Dahbomb said:Probably old.
ScissorHands said:What is this Motion Blur in the PS3 version? It's not mentioned in the demo how to perform such attack! Or is it an advanced technique? And most importantly, does it allow (or prevent) me from increasing the Style bar?
ypo said:Yea I don't understand his claim that temporal AA is inferior to 2x AA. I mean for one it effectively doubles amount of AA you get. So 2x temporal AA is effectively 4x spatial AA, 4x TAA is effectly 8x regular AA and so on. Not to mentioned the high performance requirements for temporal AA which are at the minimum 60 fps with Vsync enabled. How is that inferior?
TheDuce22 said:Whats not to understand? The PS3 version is blurry compared to the 360 version. If you have both consoles use your two eyes and see for yourself. Or you can sit here and argue against something that fucking obvious to anyone who has played them both for more than 30 seconds.
ScissorHands said:What is this Motion Blur in the PS3 version? It's not mentioned in the demo how to perform such attack! Or is it an advanced technique? And most importantly, does it allow (or prevent) me from increasing the Style bar?
Kyoufu said:Don't even try to make it seem like the irrelevant blur is a deal-breaker to anyone but yourself.
The DMC4 demo is weaksauce, but the full game isn't. It's true. The demo that launched on Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network was but a mere sampling of the combat riches that await you.What it doesn't do is reflect just how action-packed the full game is. In actuality, it's basically the E3 demo featuring the first boss, Berial, and doesn't do the final game justice. The full game features tons of new weapons; almost one in every level, for both Nero and Dante. And they're all upgradeable.
PS3 versus Xbox 360. The differences are negligible. The 360 has 'load times,' according to some, since it loads off the DVD. But these load times amount to barely noticeable 3 or 4 second loads between areas, while the PS3 version cuts the gap down to a couple seconds. The flipside is that the PS3 requires an initial install on to the harddrive. While this is only an inconvenience at the start, it may become an issue as the PS3 harddrives become smaller (new units arrive in the 40g flavors, while the 80g models are dwindling by the day) and PS3 owner's games collections become bigger. Who wants to delete and reinstall games? The graphics are virtually indistinguishable, but if it makes your life better to hear it, the PS3 doesn't do the screen 'tearing' thing the 360 occasionally does.
What the 360 doesn't do, however, is drop a wireless Bluetooth signal, which is what happens fairly consistently on PS3. There's nothing like being in the heat of battle when Nero or Dante suddenly stops doing what you want him to. Of course, if this happens once or twice a mission, that'd be the maximum, but that's more than enough for anyone. The Xbox 360 version also has the benefit of enabling force feedback from the very start, although this function will eventually work with the PS3 when the Dual Shock 3 comes here later this year. The Motion Sensor functionality is all but useless in the PS3 version, though. The game will support 720p on both PS3 and Xbox 360. Essentially, there's no reason to favor one over the other, and if you have both systems, go with whichever controller you feel more comfortable with. That's what we'd do.
Apparently there's no AA in individual frames on PS3. Instead, successive frames are shifted so you get what looks like 2xAA with a static scene, and blur or double vision with motion.ypo said:Yea I don't understand his claim that temporal AA is inferior to 2x AA. I mean for one it effectively doubles amount of AA you get. So 2x temporal AA is effectively 4x spatial AA, 4x TAA is effectly 8x regular AA and so on. Not to mentioned the high performance requirements for temporal AA which are at the minimum 60 fps with Vsync enabled. How is that inferior?
karasu said:I don't see any fucking blur! 0_o
danwarb said:Apparently there's no AA in individual frames on PS3. Instead, successive frames are shifted so you get what looks like 2xAA with a static scene, and blur or double vision with motion.
Like this: http://forum.beyond3d.com/showpost.php?p=1122321&postcount=180
PC version. Capcom aren't innocent lambs, you know.karasu said:Odd. We've been looking at direct feed screen grabs of this game for months now and none of them have ever looked as butt ugly as what's in that thread.
karasu said:Odd. We've been looking at direct feed screen grabs of this game for months now and none of them have ever looked as butt ugly as what's in that thread.
Yes there is, it's a side effect for using a trick for AA on PS3.bcn-ron said:There is no blur.
Mefisutoferesu said:PC version. Capcom aren't innocent lambs, you know.
Wrong. You don't understand the technique. It rides on the inertia of the display. It does not introduce blur, and there is no blur.sinnergy said:Yes there is, it's a side effect for using a trick for AA on PS3.
