Finished this last night and I have a few quick notes about what worked for me.
- I believe it's well known that the Magnum with exploding rounds is no joke. Get it and save it for bosses and mechs.
- The stealth package is garbage. Cones of vision, and all that other stuff is pointless.
- The invisible ability is amazing. Upgrade it to max.
- See though walls ability is amazing as well. This and invisible is all you need for stealth.
- The battery system is so stupid in this game that I never bothered to use any candy bars. I only used one battery almost the entire game and pretty much wasted praxis points on multiple batteries.
- Do max out your battery's recharge speed, though the difference is smaller than you might expect.
- Don't bother with recoil and steady aim augs unless you aren't really comfortable at sniping. Actually steady aim may be a good thing, I just didn't feel I needed it.
- Icarus landing system will both save your ass and time. Get it.
- Upgrade 3 hacking packages to max. The one that tells you what prize is in the box before you open it should not be priority. You should have plenty of stop and nuke programs by the end of the game if you're hacking right.
- Nodes seem to have memory and will load much quicker when alredy cracked from a previous attempt.
- Eventually it's smart to get the break walls aug. A few hiding places house praxis kits.
- The heavy lifting aug comes in handy mostly when dealing with air ducts.
- The bosses are pretty easy once you understand how they work. The second one gave me the most trouble. I used invisible to buy a little time and breathing room after taking damage. Should last you 7 seconds on one battery fully upgraded. All the time you need to get to safetey.
- Jump is nice to have, but I never really found a good use for it besides the third boss fight. Invisible then jumping over walls to get away worked great.
- A lot of characters like tough love. Adam is naturally a douche and everyone just accepts it, so just go with it.
- I boosted my radar but never really used it.
- Halfway though the game I discovered that you can cut off the hacking process early and save yourself the 30 second wait.
- Yes you can
and it's not hard. What i did was magnum/explosive round with a laser sight everyone. Invisible and cover when taking damage. Mechs take about 6 shots.
- Oh and laser sight all your favorite weapons. I don't get the point of laser sniper rifle though.
- Silence/laser handgun <3
That's all i can think of, right now.