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Devil May Cry 4 |OT| of daring to defy your savior

shintoki said:
Okay, How do you rev attacks? Just a thought...Ive been starting it. I manage to get close to it. I can hit reving about 40% of attacks but Im having trouble finding the excat moment or position

depends on the combo or special move where is that tutorial that gave detailed instructions and visual cues?

found it
What is Exceed?

Exceed is a technique exclusive to Nero that allows him to charge the attacks of Red Queen, his sword, for greater damage and in some cases enhanced or additional effects. It is represented in-game by the round meter, properly called the EX-Gauge, to the left of the health bar in the upper left corner of your screen. Tapping LT/L2 will cause Nero to rev the motorcycle handle on the Red Queen and begin to fill the EX-Gauge. Once fully charged, a Lamp will alight on top of the EX-Gauge. There are three Lamps in total, and the fastest way to fill one with standard revving is to hold and release LT/L2 three times. This process should take a little under three seconds. A filled Lamp allows Nero to perform one and only one Exceeded, or EX-, attack.

What is Instant Revving?

Instant Revving, or IRing, is the technique that will allow you to use the Exceed system to its full potential. It involves instantly filling the EX-Gauge, thereby lighting a Lamp without delay. This is accomplished by timing a press of LT/L2 at a predesignated point during any attack. When performed correctly, Nero's blade will flash, you will hear a short high-pitched pneumatic sound accompanied by a brief revving, and a Lamp will light up.

Mastering the Instant Rev

Achieving fluency with IR requires that the player become sensitive to the subtle rhythm of his or her button inputs. This means, paradoxically, that during combos you must pay more attention to your own hands than the screen until you develop an intuitive grasp of the necessary timings. Visual cues are the second key element of successful IRing, particularly for single-hit attacks, so I will refer to them extensively. To benefit from these you will obviously need to pay very close attention to the screen. It's up to you to maintain a healthy balance of both these methods. Our ultimate goal is to gain the ability to consistently IR Nero's every attack, such that each hit is bolstered by the power of Exceed.


I recommend that you reduce the volume of your television to avoid distraction, because feeling and hearing your controller is important to getting the proper timing down. To practice these timings stay in the first area of Executioner, or clear the Frosts from the field a bit further in. The bridge to Berial is another decent spot for practice. Which one you should choose mainly depends on which camera view you prefer.


The most straightforward way I can think of to illustrate the concept of rhythmic input is to display the notation of each attack or combo using spaces to indicate the correct timing for each rev. To this end I present the following notation key:

+ - press the buttons/directions on either side of this symbol at the same time
~ - press the buttons/directions on either side of this symbol in immediate sequence, but not together
: - I will use this symbol for spacing. The time it represents is relative, but it should make perfect sense once you start putting my notations into practice
f - press the left stick in the direction Nero is facing
b - press the left stick in the direction Nero's back is facing
R - rev; LT for 360 players, L2 for PS3 players. A quick tap of this button is all that's needed to IR
A - attack; Y for 360 players, Triangle for PS3 players. As with revs, use quick taps of this button
[] - the button(s) within these brackets should be held
(lock) - denotes an attack that must be performed while holding the lock-on button; RB for 360 players, R1 for PS3 players
(air) - denotes an attack that must be performed while airborne

Now then, on to the moves. This won't be uniformly structured. For some attacks a simple description of its visual cues will suffice, while more complex ones will require the rhythmic notation described above. In all cases, however, I will list how the normal version of the attack is performed.

Streak - (lock) f+A

Rev just before the blade completes its arc and stops behind Nero's body. This simple timing is made a little more complicated by the attack's variable range. If an enemy or obstruction is not immediately in front of Nero, he will rush forward before delivering the slash. Remain collected and avoid revving until the end of the animation.

EX version: Timing is faster than the standard version. Rev the moment Nero's spin faces him left. This occurs directly after the fiery slash; roughly in the middle of the move's full animation.

High Roller - (lock) b+A

Rev at the peak of the arc, just before Nero tilts the blade down to refasten it to his back. You'll most likely try to rev too early at first, but you should be able to adjust for this with a bit of practice

EX version: Slower timing. Rev right before the Red Queen taps the ground at the end of the attack.

Rising High Roller - (lock) b+[A]

Rev at the peak of Nero's jump, a moment before he puts away the Red Queen.

EX version: Faster timing. Rev just before Nero's head points down and the Red Queen points behind him, just after he reach the peak of his jump.

