Alright, here's a compiled list of questions we gave last time:
1) Why weren't balance changes implemented for Dante/Nero like they were in DmC DE? Vergil's Starfall has no height restriction but Dante's still does for example.
2) Why weren't Orb Requirement for mission rankings removed or altered? Almost no one likes scavenging dumpsters for red orbs during rank runs. It's extremely aggravating and is not a real combat skill.
3) Why is there no toggle option for lock-on in DMC4SE?
4) Why weren't Must Style mode, Training Mode, Boss Rush, or toggle of the Bloody Palace timer included in DMC4SE?
5) What did you want to include in DMC4SE, but couldn't due to budget or time constraints?
6) In light of the recent USFIV PS4 port, have there been any particular challenges with porting DMC4 to the current generation of consoles?
7) For vanilla DMC4, were there plans to add DLC to the game that were eventually scrapped?
8) What were your goals in balancing each of the new characters? Was the end result the same as you originally envisioned?
9) What are Dante, Lady, and Trish's favorite pizza toppings?
10) What do you think of all the Devil May Cry references in Bayonetta?(Enzo, Eva, Antonio Redgrave, Phantasmaraneae etc. etc.)
11) Who do we have to pester in order to make DMC X Bayonetta a reality?
12) Has Capcom considered folding Onimusha into the DMC universe?
13) Why didn't you include Training Mode? Even if it was as simple as vanilla's Training MOD it still would have been a very good way to practice and become familiar with combos/controls.
14) What can we expect from Devil May Cry series in future?
15) Producer Kobayashi mentioning how he referred Trish and Lady as part of his "look but don't touch" way of teasing. Does this mean that Trish and Lady were planned to be playable originally in DMC4 (or perhaps in an expansion/DLC that may have been originally planned closer to DMC4's original release)?
16) Unfortunately, it looks like Vergil's Cursed Vergil Outfit doesn't have the Nelo Angelo Devil Trigger returning from DMC3SE. Is there a reason for that?
17) The newer characters (Vergil, Lady and Trish) seem to have quite different ethics in their overall combat design compared to Nero and Dante from the original release. They even seem to be more suitable for play in Legendary Dark Knight mode, thanks to possessing attacks that have wider hitboxes and the like. Is this something we could possibly expect from DMC going forward?
18) Similar franchises like God of War, Ninja Gaiden, Bayonetta, Dante's Inferno have already implemented multiplayer modes and features, so with 5 characters in DMC4SE, is multiplayer stuff like co-op, versus (PvP), competitive multipayer (2v2, PvE, etc.), etc., something they are looking into for future titles?
I personally don't think it's worth asking about cross-over stuff. He's not going to be able to talk about it.