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Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition |OT| Two girls, one motivated Vergil

I see it as the standard PS4 version being the default version, and the NEO version being the "enhanced" version. It would be a colossally bad business decision of Capcom to restrict a superior 60 fps version of DMC5 to a version of a console far fewer people will have. As long as the standard PS4 has the biggest install base, it will remain the default version. I wouldn't worry about it.

If anything Turbo mode would be one of those things that could be an exclusive feature, depending on the game is made. After all, Turbo wasn't available in vanilla DMC4, and not possible in DmC because Turbo wasn't possible at 30 fps. I can see something like LDK mode being NEO exclusive because of the higher performance required. But if publishers aren't allowed to make exclusive content then there's no reason to worry about that either.

It would be incredibly stupid to release the PS4 version with lower frame rate, I agree. But if recent events in regards to SFV have shown us anything, it's that Capcom isn't the one to always make smart choices.

So yeah, I wouldn't put it past them release yet another 30fps DMC game on consoles.
Capcom isn't that tone deaf. Every business decision they've made has reasoning behind it, despite many of us not liking it or how much of a failure it was. A 30 fps or lower DMC 5 with other poor performance issues would be a PR disaster with the core fanbase. They're aiming to bring fans back with DMC 5, not give them another reason to turn away. They have to know that 60 fps is a given. Unless they want to go the "cinematic" route which would necesitate 30 fps again. But if that's the case, they should just give us DmC 2 from Ninja Theory. If, on the other hand, they are just shoving it out the door, we all know what to expect (even worse than DMC 4 campaign wise and definitely sloppier combat).


It would be incredibly stupid to release the PS4 version with lower frame rate, I agree. But if recent events in regards to SFV have shown us anything, it's that Capcom isn't the one to always make smart choices.

So yeah, I wouldn't put it past them release yet another 30fps DMC game on consoles.

I don't think that's a fair comparison. It's not as simple as "Capcom fucked up so they could fuck up again". The reason they fucked up with SFV is very specific. They released the game early for the benefit of the FGC.
Sure, the FGC wasn't the only reason. They wanted a big title for 2016 and they had nothing else ready, and they wanted something to boost their end year financials so they released in February instead of March or April.
But their official excuse was a laser focus on the FGC, that resulted in meagre single player content. And that's not an excuse they can use with DMC5. The hardcore fans will demand 60fps and a meaty game. Ignoring that is a PR disaster waiting to happen.

And honestly, look at how poorly SF5 did for them. They expected SF5 to sell 2m by March 31st, and probably hoped it would blow past that. Luckily they weren't alone with the game as they had Sony backing them. But they can't rely on 1st parties forever. They can't afford to fuck up with something like DMC5, or worse RE7. They're in this to make money, which is why DmC happened for example.
Just because there was a reason/excuse behind their stupid decision, it won't make it any less stupid. With SFV's launch they managed to fuck up one of their biggest IPs, something that I honestly didn't think was possible.

How can we trust Capcom to do any better by RE7, DMC5 or any of their other titles after that? I mean, look at how they keep on mishandling the whole SFV situation even after launch. Look at their mess of a server, the whole RQ situation, the untimely release schedule of their post launch contents (they actually missed few of the stuff that were supposed to be in March update), their tone deaf attitude in regards to people's issues with Survival, etc.

Sorry, I just can't easily trust Capcom anymore. Especially when it comes to making logical decision about their games and the contents in them.

If they can think that releasing a very very very bare bones SFV at launch will be okay with casual fans, I can totally see them thinking that releasing a 30fps PS4 version of DMC5 would be OKAY, as long as the NEO one runs at 60fps.
I guess it's not so much that I trust Capcom, it's that I can't believe they'd be so out of touch. 60 fps for tight action as well as fluid response, deep combat, high octane cutscenes, corny as hell story, and Dante being a goofball with intermittent moments of being serious. That's what Devil May Cry is known for. Even Devil May Cry 2 had 60 fps and they gave no shits about that game. They already fucked up the level design, campaign design, and pacing with Devil May Cry 4 so if they can't even get that right anymore for Devil May Cry 5 then the series may as well be dead.


Capcom have taken far too many business risks for them to ever redeem themselves. Its certainly aint impossible but from what we have seen of Capcom as of late, they are no way near as competent as they used to be. Even with someone like Ono behind the wheel SF V, it still quite a massive cock up in many areas, some of which are business decisions.

