Devil May Cry 4 SE: Vergil, Trish & Lady Playable, Release Date 18th of June


lol, that's ridiculous. I think it could definitely use some fine tuning.

Maybe this is the type of Concentration you build up to, though.

"Fast Concentration Build Up Level 2/3/Max" that you earn through Proud Soul/Orb upgrades, or what not.

After all, we are seeing maxed out characters, here.


I love how they're adapting so much from elsewhere (DmC, Marvel, Basara) to give these additional characters some new heat.

If only they updated Dante and Nero as well. Mostly Dant. I want Ricoshot to replace the lame standard charge shot, and Reverse Rainstorm.


So I'll be playing DMC4 for the first time when the special edition releases, and was wondering what you guys thought of the game compared to DMC 1 and 3 as well as Bayonetta 1 and 2. I know the battle system's supposed to be an improvement over previous DMCs, but what about Bayonetta? What about other aspects of the game?

I personally think DMC4 is better than all of the games mentioned (although I've only barely tried DMC1 and I've only played the demo of Bayonetta 2) so my opinion will be a bit biased.

Story-wise, it's best to not take it seriously. The game has a bunch of cutscenes which are badass or silly, and that's the best parts of the story. Be prepared to facepalm a tiny little bit whenever the game tries to be serious. Visually I think the game has held up extremely well, with the only downside is that you end up going through most of the levels twice.

Gameplay-wise I think it walks all over everything else in the genre, I've played it for hundreds of hours and I still find it fun to try to beat my scores or experiment with the movesets. I'm super looking forward to having 3 more characters to play as.
Jesus, I just his upper slash in the 20 minute video. Now that I can see it clearly in non-LDK mode the range on that thing is bananas.


Santa May Claus
Jesus, I just his upper slash in the 20 minute video. Now that I can see it clearly in non-LDK mode the range on that thing is bananas.

Wait, where's the 20 minute video? I only see 8 minute videos.

Maybe this is the type of Concentration you build up to, though.

"Fast Concentration Build Up Level 2/3/Max" that you earn through Proud Soul/Orb upgrades, or what not.

After all, we are seeing maxed out characters, here.

That's possible. Still seems awfully quick, but the character was never not going to be overpowered.


That's possible. Still seems awfully quick, but the character was never not going to be overpowered.

True, but I'm just trying to take everything into consideration, since these are maxed out chars, and we'll start out grinding from scratch when we get the game in our hands.

Even stuff like the Summoned Swords, which looks quite good now, will start out from Level 1 for the rest of us.


Santa May Claus


Dem new Vergil's battle quotes
"Too late"

"You're going down" is returning.

It also sounds like he's saying "My power shall become <?>" or "You shall die." when he's doing the Dimension Slash.

Nice, the sword storm launches now?

-Looks like HighTime turns into a multihitting move in high Concentration.
-Dimension Slash is an armor move. Vergil took multiple hits during the startup with no flinch.

Son Of D

Nero and Dante getting more and more irrelevant....

I know it's early to say this seeing that we haven't seen much from Lady and Trish, but I feel that we'll be seeing photoshops of the cover art with Vergil's face put onto Dante and Nero (maybe Trish and Lady, depends how they feel).


Complete analysis of Vergil in DMC4SE (thus far):


*Vergil is able to use Sprint right from the get go which is a new feature in DMC4SE and will most likely apply to all characters.

*Vergil has the teleport mechanic from DmC where he throws a sword and teleports towards it. You don't need to have the sword implanted in an enemy to teleport to them.

*The teleports can cancel Vergil out of most options which makes it an obscenely powerful tool in Vergil's option. It will open up new combat avenues for the character where before Vergil was a fairly rigid character in DMC3.

*The dual weapon swap mechanic from DMC3 is back for DMC4SE. You can swap weapons going forward and backwards with Vergil.

*Vergil has teleport evasion while in Devil Trigger... his side roll and back jump (R1 + Back/Left/Right + X) are instead transformed into a side teleport dash and back teleport dash.

*Vergil's new aerial rave is a 3 hit combo. This is a change made to accomodate the addition the new Combo B Aerial Rave for Vergil which is 2 hits in the air, pause and then attack again similar to Nero's Roulette Spin move.

*The move Rising Sun is now replaced with Beast Uppercut from DMC3. Rising Sun is now available as an add on move to the DT version of Lunar Phase.

*Vergil retains his Starfall move from DMC3 and now has an insanely low height restriction to use. This probably applies to other Vergil moves as well (the low height restriction). In addition, Starfall now causes a launched state on grounded opponents.

*Vergil takes cue from Nero and has an air version of his Stinger. Lower range than ground Stinger but retains the knockback property of the move. More range in DT form. DT Stinger on the ground has similar property to Dante's, pierces and goes through enemies like hot knife through butter.