But you are partly right, it's not a intentional blur by the devs.
and I quote...karasu said:But some of those screens were listed as either PS3 or 360. An the game looks nothing like that on my set. It looks like the screens that you're saying were from the PC version! @_@
Mefisutoferesu said:Capcom aren't innocent lambs, you know.
fizzelopeguss said:Blur is the wrong word, it's an effect that only happens when nero bursts into a run, certain attacks, in cutscenes with the puppet monsters. Berial coming through the monolith and when nero puts out the fire with his sword.
FFS i don't know why i'm bothering, it looks most similar to the explosions in lost planet.
All geometric edges are perfectly sharp. There is no blur.maskrider said:I had posted these 3 screens before in page 30, 3 consecutive frames
You will see the difference with the blur
bcn-ron said:All geometric edges are perfectly sharp. There is no blur.
If you're looking at the balcony handrail, congratulations! You have just discovered a filtered texture being used in conjunction with alpha testing.
Wow... so much for their previous system wars fuelling opinions.DantesWrath said:
Why thank you. Don't call it blur. It's texture filtering. It's the same thing that makes your texture details not jump around and shimmer as if you were playing a first-gen PS2 game. If the average gaffer wouldn't be irritated by the term used in an unknown, more general context, I'd tell you that this is anti-aliasing. Blur is not anti-aliasing. Blur implies destruction of detail, and even if you don't know that, you should know that it carries a negative connotation.maskrider said:Well, I am no 3D expert nor I pretend to know anything about that, but the end effect is a blur like output on every other frame, I found it the time I took my screens (for myself) that sometimes it is blurrier and sometimes sharp.
So why does that particular screen look so lacking in detail compared to the 360 version we saw? Surely it's not a good idea to filter the textures to such an extent that it looks as though it's had vaseline placed over the lens?bcn-ron said:Why thank you. Don't call it blur. It's texture filtering. It's the same thing that makes your texture details not jump around and shimmer as if you were playing a first-gen PS2 game.
justjohn said:jesus fucking christ
bcn-ron said:Why thank you. Don't call it blur. It's texture filtering. It's the same thing that makes your texture details not jump around and shimmer as if you were playing a first-gen PS2 game. If the average gaffer wouldn't be irritated by the term used in an unknown, more general context, I'd tell you that this is anti-aliasing. Blur is not anti-aliasing. Blur implies destruction of detail, and even if you don't know that, you should know that it carries a negative connotation.
There is no blur in DMC4.
bcn-ron said:Why thank you. Don't call it blur. It's texture filtering. It's the same thing that makes your texture details not jump around and shimmer as if you were playing a first-gen PS2 game. If the average gaffer wouldn't be irritated by the term used in an unknown, more general context, I'd tell you that this is anti-aliasing. Blur is not anti-aliasing. Blur implies destruction of detail, and even if you don't know that, you should know that it carries a negative connotation.
There is no blur in DMC4.
The Jer said:This demo has given me faith that this game will be like DMC3: awesome.
I'm so excited for this game.
The DMC4 demo is weaksauce, but the full game isn't. It's true. The demo that launched on Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network was but a mere sampling of the combat riches that await you.What it doesn't do is reflect just how action-packed the full game is. In actuality, it's basically the E3 demo featuring the first boss, Berial, and doesn't do the final game justice. The full game features tons of new weapons; almost one in every level, for both Nero and Dante. And they're all upgradeable.
Psychotext said:So why does that particular screen look so lacking in detail compared to the 360 version we saw? Surely it's not a good idea to filter the textures to such an extent that it looks as though it's had vaseline placed over the lens?
But that's the thing... having played both versions now I didn't actually notice the shimmering. I did notice that the output didn't look as crisp though.bobbytkc said:Shimmering does not show up in screenshots, that is why you need a video comparision to be accurate. Screenshots are naturally advantageous to the 360 in this case. In this case, you are actually complaining (!!!) about an extra graphical feature that the PS3 has but not the 360, which makes no sense at all.
knitoe said:I was having hard enough time between PS3 or X360 version to get.
Decided to order PS3 SE & DS3 (for load times), but as I continue to read this thread about X360 having better..., I am wavering again. :lol
You already said this twice in the thread previously. Also, no one is going to be using DMC4 to "boost their Gamerscore" unless they mean get like 200 points at the most. I have seen the Achievement list for DMC4, unless you are a pro at it you will be trying to get the Achievements for over 200 hours.sinnergy said:It played the same for me with both controllers, button layout is also the same.
But because I have gotten Paradise for PS3, ill be getting DMC4 for the X360 to also boost my gamerscore.