Split - (air) (lock) f+A

Rev as Nero's blade touches the ground. The easiest timing of all the attacks in my experience.

EX version: Virtually identical timing, though Nero's fall is a bit faster.

Combo 1 - A::A::A::A

Standard first slash: A:::R~A:R~A::R~A::::R

This is, to my mind, the single most important combo to learn to IR. Once you've mastered this one, none of the other combos should give you much trouble because you will have understood much of what you need to know about rhythmic input in order to adapt it to other IR timings. While memorizing this combo's timing, I found it necessary to count it out to avoid confusing myself with the rapid button inputs. I broke it down like so: one (A:::), one-two (R~A:R~A::), three (R~A::::)...four (R). I also had to actively fight against my instinct to press A before R.

I recommend learning this one in pieces as I did. Practice until you can get A::R~A:R~A to come out consistently. This is by far the easiest portion of the combo to IR. The short delay before revving the first slash gives way to a nice even rhythm with the inputs for the next two. Next, incorporate the third R~A, which is the really tricky part. The correct timing for this third rev is extremely close to that of the previous two, yet there is an additional tiny, barely perceptible delay. It's so slight that if you actively try to slow your timing you'll likely botch it. Instead, try lifting your finger from the rev button after the second R~A. Experiment with the distance at which you do so until it creates the desired effect. Finally, add the last R. The delay on this one is positively massive in comparison to the previous timings. For this reason it's quite easy once you get the hang of it.

As for visual cues, bear in mind that I encourage you to stick to the rhythmic input method alone until you're reasonably comfortable with it. It's an invaluable technique. That said, here they are. First slash, rev as the sword scrapes the ground. The delay is probably a tad longer than you'll expect. Second slash, rev in the middle of the animation, or just after this point. Third slash, same as the second, but more difficult to judge because of its horizontal trajectory. Fourth slash, right as the sword makes contact with the ground, before you see sparks.

EX first slash: A::R~A:R~A::R~A:::R

I'm sure this doesn't look like a huge difference to you, but the faster first slash can make the timing for the rest of EX-Combo 1 feel significantly off. In actual fact, you really just have to adjust for the shorter startup time. It's really hard to go by the visual cue since the attack's so fast, but you need to rev right in the middle of the slash.

Combo 2 - A::A::::A::A::A

Standard first slash: A::R~A:R:::A:R:A:R:A:RA::R

Not bad, except for the third slash, which will probably throw you for a bit if you've been practicing Combo 1 up until now. You'll notice the necessary delay between the second and third slashes is significantly shorter when the second slash is successfully IRed. Visual cues for the first two slashes are identical to those of Combo 1. Slash three, which is actually a pair of rapid vertical slashes, is revved midway through the second of the two. Four, near the end of the slash. Five, midway through Nero's spin. Six, as the animation is winding down, just before the Red Queen comes to a stop.

EX first slash: A::R~A:R:::A:R:A:R:A:RA::R

I have nothing to add here, since the beginning of this combo is the same as that of Combo 1.

Aerial Rave - (air) A::A::A

Standard first slash: (air) A::R~A:R:A

Not too bad if you're used to Combo 1. The timing for the first and third revs is a tad long. Watch out for that.

EX first slash: (air) A:R~A:R:A

Arguably easier than the standard first slash version, because the timing of the first rev is more consistent with the rest.

I think that's a wrap. If you find any areas of this guide lacking (as you most assuredly will, because I threw this together on less than a few hours' sleep), please speak up so I can address them in additional detail. I'm kind of zonked, so I might have glossed over something important.


WickedLaharl said:

hey i think people saying that they'd get hand cramps from playing this game on a 360 pad are sissies! do all of you complaining about it have little girls hands?!

That depends!

If you're not getting hand cramps you're obviously playing it like a little girl :p


but i posted one of their screenshots several pages back (link), and you can see EXACTLY THE SAME blurring and afterimages. console boosterism is one thing, but it's kind of shitty to sell the ps3 version by touting nonexistent changes in the final release.

Non-existent changes? Kind of shitty to sell the PS3 version? Why don't you fucking watch the videos first then, if you refuse to do that then kindly shut the fuck up. I'm not selling shit here. I told him to be his own judge based on those videos. You are not playing static images here. Seems to me you just afraid to accept that they might actually reduce the blur in the PS3 version. Seems like you also love to shout "PS3 version cutscene unstable framerate!!!!!'inconsistent" X360 version rock solid 30 fps!!!" Which is BS as well since there are few frame drops in the X360 cutscenes.

