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Destiny |OT7| "In the Garden of Suros" by I. Ron Banner

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Two Words

If they did it yesterday people would complain about not being able to finish their raids or SOMETHING. just because it is personally inconvenient for you doesn't mean it is wrong.
You can raid every week. How often will these Iron Banner events pop up? Yes, maintenence will always inconvenience somebody. I'm saying pick a less idiotic time. In my book, the start of the first Iron Banner event when we have no indication that it was going to happen or how often these Iron Banner events will occur is idiotic.


I'm pretty sure everyone in this OT thread has already clocked over 12 hours of play time in the game, many will be at ten times that, that's significantly more play time than the average game, and clearly while there are aspects about the game that can be frustrating many of the people here still enjoy the game.

So it begs the question, if you come in to this topic and see people clearly happy with the game, what drives you to question others enjoyment and trample on the game they are enjoying, would you, for example, dislike playing in sand, see a group of people building sand castles, run over and kick them down and say "i don't like sand, why are you playing in sand"?

don't go in there Futaba, it's a trap!


Junior Member
Dear Bungie,

Could we get a second loadout at the touch of a button?

We have a touchpad, i would like to be able to swipe left to switch from Striker to Defender, including a gear change.

I'd also like to swipe right for just a gear-loadout change.

Having to unequip my exotic heavy, before being able to equip my exotic main, is kinda annoying.


Ugh. Why would they run in there?
Just unlocked my Starless Night in the Helm of Saint 14. Here's hoping people still haven't smartened up yet.
Dear Bungie,

Could we get a second loadout at the touch of a button?

We have a touchpad, i would like to be able to swipe left to switch from Striker to Defender, including a gear change.

I'd also like to swipe right for just a gear-loadout change.

Having to unequip my exotic heavy, before being able to equip my exotic main, is kinda annoying.
ALL OF THIS. Seriously, the game needs this. I don't know how big of an impact it would have on PvP as far as on the fly class switching goes, but Loadouts are sorely needed.


I want to ask one more time and I apologize profusely to (Night Angel, I believe) who provided me a response. I just want to get clarification so I can use my time and resources efficiently.

I have a fully upgraded exotic helm at Light 30.

I have legendary for remaining gear (one chest, gauntlet and boot) at Light 23. They each need two last defense upgrades for a total of 48 shards.

If I fully upgrade these, can I get to 29 or is it best to save my shards for Raid Gear?

Thanks in advance.

I'm not sure if theres a correct way to do it. I saved my shards for raid gear and exotic helm.

I guess if you decide to use shards and reach 29 you'll get twice the amount of ascendant materials, and a better chance of getting raid armor.


This game.....

I am really just kind of getting sick of it now. I'm always playing the same shit over and over, and always getting the same shit over and over and over. I can tell you I sure do have a shitload of plasteel plating! How is it I can not find one good legendary or exotic weapon no matter how much I play? Hows it it I can never find one more goddamn ascendant shard to level up just one piece of armor? I've gotten so many highlander type 0's and Knight levels 1-4, that I'd be a millionaire if I had a dollar for each one I get. The only good armor I got was from Xur with strange coins. I got a nice Queens helm from the Queens wrath, but for some reason, every time I play a Queens wrath mission, I get the same helm over and over and over and over x 1000.....

I can't do the Raid because having 6 friends on at the same time is way to difficult to manage. So I'm left replaying the same missions for the same exact worthless stuff. Did I mention over and over and over?

This game is just getting to be way to overly frustrating. My gaming time is limited and once MCC hits, Destiny is done. I was dumb enough to get the season pass, so I will play that content because, hell, I paid for it.

Re: the raid.

Hit up destinylfg.net, reddit.com/r/fireteams and the neogaf raid/strike thread. It's a lot easier to get into a random pick up group than you think. Lot of people just looking for one more off the bat.

Finished Atheon last night thanks to reddit. My group was really patient and had good ideas of what to improve each death.

It's worth playing through the raid at least before you quit.

Two Words

So then the people who were trying to squeeze in their last Queens Missions for rewards would complain instead?
Nobody cared about that event after they stopped people from farming it for shards. Nobody was ever going to see the Queen's representative the whole two weeks in the Tower.


I reached Rank 5 and got a Mote of Light. Please, refrain from calling me names in jealousy...

Reaching Rank 3 in Dead Orbit spoiled me. I got a Legendary Hand Cannon for that.

haha on man that would suck. i'm working on dead orbit now so it looks like I made the right decision to move after lvl3. thank you!


Asked this before but I can't seem to find an answer...

Are the IB weapons random drops at the end of matches? I only see a machine gun for sale from the vendor.


Nobody cared about that event after they stopped people from farming it for shards. Nobody was ever going to see the Queen's representative the whole two weeks in the Tower.

Yeah, it was pretty sad to see such a massive nerf. At the very least they could have dropped the % of it giving Ascended materials instead of completely removing them.
Just unlocked my Starless Night in the Helm of Saint 14. Here's hoping people still haven't smartened up yet.

