B. Accidental Damage from Handling Coverage (ADH) on Accessories.
• Repair or replacement, at our sole discretion, of up to a total of six (6) accessories per year.
• ADH Coverage will provide coverage for parts and labor costs to repair your accessory as a result of
damage to your accessory that is the result of an unexpected and unintentional external event (drops and
spills) that arise from your normal daily usage of the accessory as the manufacturer intended. If we
determine in our sole discretion that your accessory cannot be repaired, we will replace it with a accessory
of like kind and quality that is of comparable performance or reimburse you for replacement of the accessory
with a voucher or gift card, at our discretion, equal to the current market value of the accessory, as
determined by us, not to exceed the original purchase price of your accessory, including taxes.
• One-time ADH repair/replacement per accessory for the life of the Plan.
• ADH Exclusions: gaming consoles, accessories that fall from elevated heights such as decks, balconies, or
out of windows, units that have been run over or that fall from moving vehicles, damage from liquid
immersion/submersion or any other secondary damage or using the product in a manner the manufacturer
did not intend are not covered.