Post DMC4. See what Nero and Dante do now, see what happens when Vergil returns, see what happens with Nero/Vergil and Dante/Vergil interactions.
Yup, move the series forward.
Post DMC4. See what Nero and Dante do now, see what happens when Vergil returns, see what happens with Nero/Vergil and Dante/Vergil interactions.
So, where in the canon timeline do you guys want DMC5 story to happen? After DMC4 or what? I'm cool with before DMC3 (maybe focused of what Vergil was doing and the "it's been a year since we last met" line). or After DMC4 with a full family reunion with Uncle Dante, Daddy Vergil and Nero.
Whatever they're doing, I just hope they don't go with a Old/Middle-aged Dante for DMC5, I just don't like the idea...
So, where in the canon timeline do you guys want DMC5 story to happen? After DMC4 or what? I'm cool with before DMC3 (maybe focused of what Vergil was doing and the "it's been a year since we last met" line). or After DMC4 with a full family reunion with Uncle Dante, Daddy Vergil and Nero.
Whatever they're doing, I just hope they don't go with a Old/Middle-aged Dante for DMC5, I just don't like the idea...
Verendus saying that the game is in development is great, but I'm specifically talking about E3 reveal. He only listed DMC5 as a potential reveal for E3, never said it would be there
I know I must look impatient to you guys, but honestly after 7 years of waiting I just want them to show me a logo and confirm the damn thing.
Yup, move the series forward.
Or just retcon DMC2 out of existence. No reason to keep it in the timeline other than the fact that exists. DMC shouldn't have to have it's hands tied to one game in the series that was haphazardly thrown together.Even better: post-DMC2. Start it off with Lucia finding out that it was actuallyon that motorcycle that drove up to the shop at the end of DMC2, and now it's a mission to go help Danteeither Nero or Lady and Trishwho's still in Hell after the events of DMC2.
They can just say that Dante "had a cold and that's why he wasn't his usual peppy self" during DMC2. They could even try to tie in how Lucia came to be because "Arius sought to perfect the process that the Order of the Sword began awhile ago", or whatever.
I'm just tired of DMC2's point in the "timeline" being some far off point that's not touched on, when I think it's been time to finally just acknowledge that it exists and just press onward.
Or just retcon DMC2 out of existence. No reason to keep it in the timeline other than the fact that exists. DMC shouldn't have to have it's hands tied to one game in the series that was haphazardly thrown together.
Dante is old news anyways, focus on Vergil, Lady,,Trish and Nero instead,Lucia
Probably a Dante vs Vergil story again with the others on small roles,that would be a way to do it,
A question, do you think Devil May Cry is/should be mostly about Dante, Vergil and Dante, or...
Dante is old news anyways, focus on Vergil, Lady,,Trish and Nero instead,Lucia
Probably a Dante vs Vergil story again with the others on small roles,that would be a way to do it,
A question, do you think Devil May Cry is/should be mostly about Dante, Vergil and Dante, or...
A question, do you think Devil May Cry is/should be mostly about Dante, Vergil and Dante, or...
Yeah, I'd like DMC5 to be post DMC2. Have the gang(or most of the gang) end up in Hell for various reasons, and while they're off in hell in a mostly traditional DMC style game, demons invade the human world. This opens things up for a DMC6 followup when they've returned to the human world, there can be a new "style" of DMC with a hub world and getting calls for various missions around demon overrun human world - and have proper storyline missions around repulsing the invasion. It practically writes itself!Even better: post-DMC2. Start it off with Lucia finding out that it was actuallyon that motorcycle that drove up to the shop at the end of DMC2, and now it's a mission to go help Danteeither Nero or Lady and Trishwho's still in Hell after the events of DMC2.
Even better: post-DMC2. Start it off with Lucia finding out that it was actuallyon that motorcycle that drove up to the shop at the end of DMC2, and now it's a mission to go help Danteeither Nero or Lady and Trishwho's still in Hell after the events of DMC2.
