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Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition |OT| Two girls, one motivated Vergil


I'd considered the possibility of the mocap being for a teaser as well, but that would seem to be a little inconsistent with how Capcom's been handling the reveals of new games this generation. Or maybe that's just wishful thinking.
Capcom spending money for mocap work just For a teaser?Nah man.


Maybe it's not their money.



Yeah something isnt right - Mo capping tends to happen when a fair amount of development has been completed. It would seem very odd to begin mo cap when the game is only been in development for a few months. If all this is in tangent with DMC, then its either the source got their information wrong with it being only a few months in development, or, DMC is in very early stages and that mo cap could potentially be for something else, or simply whipping up a quick teaser to be announced using mo cap.

If anything, you can be sure that DMC5 is in work. I heard it myself from a serious guy - ex capcom artist - I worked with. I believe him, no reason he was lying. I also heard some french "journalists" talk about it last week and they pretty much hear it from Capcom directly. But again, that the same who said R.mika wouldn't be in SFV. So, it's up to you to believe them.

So yeah, I think it's true.

Hope it's not a NX exclusivity.


The worst part about all these rumors is the internet hype machine just won't start because people are so god damn afraid of being disappointed, even if that cynicism doesn't hold up based on what we've seen and heard so far.
Hopefully we get some sort of announcement/confirmation for 5 soon. I wonder if it will be multiplat.

I think it has to be multiplat or else we would have heard more buzz about it being an exclusive.

also regarding the matter, that mo cap could be for a teaser or completely unrelated to DMC. I feel like TGS still has higher probability for a possible teaser rather than E3 but at this point any morsel of information is welcome.
Next three months are going to be hard to wait. We know something is up since they mentioned DMC in their financial reports and now we had that picture by JYB/Langdon and the rumors. Hell, just a damn logo would be enough confirmation for me! Not asking for much here, Capcom!

Some suggestions (all from DMC3)

Devil May Cry Community |OT| Sorry, not open for business yet
Devil May Cry Community |OT| What's the matter? Didn't you get an invitation?
Devil May Cry Community |OT| Come on, dude, don't you have any hobbies?

Devil May Cry Community |OT| Check it out! It's got wings!

All four of those would make good thread titles.


I do wonder when we'll hear something new. Maybe something in their yearly financial report at the end of the month.


I do wonder when we'll hear something new. Maybe something in their yearly financial report at the end of the month.

E3 is the safest bet - As Capcom no longer does Captivate events, so the earliest big event is in fact E3, followed by Gamescom and TGS. Seriously hope it winds up on one of the 2 conferences at E3 (Sony or MS).


I was thinking along the lines of some unspecific comments in their projections for next fiscal year. I assume they'll be making excuses for SF5 while saying they have loads of paid DLC and that they have one or more big titles planned. I almost expect RE7 to be officially announced before the end of March for that reason. After all, their stock price skyrocketed after RE2 remake was announced and we can be sure they took note of that.


my guess/longshot timeline is RE7 teaser+announcement on 20th anniversary date this month, then re7 trailer/gameplay+dmc5 teaser at e3 with full reveal/gameplay at tgs
my actual heart belief is still re7 announcement+teaser on 20th and then random ass tuesday whenever in 2017 or winter 2016 for dmc5


There's the third possibility of a teaser at TGS for DMC5, followed by months of PR and Capcom gathering feedback before a proper reveal at PSX/GDC/E3/random tuesday, kinda like with DmC
my guess/longshot timeline is RE7 teaser+announcement on 20th anniversary date this month, then re7 trailer/gameplay+dmc5 teaser at e3 with full reveal/gameplay at tgs
my actual heart belief is still re7 announcement+teaser on 20th and then random ass tuesday whenever in 2017 or winter 2016 for dmc5

man one can dream...

I really hope its E3 but Capcom has always been low key during E3. TGS is more likely


man one can dream...

I really hope its E3 but Capcom has always been low key during E3. TGS is more likely

While Capcom generally quiet at E3, it doesnt stop the bigger hitters like Sony and MS revealing a teaser at their conference much like SFV. Even DMC3 was unveiled at E3 and won stupid number of awards, one of which was best trailer of E3.


DMC3 was actually unveiled in an issue of Famitsu a month or two before the E3 trailer, if I remember correctly. But I see your point and I agree.


Santa May Claus
Pretty good. I'm really glad that they implemented Quicksilver canceling Witch Time. It's obvious, but something that I feel like is sort of misunderstood.


I don't understand why they made such a big deal out of the Dante/Vergil rain fight.

I am sure if you put Bayonetta/Jeanne in that same situation they would also create that rain field from the impact and speed of the fight.


Santa May Claus
I don't understand why they made such a big deal out of the Dante/Vergil rain fight.

I am sure if you put Bayonetta/Jeanne in that same situation they would also create that rain field from the impact and speed of the fight.

I feel like they latch onto a particular example for mathematical advantage that they can attach their results to. I've noticed this in a few Death Battles I watched. I'm not sure I agree with that particular piece of evidence either, though I do agree with the conclusion.


A fight between the two should end with the two of them shagging. In the aftermath of which, Bayonetta looking smug and cracking jokes at Dante regarding his performance.

Having Dante slaughter Bayonetta by exploding her into gibs shows a fundamental lack of understanding of the character, imo. Though I guess that's not the point to the whole Death Battle thing.


A fight between the two should end with the two of them shagging. In the aftermath of which, Bayonetta looking smug and cracking jokes at Dante regarding his performance.

Having Dante slaughter Bayonetta by exploding her into gibs shows a fundamental lack of understanding of the character, imo. Though I guess that's not the point to the whole Death Battle thing.
That's the point of Death Battle. Any personality trait that prevents someone from killing is removed.