You can use it offensively as well. Jump into a group, lay that shit down and let the hilarity commence. You can't smarten up to that shit. It's a weapon.

Also, if we're talking PvE, those dudes most certainly haven't smartened up.


love on your sleeve
you should've suggested it!

There's always OT8


They don't do their updates on Mondays. I have no idea why.

It's dumb and it's something Bungie should be raked over the coals for. Honestly, it feels like they get off too easily for stuff like that, how buggy the raid was / is, the lag in the raid / PvP..

I can see why they didn't want more than 6 man raids / 12 man PvP, the game can barely handle it as it is.

People who raid before doing Nightfall and Heroic Weeklies are doing it wrong.

I thought I read somewhere that maybe that Trials of Osiris event will be the PvP way to get level 30 gear. Still, I think PvP should have a way to get there that isn't only a limited time event. The Raid is available 24/7. Maybe do it in such a way that you only get a few rolls of the dice each week, like the raid, so that you can't just play the hell out of PvP and get to 30 in one week.

You need anyone for the lvl 28 weekly or the nightfall tonight? I should be on around 8pm eastern.


Couldn't boot up destiny because of stinkbug. Decided to close the app. Now my ps4 has frozen. Great...
My girlfriend got the same thing the other day: the game wouldn't let her connect, so she decided to close the application. It somehow stuck something within the PS4 OS, because Destiny never close, and she couldn't bring the closing menu of the console. Had to unplug it.


Time to post final thoughts while the servers are currently down!

I clearly enjoy the game to some extent as I have about 130 or so hours in, but with that said I think I want to like the game more than I actually do. There's a core game here that can be super impressive, and similar to what's happened with Diablo 3 I think that after some time with patches and content updates (although let's not get into how much of that may be paid...) it could genuinely be a great game. I will be avidly following the thread and updates and notes from Bungie, but will be dropping the version I'm currently playing (360) until I can get a PS4, hopefully in the next few months.

The general and biggest complaints of extreme repetition, lack of content and the story being non-existent don't bear repeating. But I thought I would post some very specific thoughts I had, many of which are things I feel that they could seemingly address relatively easily.

-They need to greatly diversify Bounties; the insane amount of repeats we're getting is ridiculous. If you're going to keep throwing Fallen headshot kills at us, why not at least mix it up with Cabal or Vex headshots? Why not have both PvE and PvP Bounties for kills with weapons that we haven't seen yet (ex. X # of kills with Shotguns in PvE). They've immediately fallen into the shitshow that Halo Reach Daily Challenges were that drove me up the wall with constant repeats, and it's especially bad here since the breadth of possibilities here is way greater than it was in Reach. My crew already has running jokes about the factory making Sepkis Primes.
-Directly related, but they need to put more Bounty beacons in more locations. Completing bounties that take you under the Moon surface or to the end of maps like Venus sucks since you have to either go to orbit or hike way back. You should be able to reasonably keep the bounty train going.
-Stop offering bounties that are literally impossible, like having Bounties the first day of the Queen's even that requires you to wear her items (one of which you can't get until Rank 2 with her), Salvage bounties on days where Salvage isn't even available, etc. How is this even happening, much less continuing???
-Stop offering Bounties that incentivize bad behavior in the Crucible. They had the same problem in Reach as well and it continues here. Since most of my friends refuse to play Crucible anymore I usually have to go in solo, and half of my team is generally useless because they're going 0 and 10 trying to get Sniper headshots for a bounty. That does partially tie in to the Crucible not rewarding you based on how well you play, but it makes the Crucible more infuriating than it already is for me.
-As you're leveling from 1 to 20 you randomly (?) get Bounty Leads at the Postmaster which you can trade in to the Bounty Master for Bounties; why not keep this at post 20? Have it so you can semi-randomly get additional bounties per day in this fashion.

-They need to separate PvE and Crucible, at least balance-wise. I can respect their decision to make it all the same thing, but as someone who doesn't really give a damn about the PvP in the game, having weapons I use in PvE be nerfed because of PvP balance is fucking insane.
-They need to at least weight potential rewards based on performance. Right now it just encourages people going AFK since it doesn't matter, and it also encourages people to not try to win so they can complete horseshit Crucible bounties (see above) which actually DO provide tangible and set rewards. I like the idea from someone here (Ghal maybe?) that since there's two item slots in the post-reward screen, have the first item box be guaranteed if you win (maybe with random craftable items like Spinmetal etc) then the second box be a random item with some sort of weighting given to top performers. I definitely agree even if you are the bottom of your team and terrible as long as you are actually playing you should have a chance of getting something, but not at the cost of the person going 25 and 0 and carrying your team to victory getting nothing.
-This is purely a personal complaint, but I've never had the Crucible not be laggy for me. Have zero problems with any other games, or Bungie games in the past, but it's pretty bad for me. I'm seeing practically no one mention the 360 version here is what I'm playing, not sure if that has anything to do with it but it sucks.