Money shouldn't even be an issue. If Platinum, a much smaller company, can dish out truly immersive content worthy games, then how come a monolith like Capcom cant do it? Its an internal struggle, something SE suffered last gen but are definately redeeming themselves this gen, only Capcom is still in that internal struggle with making repeated cock ups and trying to be "clever" by deviating to a formula that has proven sales figures repeatedly to Capcom.

Capcom wont deviate from a 60FPS for Devil May Cry, the only reason that it suffered last gen with DmC was because the limitation of the engine and spec of consoles. I wouldnt even care is DMC5 looked like a sup'ed up DmC:DE, because the game was graphically very good regardless of how many people hate it. Capcom really need to push REAL bounderies in order for it to dent the FPS, something Capcom wont do.

Oh well, only time will tell.


Santa May Claus
After SFV, I believe everything is possible from Capcom. No matter how stupid or unlikely it may seem to us.

I feel like this is kind of false equivalence for a number of reasons. Despite many the decisions in SFV ultimately being poor ones, I can still see the logic behind them. I can't say the same for locking a future DMC at 30fps.

-Capcom Pro Tour:
Already mentioned, but Capcom has been really pushing this initiative with the pro scene, and want the exposure for the game in the competitive scene/EVO.

-First quarter 2016 earnings report:
An unfortunate reality, but the suits and investors demand numbers that justify the money they spent in the past year.

-Surge of Online Competitive Gaming:
With the recent popularity of MOBAs, Capcom probably thought that Street Fighter could ride on the competitive scene while they work on further single player updates. We're seeing more acclaim for new and upcoming exclusively competitive games, like Rocket League or Overwatch, as well.

-Unfamiliarity with F2P implementation:
The new fight money system, rolling out of characters periodically, and sustainable online infrastructure are all new things to Capcom. Here, they're following the Killer Instinct and DOA5 implementation in a number of ways, however, they probably underestimated how difficult this would be to implement. When dealing with in-game currency, the standards also change, and the importance of testing fixes before implementation to avoid exploits is critical since that's future revenue already accounted for. This also leads them to spreading themselves thin between future content, and fixing current problems.

There is no logic to locking a potential DMC5 to 30fps. They've already suffered a significant loss for that specific reason with DmC, in terms of sales and branding. Their competitors have shown (and it's clear from the above that they watch what their competitors do at least to an extent) a devotion to high framerates, and the gaming community as a whole has shifted towards high framerate focus.

I understand feeling burned about SFV. I feel it myself. But I can see some reasons for these things. Not saying they justify, but they're there. I can't think of a legitimate reason why Capcom would lock a theoretical DMC5 for PS3 at 30fps unless Sony was footing the bill and forced them to do so. Maybe if they used Panta Rhei, and it's not as well scaleable? The recent information regarding the CPU for the Neo being the same as PS4 really does make it seem like the most common improvements we'll see with the Neo will be better textures and resolution, I think.


Money shouldn't even be an issue. If Platinum, a much smaller company, can dish out truly immersive content worthy games, then how come a monolith like Capcom cant do it? Its an internal struggle, something SE suffered last gen but are definately redeeming themselves this gen, only Capcom is still in that internal struggle with making repeated cock ups and trying to be "clever" by deviating to a formula that has proven sales figures repeatedly to Capcom.

Leaving aside how "immersive" and content-rich Platinum's games actually tend to be - especially when considering the lower-budget, tighter-deadline projects that make up most of their output - the fact that they don't own their own IP or have a direct financial stake in the performance of their games means their approach would be fundamentally different by necessity. It's always a third party burning funds on a Platinum game, while any DMC project, barring a deal with Sony and/or Diesel, would be Capcom's money the whole way through.
I wanted to say that Sony can money-hat the NEO version to have better fps but I see that you've mentioned it yourself.

Bear in mind, that DMC5 probably won't be released until early 2018 or maybe even later. I can totally see Sony making sure that games look and run better on NEO so that people with OG PS4's get tired of playing the lesser versions and upgrade to PS4K.
Guardian already beat me to the punch on my thoughts on the current discussion for both SFV and DMC5, so I'll add a bit to it. TribladeX brought up Capcom's potential mindset behind the choices made in DmC in another thread, choices (specifically with allowing a 30fps DMC) that I don't see them repeating.

$7.99 for access to Dante's Style System!
$14.99 for access to Vergil!
$20 for access to Bloody Palace!
$65 to kickstart adding a campaign mode beyond a few missions!
Vergil will have campaign it will most likely be preorder dlc like DmC. But I wouldn't mind if Capcom gave us DMC5 dlc like an OG weapons pack or something..
Vergil will have campaign it will most likely be preorder dlc like DmC. But I wouldn't mind if Capcom gave us DMC5 dlc like an OG weapons pack or something..