Seems to me you are the one who have something to sell here.

I also like how you ignore the texture shimmerings in the X360, the lower framerate cutscenes (60 fps with drops is technically greater than 30 fps with drops to me) and crown X360 the technical superior one.


Kyoufu said:
The comments on the PS3 version's blur is pathetic. I can't believe what I'm reading here. If it bothers you so much, get the 360 version and stfu. I will take blur that I'm not paying attention to because I'm actually focusing on the game instead of hand cramps from the 360 pad.


on my tv the PS3 version has no AFTER IMAGE. (32" sony bravia) The biggest difference is that the 360 version has texture shimmering and the ps3 has none. Which also makes the edges and textures a little rougher on the 360 version than on the ps3 version but also the 360 versions textures have more contrast than the ps3s.

But the differences are minute. Controller preference should be your only choice when deciding which version to get.


"I remember reading somewhere earlier in the topic that the demo wasnt 1080p compatible, or something to that effect."

i ask because i just tried the demo on the 360 to compare the difference and i noticed that it was being upscaled to 1080p.


hyperbolically metafictive
you're way off the mark on my biases. and there's absolutely no need for me to watch the videos -- it's obvious from that screen that the ps3 version is still blending each frame with previous ones, producing undesirable blur and afterimages when in motion. what you're saying about the effect being 'reduced' doesn't make sense -- what does 'reduced' even mean in this context? this method of AA is subjectively and technically inferior to the 360 version's MSAA -- besides the blur and afterimages it produces, it's incapable of smoothing the leading edges of moving objects. this fact is relevant to people who're trying to choose between the two versions. and that you're trying to obscure it, is...well...shitty.

i've summarized the differences between the two versions here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=9483191&postcount=1990

you won't find any bias there, though you're free to add anything i may have missed


DiddyBop said:
are ppl so hungry for the game that they need to pick apart the DEMO?! im hyped for the game too but damn..

If you mean pick apart as in combo/game mechanics, then yes, I think alot of people are like me and have been wanting DMC4 badly ever since it's existance was announced some 2-3 years ago.

I think alot of the picking apart seen here though is just system wars people fighting for the supremacy of their favorite piece of plastic and microchips


Once again. The version that should be bought is the controller you prefer to play it with. Don't even try to make it seem like the irrelevant blur is a deal-breaker to anyone but yourself.

Drohne, maybe you have a problem where the blur gets on your tits and prevents you from enjoying the game, but I myself and many others can't even notice any "deficiencies" when we're actually playing the game. Funny concept that, playing.

This is somewhat ironic. If Halo 5 was multiplatform, and visually a little superior (omg more AA!!!11) on the PS4, you people would still buy the Xbox version because of the controller. Don't even tell me that you wouldn't.


drohne said:
d technically inferior to the 360 version's --

thats the whole msg these guys are trying to convey.

they don't admit the 360s texture shimmering. or that the textures/shadow maps are rougher.

Its funny when MORE filtering == less technical.

Even if the ps3 version is using temporal AA thats still has nothing to do with the texturing differences.

And the AA is smoother on the ps3 version. Its very plainly easy to see for those who have both demos.


hyperbolically metafictive
you need to rethink your assumptions on who 'my people' are. i personally prefer sony's pads to microsoft's, and if i didn't have a 3rd party 360 controller that addresses a lot of my concerns, i'd have a hard time choosing between the two versions. i can totally understand people buying the ps3 version for the controller. i can even understand people buying the ps3 version because they like ps3, minute technical differences be damned. i don't understand people lying to themselves and others about these differences.


drohne said:
you need to rethink your assumptions on who 'my people' are. i personally prefer sony's pads to microsoft's, and if i didn't have a 3rd party 360 controller that addresses a lot of my concerns, i'd have a hard time choosing between the two versions. i can totally understand people buying the ps3 version for the controller. i can even understand people buying the ps3 version because they like ps3, minute technical differences be damned. i don't understand people lying to themselves and others about these differences.

Okay thats better, and I agree. If the PS3 version looked horrible on the eyes, I'd have a problem but it really doesn't. I saw the GT comparison video and couldn't really tell what the differences were until the B3D warriors told us.

