. Feel free to join if you want to come along for the ride or just need checkpoint. psn : breakfuss.
Doing atheon hard. Feel free to join if you want to come along for the ride or just need checkpoint. psn : breakfuss.
I'm game. I have you added already, I think. I figure if neither of us can find a group, we may as well set up our own.Any experienced groups raiding tonight?
29 hunter. Have done it many times.
Can anyone confirm if this works?
Apparently you just make him fall of the edge like Atheon lol
That sounds like a grown up Cartman
As to whether it works, probably. All they fixed with the patch is the ability to have the relic holder go to other areas besides the main one. Unless they fixed allowing people to stay up there
I'm game. I have you added already, I think. I figure if neither of us can find a group, we may as well set up our own.
Probably won't unless they change the initial spawn area altogether.
goddamn those fallen captains and their shields in nightfall. Arc is my weakest spot as a warlock. Guess i can't solo this one.
Probably won't unless they change the initial spawn area altogether and then put a kill timer on that place.
Which is the next thing they are gonna patch. Have everyone spawn down where the first conflux is usually and a soft kill zone added up top because it is actually pretty easy to get back up to the spawn up top.
That fatebringer bro.
goddamn those fallen captains and their shields in nightfall. Arc is my weakest spot as a warlock. Guess i can't solo this one.
Anyone up for the nightfall?
28 Hunter PSN Abylim
So as a former Vex Mythoclast user (and I was straight up going 10.0 KD and higher pretty much every match) I have to say that the nerf made it pretty useless for me. There is no reason to pick it over the Suros Regime now.
Speaking of the Suros though that gun doesn't give a shit about any nerf they did. The increased recoil is negligible and the decreased damage you don't really notice. The only thing you really notice is the less head shot damage. At most though it takes like 2 more bullets to kill now.
So with that all in mind the Suros is the king of PvP again. I was killing people left and right with it (with my KD going back down to the usual 5 for me though). The only thing that can go up against it now is a good scout rifle user or as before the patch a good hand cannon player.
GG Bungie for making the Suros the strongest weapon again.
Iv never seen Futile Gesture before. Fusion rifle.
Down to your usual 5 from 10? Sounds like they did a pretty good job to me.
Love me some Vex 1% salty tears- keep 'em coming!
You don't understand I know the Vex was way too powerful. If I got my math right it was actually fairly close to the damage the heavy mg's do. They made it less useful than the Suros Regime which is a gun that everyone has due to Xur.
So yeah I hope you enjoy living in that Regime cause that shit is gonna stay for a while.
I can't speak much about pvp, but I'm level 30 because I have every raid piece.
Anyone want to raid on normal? PS4. Prefer experienced and 28+. I like teaching people but I only have a couple hours tonight.
Add me. Casmith7509
Got 2 so far
I'm game. I have you added already, I think. I figure if neither of us can find a group, we may as well set up our own.
On that note is there any experience raid group that has a spot? 29 Warlock. Up for Normal and Hard.
need one more for nightfall
I'm down, level 29 warlock.Truth.
Anyone want to raid on normal? PS4. Prefer experienced and 28+. I like teaching people but I only have a couple hours tonight.
Add me. Casmith7509
Got 2 so far