Devil May Cry 4 SE: Vergil, Trish & Lady Playable, Release Date 18th of June

We already kind of talked about this scene. It could be part of Vergil's end cutscene, or an intro to the last boss. Pretty sure Vergil's cutscene takes place outside Fortuna at night though because we saw a screen grab of that already.
At first I thought that as well but aren't cutscenes suppose to be part of canon? How can Vergil fight inside savior if his story is set before DMC3?

Yeah I know about Vergil's ending cutscene, but what if this is a bonus scene of some sort? Finish all campaigns and you get this bonus cutscene, or something like that? Remember DMC3SE where you get a special cutscene showing Vergil marching at Mundus? Maybe it's something like that.


Awww yiss

Eh, Devil May Cry = Dante to me. I think he should be the main focus of the series, but with a strong group of supporting characters.

again I dissagree.

Dude has literally completed his life, he's fine. I'm way more interested in everyone elses problems because dante has little to zilch to worry about.

He should just exist. Like the next game, his story should be going out to buy pizza and then shit occurs. And he just wants pizza . Thats his relation to the plot, pizza quest
It's a 4 minute 42 second trailer. Starts off with orchestral music showing off the environment. It's a gothic castle, dripping in atmosphere. Rock music kicks in. A mix of cutscenes and gameplay shown. Glimpses of bosses. Glimpses of things that could be bosses. Glimpses of new moves, new styles, new weapons. A short story segment is shown. We see Nero, Dante, Trish and Lady. Vague mentions of Sparda. Logo is shown. "Devil May Cry" is narrated by a female voice. Fade to black. Footsteps are heard. "I've come to retrieve my power."


The bonus for revealing it at E3 instead of TGS is that the announcement would help DMC4SE's sales.

Still don't think the release timing for that game is a coincidence.


The bonus for revealing it at E3 instead of TGS is that the announcement would help DMC4SE's sales.

Still don't think the release timing for that game is a coincidence.

Considering every other Devil May Cry gets released somewhere between January-March, DMC4SE getting released right around E3 is definitely an eyebrow raiser, IMHO


I feel confident that DMC5 will be at this E3.

Regarding its plot and character focus, I'd really rather Dante return front and center, Vergil right behind, and any other supporting characters getting no more screen time than Lady/Trish got in DMC4.

As for the plot, the DMC universe isn't all that complex... it doesn't take much imagination to create some very powerful demon/angel/whatever enemy to provide a challenge to Dante, nor does this series really deserve some lofty explanation regarding how they got to be that way. What the nemesis does need, however, is good enough writing to make you feel motivated to take them down. Beyond incredible combat mechanics, that's what DMC3 brought to the table, for both Vergil and Arkham.
The bonus for revealing it at E3 instead of TGS is that the announcement would help DMC4SE's sales.

Still don't think the release timing for that game is a coincidence.

Considering every other Devil May Cry gets released somewhere between January-March, DMC4SE getting released right around E3 is definitely an eyebrow raiser, IMHO

Yep. Announcing DMC5 at E3 right before DMC4SE hits the (virtual) shelves just seems right.


Why the hell would they fly Itsuno to E3 just for an HD remaster of a 7 year old game? This isn't Squeenix and the game isnt FF7


Not to be a buzzkill, but the keyword there is "might".

Still, I'm crossing everything I got that it happens next week.

The news is just the Vergil gameplay stream on Nico Nico(done by some talented players it seems), the rest is just newser's guess
and bait.
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