*Spiral Swords move around Vergil in a sort of tilting pattern now as opposed to just spinning in a straight circle. Looks pretty cool. They disengage and go outwards after the move is finished its entire animation. The hitstun is lower than in previous games although the duration is longer.

He has the following formations with it: Blistering, Storm and Rain. Rain Swords are new and he positions the swords above the enemies and brings them down like rain. This move has an immobilization effect on enemies making it a very powerful crowd control move. The old formations like Storm Swords now cause a launch status on hit.

Formations consume a little over 1 bar of DT gauge.

Summoned Swords can be fired very rapidly or slowly.

There's also an input that Vergil can do to destroy all embedded Summoned Swords for more damage and style gain similar to Dante's Lucifer although it is unknown what the input is for it.

*Here's how the Concentration (aka "Motivation:) mechanic works:

Concentration bar is filled with the following actions:

*Completing sheath animations.
*Successfully hitting enemies with attacks.
*Successfully dodging an enemy attack.
*Stay in close proximity to enemies while being locked on and just strafing around.
*Completing taunts

The bar is reduced with the following actions:

*Whiffing/missing attacks
*Get hit by any attack or take any damage
*Walking away from enemies or moving around without being locked on

What having a high bar gives you:

*More damage
*More speed
*More range on attacks
*Beefed up version of your special moves
*Access to special high Concentration only moves
*Starts glowing purple and has additional effects on moves like having after images and more blue/purple hues

The motif with the mechanic is that you have to play efficient and cocky as fuck... you have to BE Vergil!

*Round Trip is back and has a very small charge up time and start up animation making it very easy to use mid combo just like Vergil's newer Judgment Cut. It now has a vacuum effect that lingers around for quite some time for some added crowd control. You can call it back at will.

Can now also be done in the air.

*Combo 3 of Force Edge performs a Jet Stream-like move of A&R from DMC3. The numbers of hits is a lot and he ends with a spinning double vertical hit with both Force Edge and Yamato.

*Vergil has Million Stab which acts like Dante's in that he can do it off of Stinger.

*Vergil has Kick 13 combo as well although currently it is unknown as to how it is actually performed. It is guessed that it might be a back, forward input.

*They gave Vergil a similar move to Solar Flare from DmC which is now his rising launcher for Yamato. It can now be canceled from Rapid Slash (Rapid Slash -> rising slash) for some very aggressive, combo oriented combat!

*Vergil has multiple taunts just like Dante/Nero.

*Vergil has a black version of Drive for Force Edge although the properties and the inputs are unconfirmed at this time. It has a fast version and a slow version. The slow and charged version releases a black slash that is horizontal as opposed to Dante's which is vertical.

*Hightime is cancelable at any time into Helm Breaker, a new feature to DMC in general. Receives multi-hitting properties while at high Concentration (like many of Vergil's moves)... enemy step opportunity?

*Aerial Judgment Cut confirmed for Vergil and has a very small charge time just like the ground version. Judgment Cut is one of the moves modified by having a high Concentration meter.

*Judgment Cut End aka Vergil's "super" move is a DT only move and requires lvl3 Concentration bar (about 3/4th full). It has a long start up but it hits everything on screen. It doesn't do that much damage but since it his everything it's a great crowd move (superb for clearing out trash enemies). Has to be positioned properly to be used against bosses otherwise does measly damage and puts you in a vulnerable state before and after the move.

*Lunar Phase is back and is now also doable in the air. DT version is beefed up.

*Rapid Slash has a modified animation and cleanly goes through enemies. The DT version is chainable and is beefed up dramatically to be faster, wider and more powerful.

*Divorce/Demon form moveset of Vergil in DmC makes a return for Vergil in the form of Combo II. The final hit of this combo sequence is the VERY FIRST TIME that Vergil holds his sword with two hands. When he holds it with two hands the sword glows purple and he delivers a powerful vertical strike with big power. It has armor breaking properties.

Vergil channeling his inner Kenpachi here...

*Vergil's Yamato Combo 3 is a multi-strike hit similar to Million Slash from DMC3's A&R.

*Beowulf Combo 2 is taken from Dante's Beowulf Combo 2 in DMC3. Combo I is the same as before. The finisher of Combo II is Straight.

*Just like in DmC... Vergil is now able to PULL enemies with his Summoned Swords!


Santa May Claus
Good stuff, Dahbomb.

I must have missed the aerial RoundTrip. You don't have a timestamp, do you?

Dimension Slash doesn't seem to be very vulnerable during the startup. Vergil straight up has armor during the entire thing.


That's a mistake, Vergil doesn't have Round Trip in the air. I edited it out.

There's however an interesting animation he performs at one place which is new. I think it's the animation for when he pulls enemies in with his Sword in the air.


