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Destiny |OTForever29| The Season Finale


Skolas can be painful without everyone in your group being top notch.

I learned that the hard way, yeah... we took a new guy with us, but to be fair to him he picked everything up really quickly after our first attempt.

Use this:

Some platitudes:

Take your time. Seriously. Don't even try to damage him if you're breathing hard. Do another rotation if you need to.

Don't damage Skolas if there are any adds on the field. Don't start mines until everyone has their super.

Take your time.

I think I love you.

We followed the picture you linked, just took it as slowly as we could, and made ample space for breathing room where we did nothing but ensure all the adds were dead and that we were prepared for the mine phases. Thought the spawns for both were time based at first so we kinda went into panic mode whenever the mines popped, so once we followed your advice we nailed him no problem.


We nailed the mines last night... our strat was with a titan and 2 warlocks (however I bet a hunter would work better then a second warlock). The warlock with self rez available would take the essence and stay on the platform. The other one would run over to the opposite side of the map to get the far mine and the titan would run to the middle mine and drop a bubble. The warlock with the essence would die with it and then just self rez to take out the mine. The other two would take out their mines and then head back to the platform. It worked flawlessly

We tried mostly the same tactic at first (only it was me as a Hunter with 2 Warlocks), but I think some poor co-ordination due to pressure was what ultimately made us fail doing it that way.

Oh well, at least that's the Triumph done and dusted now! What a weight off my shoulders.


Dear Vanguard Council,

Make me your leader so that I can send every Guardian to raid Fig's base force Eva to sell Victory Eagle.

So how's everyone doing? Made it to Mercury yet? got any good loot?

I will fulton every thing in that base, Fig!


Okay, I have a few questions. How does one go about joining SEXY and getting on this trophy band wagon? Also, where is Xur in the tower this weekend?


Okay, I have a few questions. How does one go about joining SEXY and getting on this trophy band wagon? Also, where is Xur in the tower this weekend?

He's hiding away in The Reef this week, in a short tunnel type thing on one of the lower platforms.


Destiny |OT♦30| Up All Night to Hit 40
Destiny |OT♦30| Taken, Not Xur'd

I like these two

Destiny |OT♦30| Up All Night But Servers Are Down
Destiny |OT♦30| Gjallarhorn 09/09/14 - 09/15/15
Destiny |OT♦30| Now With WolfPups


Damm, I'm just lvl 32..lol don't really wanna grind
Your best bet is to do power leveling after the 8th to get up to 34 on exp alone.
I have a feeling after the 8th, we will have an influx of people looking to complete Skolas for the first time.
Just reached my first level 30
on my filthy hunter
and I'm not sure what's next. I've done mostly pvp, but started running strikes yesterday.

I want to try out the raids, at least Vault of Glass. Do I need to run story missions first to unlock them? Is anyone willing to team up later tonight and guide me through? I'll likely be on at 9PM Mountain Time...three hours or so from now.

PSN is Tragicomedy. I'll take friend adds either way. :)


Your best bet is to do power leveling after the 8th to get up to 34 on exp alone.
I have a feeling after the 8th, we will have an influx of people looking to complete Skolas for the first time.

Yea that's the plan now, thank God they updated the time for the emblem so I can atleast try.


Steroid Distributor
If anyone on XB1 needs a nightfall jump into my game. I'm at the boss now. Just parked outside the room for a bit.

Gamertag: Truelize
we picking for the community thread or next weeks gaming thread?

Good question. Did you already have a title in mind for your thread? Otherwise you and Drizzay/Hawkian should pick from these and talk to each other to make sure each thread title would be different. In the end its up to you and Drizzay (and Hawk?).
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