There have been much worse slaughters in the past. I cracked up during the Digimon vs Pokémon end.


By that last sentence I meant taking the character's personality into consideration when deciding the outcome wasn't the point of Death Battle. Just in case it wasn't clear. Sorry, I should have clarified/rephrased.


for some reason i'm reading a translated synopsis of the dmc4 novels (http://www.devils-lair.org/dmc4novel.html) and was glad to see my stupid belief re-affirmed in that stuff like slash dimension is just dante's own interpretation of judgement cut

-Dante had never exactly used Yamato before so every Vergil move he did with it in the game/novel was simply a so called 'imitation'. I'm assuming Capcom left it to us to wonder how Dante could copy his brother's specialty moves simply by visual memorization and without training, cause if you ask me that's a giant slap in Vergil's face, especially in the novel when he did Judgment Cut against the Savior and complimented himself, "Hey, not too shabby for a half-assed imitation!"


Wow, apparently Nero was originally named Rodin.

Nero was originally named after a sculptor called Rodan, who apparently once created a motif of a hell gate mentioned in Dante's Inferno. However, because the crew preferred a two-syllable name, and because they were afraid 'Rodan' might give too much of an 'intellectual' impression, they decided to go for a different name.

It says Rodan but that's just how it's written/sounds in Japanese.

I wonder if Kamiya knew or if it was just coincidence. And lol at them thinking Rodin sounded too intellectual. Apparently Bingo Morihashi/the DMC4 team and Kamiya had the same idea.


Apparently Nero has a "YOLO" mentality.

There's some neat ideas in this novel, like the backstory behind the devil arms, Berial's "I'm gonna die now so here's my past" flashback showing his connection with Sparda, or Dante branching out Devil May Cry into a franchise by allowing Nero use of the name. Although the part about Nero and Kyrie living in an apartment because the Order collapsed with Kyrie making food for the refugees (and the part about her being a good cook. Wimmenz be good cooks. Grats on that novel concept, BINGO) is incredibly dumb.
But there's a lot of nonsensical light novel-type anime garbage. I don't know if I can really articulate it properly, but stuff like Vergil just showing up in Sanctus' room and giving some coincidental speech that's probably supposed to be what "inspired" Sanctus' later methods, or Vergil showing up in Nero's mind and giving him a "muh power" speech which is what leads to Nero DTing and repeating the "more power" line.

Also Nero beating Dante in terms of power is pure author bias. Hopefully Itsuno's vetoes that kind of shit if they bring Morihashi back for 5.

Was the novel declared non-canon, or was that the DMC1 novel?


Was the novel declared non-canon, or was that the DMC1 novel?

the dmc1 novel is definitely non-canon because vergil is in it and he's like a masked serial killer or something
also he dies by dante shooting him

and yeah most of that anime garbage explains the tone behind nero's dramatic stuff in dmc4.


Oh right. That's a cliche as well. Wonder if that started out as some attempt at clever subversion that ballooned into its own stereotype.

The next step would be Kyrie being a mediocre but passable cook. I could see the comedy in that situation, though. She becomes the matriarch/matron/provider for the remnants of the Order, and fancies herself a great cook, who can manage the cantina as well in order to brighten everyone's day in those troubling times. And then her food is just kinda meh and the people just continue to feel miserable.


Nero always had a Yolo personality in his combat, you can tell by the naming convention of his moves. I always thought it was cool how almost all of his moves were based off of gambling terminologies.

I am cool with Dante expanding the DMC franchise to include Nero, that makes too much logical sense. Also fine with them helping out refugees of the city, so what if Kyrie can cook well, at least she can do something oher than singing well. Not every female character in DMC has to be a demon slaying bad ass.

Also fine with all the Vergil stuff because it just shows that even without Vergil, DMC4 was more or less caused because of Vergil. The prostitute line is extremely bizarre as is Vergil's general mannerism in the novel. It was poorly written yes but they had some decent enough ideas to follow up after DMC4 and continue on.

Now just bring back Vergil to complete the circle.

"It's me Nero... the instrument of all your pain"

"Nero.. I AM your father!"

"It was me Nero.... it was me ALL ALONG!"
Now just bring back Vergil to complete the circle.

"It's me Nero... the instrument of all your pain"

"It was me Nero.... it was me ALL ALONG!"

C'mon now, no need to be bringing Spectre in to this!
First hour and a half was rather fun, but the last 50 minutes was absolute trash. Amazing how Casino Royale consistently did everything Spectre tried to do a hundred times better. Not a terrible film, but coming off of 2 strong entries (CR and SF) and a divisive one (QoS), Spectre left a hell of a lot to be desired

Lol, both Southworth and Bosch can barely contain themselves with the news and poor Langdon is left with damage control. They haven't been subtle about DMC 5 for a long ass time.


Gotta love Dan.

Like I said, they're stoking the fires. They want to get people talking. As long as they don't directly break any NDAs, they don't care.


You think Dan knows/is making mocap right now?

Even if he isn't directly involved I think he knows. Either Johnny or Reuben told him, or he found out some other way.

Though considering he's directly tweeting about DMC and he wasn't together with Johnny and Reuben doing mo-cap, I'm starting to doubt that he's involved. I doubt an NDA would allow stuff like "What do you think about… DMC5…?".

Either way they're trying to get people talking. Reuben/Johnny by making mysterious social media posts and being secretive, and Dan by being a goof, going "SO HOW BOUT THEM DMC, HUH, FOLKS?".

Or maybe I'm reading way too much into this and it's just them messing around and us misunderstanding certain things.
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