-Have faction reputation either carry across all of your characters, OR let you buy gear for other classes than your current one from the faction vendors. Having my Hunter at Rank 3/4 with all Factions but being unable to buy stuff for my other fresh level 20 characters with all of the marks and rep I have on my main is pretty crappy.
-It's been beaten to death, but the Mark cap is pretty dumb, at least at 200. Additionally they really need to either combine Mark currencies, or let you spend either one at a vendor. For people that don't want to play or are terrible at PvP, it sucks that you can get a Faction up to Rank 2/3+ in PvE but then need PvP marks to buy stuff from them. It's pretty dumb. It makes sense for the Crucible faction obviously, but that's about it.

-Patch both an in-game map and zone names in. It doesn't have to be a detailed map, but being able to open up even the map you see when you're in Planet View with zone names on it would be super nice. I still have friends who get lost, and outside of Earth I still don't know most zone names.
-They need to increase rewards for Strikes, most specifically the amount of Rep you get. With the patch increase engram drop rates for Strikes (I virtually always get at least 2 blue engrams on Tiger Strikes) I think that's fine, and 6 marks isn't amazing but for an average of 10-15 minutes that's within reason. But 25 Rep for that amount of time isn't; I don't think it needs a huge bump, but taking it from 25 to 35-40 would about balance it out with how fast you can get Rep by doing Patrols, and would put doing Strikes on fairly equal footing with doing Patrol.
-It's also been beaten to death, but for the love of God patch the Grimoire stuff into the game somehow. Having to navigate their website or app to see where I'm at for in-game challenges is absurd, at least get the Challenge stuff in there (like X kills for Rank 1/2/3 etc) if nothing else.
-what are these load times I don't even


Dear Bungie,

Could we get a second loadout at the touch of a button?

We have a touchpad, i would like to be able to swipe left to switch from Striker to Defender, including a gear change.

I'd also like to swipe right for just a gear-loadout change.

Having to unequip my exotic heavy, before being able to equip my exotic main, is kinda annoying.

My Man....


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
Bungie, why do you do such an awful job incentivizing these new events? I only leveled up the Queen rep because I figured maybe in the future you would put something in and I would regret not raising it. Shouldn't the rewards be clearly evident from day one to drive enthusiasm? Sorry, but some purple shaders and gear I can get the equivalent of somewhere else just ain't cutting it.

And now this IB stuff...I mean I guess one of the cloaks would be cool, but I'm not going to put that much effort into PVP for a cloak.
When you know things are most likely to come up, you plan for it to take longer.

Also knowing exactly zil about what they are actually doing, you criticism them with your "street cred".

Why are you quantifying my university qualifications as "street cred"?
Dear Bungie,

Could we get a second loadout at the touch of a button?

We have a touchpad, i would like to be able to swipe left to switch from Striker to Defender, including a gear change.

I'd also like to swipe right for just a gear-loadout change.

Having to unequip my exotic heavy, before being able to equip my exotic main, is kinda annoying.

I agree with this. Instead of being used to do emotes, the d-pad could be used to switch weapons and even loadouts.


Do legendary gear max out at Light 30? I'm 23 right now with two more to go per piece. I do not know how high the remaining two slots will bring that up to.

Only raid legendary and exotic go up to 30 light. I have an exotic, a raid legendary, and two normal legendary. I'm 29 and only my exotic and raid pieces are fully upgraded.


So i take it that legendary iron banner heavy machine gun is no longer purchasable at iron banner rank 3 like it was in the beta?

Hopefully you can still get the iron banner hand canon as a random award for playing matches
Had 2 of them in the beta and that is still the only thing im pissed didnt carry over from the beta


Two pieces of gear that had a two weeks to grind and was far easier to grind. Iron Banner lasts half as long and you only get rep from winning and bounties.
Which makes IB infinitely easier since you can play forever. You only got so many chances at the Queen's stuff.

IB is the FAR easier grind just due to it only depending on how much time you have.

Aw shit, I forgot about those...dammit! I actually wanted the ship. :(
Sush, Lord Two Words has decreed you don't exist.
Nobody cared about that event after they stopped people from farming it for shards. Nobody was ever going to see the Queen's representative the whole two weeks in the Tower.

Plenty of people cared about it both for quickly gearing alts and for attempting to collect The Supremacy in each element.

Conversely I could claim that many PvE focused players as well as players who aren't interested in the Iron Banner rewards don't care about this event. At the end of the day, someone, somewhere is going to be upset at the time they choose to do maintenance like this. Statistically though, this time period is the one where there is the least activity in the game worldwide.


Only raid legendary and exotic go up to 30 light. I have an exotic, a raid legendary, and two normal legendary. I'm 29 and only my exotic and raid pieces are fully upgraded.

Did you have to put any shards into the 2 normal legendaries to get to 29?
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