Anyways, 3 days til release (Japan), and its number one on Amazon charts. I wonder how it'll sell over there.


dirtmonkey37 said:
The 360's buttons are bit stiffer and have round surfaces that are not ideal for quick button presses. Also, The size, weight, and awkward positioning of the triggers in relation to the buttons (only for DMC; for everything else, I much prefer the 360 controller) contributes to the hand-crampiness.
i don't use my thumbs to press buttons so the whole speed argument doesn't bother me. I've sat and tried to compare but the difference is very negligible. Now if we were comparing it to the original Xbox controller I could see a case for it.


Jirotrom said:
i don't use my thumbs to press buttons so the whole speed argument doesn't bother me. I've sat and tried to compare but the difference is very negligible. Now if we were comparing it to the original Xbox controller I could see a case for it.

What do you use to press buttons?


_dementia said:
I think that snake/flower/woman boss is way more creative than setting fire to this.

Berial owns that thing. That's just a man on a whatever the fuck.


Will drop pants for Sony.
karasu said:
Berial owns that thing. That's just a man on a whatever the fuck.

I would say Beowulf or Agni & Rudra are great boss designs.

Jirotrom said:
i don't use my thumbs to press buttons so the whole speed argument doesn't bother me. I've sat and tried to compare but the difference is very negligible. Now if we were comparing it to the original Xbox controller I could see a case for it.

Personally I like the button layout on the PS3 controller for this game. Heck most serious DMC players on youtube play the PS3 version because of the controller.


Kyoufu said:
What do you use to press buttons?
index finger and middle finger... I know its weird but I've always played fighting games this way and for most action based games it ends up being my preference. I guess its more inline with the way you play on an arcade stick. Its a lot quicker to tap with 2 fingers than just the thumb.


"reduced" means reduced. What is so hard to understand? The after image effect aren't as pronounced in those videos. As for me to try to *obscure* that fact, can I ask you a question? Are you retarded? The videos are there for everyone to see. You know the ones I linked to? What the hell am I obscuring? You are the one who talks shit while at the same time refusing to watch the videos.


neojubei said:
I would say Beowulf or Agni & Rudra are great boss designs.

Vergil is the best boss design. Hes so good in DMC1's three fights of awesome, and DMC3's three fights of AFWsome.

Godspeed Vergil, I wanted to fight you 3 times in DMC4 too. :(

Jirotrom said:
index finger and middle finger... I know its weird but I've always played fighting games this way and for most action based games it ends up being my preference. I guess its more inline with the way you play on an arcade stick. Its a lot quicker to tap with 2 fingers than just the thumb.

No offense but DMC is not a fighting game, and you're definitely playing it wrong. I'm just trying to imagine how you actually lock-on to enemies if you're not using the shoulder buttons.

But hey as long as you have fun doing it, thats all that I care about. You're definitely doing it wrong though :p


Will drop pants for Sony.
Kyoufu said:
Vergil is the best boss design. Hes so good in DMC1's three fights of awesome, and DMC3's three fights of AFWsome.

Godspeed Vergil, I wanted to fight you 3 times in DMC4 too. :(

Yea Vergil is an excellent design, I thought you were arguing monster boss designs.

I hope down the line there is a DMC4 special edition with Vergil, well I can hope.

Oh and Capcom where is my Vergil action figure!!!


neojubei said:
I would say Beowulf or Agni & Rudra are great boss designs.

Personally I like the button layout on the PS3 controller for this game. Heck most serious DMC players on youtube play the PS3 version because of the controller.
Im sure they do, its what they are used to... if you play high level at anything you always want what you are comfortable with.


Kyoufu said:
Vergil is the best boss design. Hes so good in DMC1's three fights of awesome, and DMC3's three fights of AFWsome.

Godspeed Vergil, I wanted to fight you 3 times in DMC4 too. :(

No offense but DMC is not a fighting game, and you're definitely playing it wrong. I'm just trying to imagine how you actually lock-on to enemies if you're not using the shoulder buttons.

But hey as long as you have fun doing it, thats all that I care about. You're definitely doing it wrong though :p
I use the shoulder buttons, but they are more difficult to use now on the 360 controller:p the right shoulder buttons btw. Edit: what do you mean by "doing it wrong btw" I'm easily able to play the game this way. the only issue I've had is that since the RB button is in a higher position than the R1 button on the ps2 I have to stretch a little more. The firing seems slower in DMC4 so I don't have to tap as quickly as before.
sprocket said:
Here we go once and for all. Straight off my 32" bravia.. both HDMI images.