They can just say that Dante "had a cold and that's why he wasn't his usual peppy self" during DMC2. They could even try to tie in how Lucia came to be because "Arius sought to perfect the process that the Order of the Sword began awhile ago", or whatever.
I'm just tired of DMC2's point in the "timeline" being some far off point that's not touched on, when I think it's been time to finally just acknowledge that it exists and just press onward.
Would like DMC shaped into something like Fast & Furious movies at this point
its all about La Familia brehs..
You could argue that with DMC, it's ALWAYS been about "Family".
Sparda's legacy or leftovers (or otherwise, those seeking his power) inevitably get his son Dante involved, which is only further compounded by the time you consider Vergil, Nero and Trish getting in the mix, and each brings their own bit of family drama to the table.
In comparison, the only ones who have had their fam drama open and shut in the series so far are Lady and Lucia. And I'm sure there'd be more drama where that comes from.
But yeah, Dante can continue being "Dom", even as the series will inevitably bring new characters in the mix.
I don't think it should just be about dante. I don't think Dante should even be the main guy anymore.
Like street fighter, ryu is in all of em. A lot of the plot doesn't really involve him.
It's going to be post-DMC4 as that makes the most sense unless it's Sparda time. Basically nothing interesting happened before DMC3, between DMC1 and DMC3 and definitely nothing interesting happened between DMC1 and DMC4 (we even have an anime to prove this).So, where in the canon timeline do you guys want DMC5 story to happen? After DMC4 or what? I'm cool with before DMC3 (maybe focused of what Vergil was doing and the "it's been a year since we last met" line). or After DMC4 with a full family reunion with Uncle Dante, Daddy Vergil and Nero.
Whatever they're doing, I just hope they don't go with a Old/Middle-aged Dante for DMC5, I just don't like the idea...
Main focus should be on Dante and the next most focus should be on Vergil. Then Nero and then the two girls. Vergil still doesn't have a dedicated story campaign in the DMC series where as Nero does.Dante is old news anyways, focus on Vergil, Lady,,Trish and Nero instead,Lucia
Probably a Dante vs Vergil story again with the others on small roles,that would be a way to do it,
A question, do you think Devil May Cry is/should be mostly about Dante, Vergil and Dante, or...
DMC2 is really like that Metroid Fusion/1999 era Castlevania/Megaman Legends 2 status for the franchise isn't it?
In a fighting game, you're trying to create compelling personalities for 30-50 characters, so it makes sense that you'd have numerous different intersecting plotlines. The storytelling itself isn't even mostly contained within the game, but rather outside media and peripheral reading materials.
When you're trying to make a 10 hour campaign, jumping all over the place is a detriment to the narrative. This is why most singular pieces of digestible Street Fighter media usually focuses on Ryu with minor side stories or cameos (the animated movie, the V series, the comic arc). SF3 tried to change up the formula, but Ryu is always the first character shown and is front-and-center in almost all marketing for SF games.
there are a lot of video games.
Some WAY longer than 10 hours , that work agaist your statement.
Some being other fighting games.
And I would also suggest your argument makes less sense because we are talking about a genre where large portions of the audience don't actually care about the plot.
Like jumping all over the place and switching characters is the premise of that crime game that sold I believe 8 percent of the enteierty of europe.
MK9 and MKX has made me care more about a fighting game story that any fighting game has in a good long time. And has me ready for 11, and I don't even play MK. That good that is, do you know how many people don't even play MK but have played through and talked about the story mode.You could list some.
If you're talking about MKX, I don't think that it has a particularly compelling narrative, nor do I think that the character switching helps its narrative, but that's just me.
Much like many animu chracter, Dante doesn't need to be important. He's a complete person. Everyone else has things that needs doing, the story should be focused on them. He should just be around. Its like if GTO was all about GTO.. I don't.. want that. Or a more recent example mad max.But we're strictly talking about the plot here. Everyone agrees that there should be multiple playable characters.
