Alright folks, the writing for the Community Thread is ready to start. Sections include:
What is DMC? - A general run-down of the series. Genre, platforms available, basic lore info, other mediums (manga, anime) etc.
The Games - A more detailed run-through of the games in the series. What's changed in each iteration, new playable characters, story set up etc.
Basic Tutorials - A simple guide on how to effectively use each characters unique skillset and all-round advice for beginners.
Advanced tutorials and high level play - An in-depth look at the complex crazy stuff the high-level players do. Video tutorials are probably a good way of showing this instead of a wall of text. The high level gameplay is basically a few links to some of the most insane stuff out there to show people just how deep the games can be.
The reboot - The reboots story and premise can be mentioned above, but because of the vastly different mechanics, I think it'd be better for it to have it's own section here.
I also want to reserve the first post for GAF tournaments if people are interested. Problem is, someone else would have to organize them because I've no earthly idea where to even begin.
So what do you think? Any other sections to include? Any volunteers to write out a section? Also taking title suggestions.