Look at the lines on the floor.



I don't care for console differences -- but you have black crush going on.

You need to maybe increase your contrast/picture settings and your brightness settings.

Also, sharpness is too high. If your sharpness is on a 0 to 100 scale, you should set your sharpness to 0.

There is no need to artificially enhance an HD image.


Its a camera shot. do not sway the subject.

Trust me I use the same calibration setup for each console. and have limited set for the ps3.


flinging feces ---->
sprocket said:
And the AA is smoother on the ps3 version. Its very plainly easy to see for those who have both demos.

I have both demos. I'm not trying to pick a fight, but the AA on the 360 is so much better that it's almost like night and day for me.

This in corelation with other posters who have mentioned they have no after-image leads me to believe that the disparities between the two renditions of the game depend on the television you're playing it on.


I fired up DMC3 on the trusty PS2 to get myself prepared for the onslaught. Took me a minute to fall back into having four fingers on top of the dualshock, but after a while it started to feel good again.

Decided to hop back into the DMC4 demo on X360 and gave it a shot playing like that. You know, it's not that bad. The only problem is that my left middle finger tries to rest on the trigger, and if I'm running it stops me to rev the sword. Training is required. Discipline will solve that problem.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Draft said:
I fired up DMC3 on the trusty PS2 to get myself prepared for the onslaught. Took me a minute to fall back into having four fingers on top of the dualshock, but after a while it started to feel good again.

Decided to hop back into the DMC4 demo on X360 and gave it a shot playing like that. You know, it's not that bad. The only problem is that my left middle finger tries to rest on the trigger, and if I'm running it stops me to rev the sword. Training is required. Discipline will solve that problem.

Itagaki is proud.

*cut to montage of you doing finger exercises*


flinging feces ---->
MirageDwarf said:
Fuck. Do you guys stop playing game at every corner to observe each pixel on the frame?

If you've played both versions, the "motion-blur" is apparent. It's not a game-breaker, but when you've seen what things look like without it, it's hard not to notice the adverse effects it has on the game's visual presentation -- especially when it's something that's EVERYWHERE. It doesn't happen every once in a while, everything has this dreary, color-bleeding effect.

I'm almost 100% sure of buying the PS3 version. Just need to wait for the critics to give some last words of wisdom before I whip out $64.
dirtmonkey37 said:
I have both demos. I'm not trying to pick a fight, but the AA on the 360 is so much better that it's almost like night and day for me.

This in corelation with other posters who have mentioned they have no after-image leads me to believe that the disparities between the two renditions of the game depend on the television you're playing it on.

Dude, it's Sprocket. What do you expect him to say?
I think the motion blur looks awesome, when berial is jumping out of the monolith, and in the cutscene with those puppet demons. Adds an extra touch, and it isn't overdone. (liked it in lost planet as well)


dirtmonkey37 said:
If you've played both versions, the "motion-blur" is apparent. It's not a game-breaker, but when you've seen what things look like without it, it's hard not to notice the adverse effects it has on the game's visual presentation -- especially when it's something that's EVERYWHERE. It doesn't happen every once in a while, everything has this dreary, color-bleeding effect.

Are you talking about the PS3 version?

I'm used to the PS controller for the game since I've played the previous versions, but I definitely do not like the L2+R2 buttons on the PS3 pad.

But, I do own the 360, and I've tried the demo and actually prefer the 360 pad. One thing I've never liked about all the PS pads is the analog placement. It isn't natural.

So, if there really isn't any graphical differences between the two versions, I'll just stick with the original game plan and pick it up for 360, and then get a PS3 when MGS4 comes out. If not, I'm more than willing to go out and pick up a PS3 for this game.


Draft said:
I fired up DMC3 on the trusty PS2 to get myself prepared for the onslaught. Took me a minute to fall back into having four fingers on top of the dualshock, but after a while it started to feel good again.

Decided to hop back into the DMC4 demo on X360 and gave it a shot playing like that. You know, it's not that bad. The only problem is that my left middle finger tries to rest on the trigger, and if I'm running it stops me to rev the sword. Training is required. Discipline will solve that problem.
this is how I play and everyone thinks I'm crazy...


flinging feces ---->
Has it been confirmed that the control setup can be changed as the player sees fit in the retail copy of DMC4? If so, I may regress to the "unsure" stage with regard to which version of DMC4 to buy. :D
Jirotrom said:
this is how I play and everyone thinks I'm crazy...

