How can anybody use a Handcannon in Pvp, with AR's and Shotguns running around?
I tried to use the Thorn and got slaughtered.
Thorn is not well suited for PvP atm. You would think that the "bleed effect" weighs up the lack of bullets and slow reload, but sadly it doesn't. The stability is also too low to upgrade it any other path.
If you wan't to go serious with handcannons in PvP you should look for large magazines and a combination of high stability, range and reload speed. And don't forget to check the upcoming upgrades, because they can affect all of those stats. Reload speed can also be affected by the right armor equipment.
Many people argue that The Last Word is the best PvP gun, but I think it's very situational because of its low range stat and lack of bullets. It's best suited for close situations where you need to go full power. The Chance (FWC handcannon) follows the same premise as The Last Word but don't come with the damage modifiers.
The best and most balanced PvP handcannon in my opinion is Lord High Fixer, with the stat combination that comes from the one that the Crucible vendor sells. It has a slightly lower rate of fire than The Last of Word and no modifiers to damage (even though it has a higher base damage). Other than that it outclasses it in every regard, especially the range stat which is insane with the modifier that comes with it. You can headshot targets from a very long distance which enables you to play it more safely and still be very lethal. Handcannons are headshot machines and in a close panic situation they don't always deliver. You would want something (in my opinion) that grants you strength at all distances and Lord High Fixer does just that. It also has some other neat perks, like a small model size which doesn't talk up half the screen when you run with it.