GTAV is a great example. But I'd venture to say that DMC4 is a better example because we're talking about the same developer and same director, and there is no question that its narrative suffered from a lack of focus.
MK9 and MKX has made me care more about a fighting game story that any fighting game has in a good long time. And has me ready for 11, and I don't even play MK. That good that is, do you know how many people don't even play MK but have played through and talked about the story mode.
Also DOA5. Story mode, pretty aiight actually does the MK thing IIRC.
MK despite how you may personally feel about it, has set a standard.
Much like many animu chracter, Dante doesn't need to be important. He's a complete person. Everyone else has things that needs doing, the story should be focused on them. He should just be around. Its like if GTO was all about GTO.. I don't.. want that. Or a more recent example mad max.
"This character should just kind of exist in the background" would help a lot of series, I think this in spaids for DMC.
Or they could just totally do it betterer.
You can totally try something again and do it better.
Also I think the narrative, amongst other things, suffered from lack of development time. If anything.
True.That's a false equivalency. MK9 and MKX have set fighting game storytelling standards, but not any standards for storytelling in general.
I disagree. I think that Dante is important to the series, as is evidenced by the initial reaction to Nero taking the reigns in DMC4, and the more recent reception to DmC Dante. And I'd like to point out again in case you missed it, that I'm specifically talking about DMC5. The future of the series should expand to other characters, but DMC5 needs Dante to be front and center because he's the most important and most marketable character of the series and it's been 7 years since we've seen him in a new game.
I don't know if any of these folks worked on other things, but capcom makes RE, who's series is filled with games where you jump around narratives. Most recently the revelations editions.They tried this. It was DMC4. And despite how much I care about the game, the narrative suffered from having multiple protagonists. Yes, they could do it better. That's the simple answer to everything - just make it better. But I'd like to look at things a little more realistically given the talent pool that's currently available.
I mean if you want him on the front of the box, sure. I don't think he should be front and center, however I Do think none of the playable characters. Unless super secret, should be playable from the start, It kind of eliminates the problem all together. And people can choose who they feel is important or who they are just interested in
I don't know if any of these folks worked on other things, but capcom makes RE, who's series is filled with games where you jump around narratives. Most recently the revelations editions.
I'm not saying the RE folks should work on DMC ,though there is some history there, what i am saying is, this concept isn't foreign to capcom, and they know how to do it pretty alright. And in the case of DMC4, they have had almost a decade to ruminate on how one could improve a narrative like this, they could do it better.
You act as if people magically stop having ideas after they finish something, no ideas evolve, change , improve, or even become worse.
Do it better.
Do it
I mean if you want him on the front of the box, sure. I don't think he should be front and center, however I Do think none of the playable characters. Unless super secret, should be playable from the start, It kind of eliminates the problem all together. And people can choose who they feel is important or who they are just interested in
That goes without saying... no one here is saying that the story should come at the expense of the game play.Create an awesome gameplay experience, then come up with the story later. would rather not have the carriage leading the horse.
He ate a Gold orb.So how does DMC4SE bring back Vergil from the dead story wise?
We already kind of talked about this scene. It could be part of Vergil's end cutscene, or an intro to the last boss. Pretty sure Vergil's cutscene takes place outside Fortuna at night though because we saw a screen grab of that already.I was watching old trailers of DMC4SE when I came across this scene:
When the trailer released I didn't noticed it much cause I thought "yeah, they probably added a wave of enemies before last boss fight" or it's a "new mode". But now we know that's not the case cause Capcom has confirmed they haven't changed anything else besides adding new characters and cutscenes.
So if it can't be from gameplay, then it most be a cutscene~ BUT WAIT A SECOND! Aren't cutscenes suppose to be canon? If Vergil is inside an activated savior, then doesn't that mean that it's after DMC4?
Holy shit guys! Does that mean that Capcom has already teased DMC5?
After skipping it 12 years ago I'm finally playing through DMC2 while I'm waiting for DMC4SE to drop. Woooooow. I thought I was ready. I was not! Fortunately total playthrough should be mercifully short.