I've recently switched to playing like that. Middle fingers on the triggers, pointers on top. And it's really comfortable! It took a little while to get used to it...but now, it's second nature.
dirtmonkey37 said:
Has it been confirmed that the control setup can be changed as the player sees fit in the retail copy of DMC4? If so, I may regress to the "unsure" stage with regard to which version of DMC4 to buy. :D

Yes, DMC4 has custom controls in final build.


flinging feces ---->
C- Warrior said:
Yes, DMC4 has custom controls in final build.

AAAAH. God, I am so OCD when it comes to deciding between two things. This never happens when I'm given three different options. IT'S ONLY WHEN I'M GIVEN TWO.

I like achievements, my friends list on 360, leaderboards, and the 360's super anti-aliased and brighter DMC4 but on the other hand I like the DS3 (just a little bit more than the 360 controller for DMC4 in particular, but now that the controls can be changed...), the more detailed shaders of the PS3 DMC4, and lack of loadtimes is a major plus on top of it all! AAAAH!
So basically, it all comes down to different texture filters effects, one having some type of extra motion blur effect over the other, sharpness, smoothest, whatever...and now it's just nitpicking why you would prefer what minute technical trait over the other for your console of choice.

Good going Capcom.

As for the actual game, damn nice. I'm still rusty as hell though, don't know crap about EX, cancels or all that jazz right now. I pretty bad at it, my fingers just aren't as quick as it use to be anymore, oh well, this game is still pretty much bought though.

Rolf NB

drohne said:
you're way off the mark on my biases. and there's absolutely no need for me to watch the videos -- it's obvious from that screen that the ps3 version is still blending each frame with previous ones, producing undesirable blur and afterimages when in motion. what you're saying about the effect being 'reduced' doesn't make sense -- what does 'reduced' even mean in this context? this method of AA is subjectively and technically inferior to the 360 version's MSAA -- besides the blur and afterimages it produces, it's incapable of smoothing the leading edges of moving objects. this fact is relevant to people who're trying to choose between the two versions. and that you're trying to obscure it, is...well...shitty.

i've summarized the differences between the two versions here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=9483191&postcount=1990

you won't find any bias there, though you're free to add anything i may have missed
After-images would be a natural occurence if you're looking at a 60fps game that is set to produce an interlaced signal. Please tell me that this is not the case in the pictures you're looking at.

I don't see anything of that sort when I play the demo, in the same way I play all PS3 demos (720p). As a matter of fact, I don't see any anti-aliasing (or edge blur or whathaveyou in place of proper edge AA) either.


Since this thread is the official comparison thread, I'd like to make a small note on the rumble.

It seems like each game handles rumble a bit differently too. The rumble effects are definitely stronger with the X360 controller (use the Berial fight as a test and feel the rumble as he walks by), but I think this might be due to the fact the 360 controller might not be able to spin as accurately as the dual shock 3. The DS3 can crank up the rumble as strong as the 360 controller at times, but I noticed the rumble effect on the dual shock 3 is a little lighter for some effects while having more of a reverb effect. Seems like you can feel different layers of rumble more, where all the rumble effects with the 360 pad seem in your face.

dirtmonkey37 said:
AAAAH. God, I am so OCD when it comes to deciding between two things. This never happens when I'm given three different options. IT'S ONLY WHEN I'M GIVEN TWO.

I like achievements, my friends list on 360, leaderboards, and the 360's super anti-aliased and brighter DMC4 but on the other hand I like the DS3 (just a little bit more than the 360 controller for DMC4 in particular, but now that the controls can be changed...), the more detailed shaders of the PS3 DMC4, and lack of loadtimes is a major plus on top of it all! AAAAH!

It is not that big of a deal. I was still a bit torn too until I got my dual shock 3. The Sixaxis controller has the look, but its so light weight it is sometimes awkward to hold. Using the Dual Shock 3 with DMC4 just felt...right. God intended DMC games to be played with the dual shock controller. If you have access to one with this game, use it.


Yea I don't understand his claim that temporal AA is inferior to 2x AA. I mean for one it effectively doubles amount of AA you get. So 2x temporal AA is effectively 4x spatial AA, 4x TAA is effectly 8x regular AA and so on. Not to mentioned the high performance requirements for temporal AA which are at the minimum 60 fps with Vsync enabled. How is that inferior?
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