Santa May Claus
I wasn't going to cross post because of all the gifs, but I'm too damn excited.

Some neat new things we see in these previews:

-Rapid Slash into Rising Slash

-A better look at Vergil's Million Slash

You can also see the huge drop in Concentration from whiffing normals.

-Vergil's Drive

-Sword Storm launches enemies depending on their juggle state

-Vergil can "release" the embedded summon swords for damage? Coincides with sword sheath

-Hightime in Lvl 3 Concentration is a multi-hitting move

-DT Air Stinger pierces and travels farther

-Starfall causes ground bounce

-Dimension Slash has an armored startup

Yet with everything we know about Vergil, the Destructoid journalist said that Trish was the only one that felt OP

I think he meant that she was easy to use, had autocombos, and wide crowd control attacks not reliant on any Concentration meter. A good beginner character.


Santa May Claus
This is not Rapid Slash into the rising launcher... this is simply his rising launcher. It always slides forward to reach the opponent before doing the launcher. Has huge range.

Ah okay. Good to know. I wasn't familiar with the move. I hadn't seen him use Rising Launcher during the Capcom livestream.


He actually throws Round Trip in the air right after the multi-hit High Time around 11:15, but the player mashed the button to have him bring it back immediately(you can see him do the same beckon animation that Dante does when he throws Round Trip, as well as the same swirl effects that show up later when he throws the Round Trip on the ground). It's a blink and you'll miss it moment.

Yet with everything we know about Vergil, the Destructoid journalist said that Trish was the only one that felt OP
Well, she's got the Sparda sword, so...[IMG]

This is not Rapid Slash into the rising launcher... this is simply his rising launcher. It always slides forward to reach the opponent before doing the launcher. Has huge range.[/QUOTE]I think it is Rapid Slash, but it's a "Stinger > Million Stabs" sort of situation. Hold down the attack button during Rapid Slash and he rises up instead of going through the enemy. That's my guess, anyways.


Ah okay. Good to know. I wasn't familiar with the move. I hadn't seen him use Rising Launcher during the Capcom livestream.
Nah he used it a bunch of times.

As far as it going into the move from Rapid Slash I would have to do a frame by frame to see if the start up is the same as Rapid Slash to confirm. I honestly think it's just one move (R1+Back + Triangle Hold) and the move just adjusts based on position from enemy like Stinger. Because otherwise it would be pretty hard to mess up doing the multiple chained Rapid Slashes in DT that people were doing in the videos.

He actually throws Round Trip in the air right after the multi-hit High Time around 11:15, but the player mashed the button to have him bring it back immediately(you can see him do the same beckon animation that Dante does when he throws Round Trip, as well as the same swirl effects that show up later when he throws the Round Trip on the ground). It's a blink and you'll miss it moment.
That's exactly the portion that made me think it was Round Trip mid air but the "beckon" aniimation could've been his his Summoned Sword call back. Though looking at it again there's a "black" mist that appears when he does it which only appears when he's using a Force Edge move so I am thinking this might be air Round Trip as well.


Santa May Claus
Nah he used it a bunch of times.

As far as it going into the move from Rapid Slash I would have to do a frame by frame to see if the start up is the same as Rapid Slash to confirm. I honestly think it's just one move (R1+Back + Triangle Hold) and the move just adjusts based on position from enemy like Stinger.

Yeah, you're probably right. I missed a lot of stuff from the livestream due to the video quality.


Alright you guys are right, he goes into Rapid Slash straight into the rising slash.

That's actually cooler than I expected!

Itsuno is fucking pushing the barrier with all these new mechanics! Imagine Stinger straight into Hightime!


Itsuno is fucking pushing the barrier with all these new mechanics! Imagine Stinger straight into Hightime!
Optimizing the shit out of engine by fitting as many moves as possible into a character while still maintaining the basic inputs for moves that DMC is known for.

DMC5 is gonna be magical.


Also when Vergil is fully motivated he starts having these after images on almost all of his attacks. Looks swag as fuck!

If Itsuno makes Lady legit and not a spammy firearm character then he will automatically be GOAT.


That Jetstream attack looks like it should belong to Nero instead. It looks really weird seeing Vergil flail his weapons around like that


I wanna know if Nelo Angelo is coming back, probably not but it was a fun surprise playing as him in DMC3SE.

This is what I'm wondering about, too.

In an ideal setting, I'd imagine that each of the characters would have an "EX" Costume that would change them slightly. Sparda Dante -> Sparda Trigger, Cursed Vergil -> Nelo Angelo, Trish/Gloria, etc..

Maybe the Gloria outfit would allow Trish to throw knives like Lucia instead of using Luce & Ombra for "similar yet slightly different" effect.
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