Same, definitely behind that. Would be awesome to have themed packs that include weapons and remixed bloody palaces, featuring enemies from a specific entry (Classic Bosses may break the budget, but a guy can dream).

$7.99 for access to Dante's Style System!
$14.99 for access to Vergil!
$20 for access to Bloody Palace!
$65 to kickstart adding a campaign mode beyond a few missions!

You forgot a few.

$2.49 for each new attack (Stinger, HighTime, Drive + $0.49 more for Over Drive,...)
Best Buy pre-order exclusive - Million Stab
Gamestop pre-order exclusive - Helm's Breaker
Amazon pre-order exclusive - Taunts
I feel like this is kind of false equivalence for a number of reasons. Despite many the decisions in SFV ultimately being poor ones, I can still see the logic behind them. I can't say the same for locking a future DMC at 30fps.

-Capcom Pro Tour:
Already mentioned, but Capcom has been really pushing this initiative with the pro scene, and want the exposure for the game in the competitive scene/EVO.

-First quarter 2016 earnings report:
An unfortunate reality, but the suits and investors demand numbers that justify the money they spent in the past year.

-Surge of Online Competitive Gaming:
With the recent popularity of MOBAs, Capcom probably thought that Street Fighter could ride on the competitive scene while they work on further single player updates. We're seeing more acclaim for new and upcoming exclusively competitive games, like Rocket League or Overwatch, as well.

-Unfamiliarity with F2P implementation:
The new fight money system, rolling out of characters periodically, and sustainable online infrastructure are all new things to Capcom. Here, they're following the Killer Instinct and DOA5 implementation in a number of ways, however, they probably underestimated how difficult this would be to implement. When dealing with in-game currency, the standards also change, and the importance of testing fixes before implementation to avoid exploits is critical since that's future revenue already accounted for. This also leads them to spreading themselves thin between future content, and fixing current problems.

All of that leads back to my thoughts on Capcom. They still make the best game out there. They smash other companies like Ubisoft and EA who are considered good. But man, their business practices suck arse. SFV is their biggest title and it as a mess on launch and still is.

Oh don't worry guys, they will manage to mess up DMC5 in some other unforeseen way.

Dante runs out of bullets and you have to restock by buying "ammo crates".

For iOS only

In Japan only

Is a DMC Themed Angry Birds game.


Did you guys see the new KOFXIV trailer?

The new protagonist looks to be influenced by DMC/Nero. In the character leak he was referred to as 'demon boy' and his attacks in the trailer are pretty reminiscent of Nero attacking with demon/ghost arms.



DMC is by Capcom, guys, not Konami.

Did you guys see the new KOFXIV trailer?

The new protagonist looks to be influenced by DMC/Nero. In the character leak he was referred to as 'demon boy' and his attacks in the trailer are pretty reminiscent of Nero attacking with demon/ghost arms.

That was my first thought on seeing him, but I forgot to comment on it.

The headphones and haircut with the giant ghost arms scream Nero to me.
Did you guys see the new KOFXIV trailer?

The new protagonist looks to be influenced by DMC/Nero. In the character leak he was referred to as 'demon boy' and his attacks in the trailer are pretty reminiscent of Nero attacking with demon/ghost arms.

Pretty much, thought k9999 influenced by Nero instead of Akira.


Pretty much, thought k9999 influenced by Nero instead of Akira.

The Tetsuo influence on K9999 was insanely blatant, this is more of a broad stylistic similarity. At the very least, I could believe he was designed without any conscious reference to Nero, while K9999 seemed like a lawsuit waiting to happen.


I just saw that Birdie's booger flick idle animation in SF5 deals damage. Moreover, it's a projectile. I now need idle animations that deal damage and have other properties in DMC5.


I just saw that Birdie's booger flick idle animation in SF5 deals damage. Moreover, it's a projectile. I now need idle animations that deal damage and have other properties in DMC5.

It'd be a natural enough progression from Trish's damaging taunts and DT animation. I'm not sure who one would be best-suited to,though...


It'd be a natural enough progression from Trish's damaging taunts and DT animation. I'm not sure who one would be best-suited to,though...

Not only Trish, but Vergil as well. Vergil's DT activation also has a hitbox and i-frames like Trish and Nero. I love that Trish's S rank taunt is a projectile, and that Vergil's S rank taunt can juggle.

I also love that Lady's basic taunt can work as a dodge if timed properly.

As for idle animations with attack hitboxes and other properties, I'd like every character to have at least one.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Did you guys see the new KOFXIV trailer?

The new protagonist looks to be influenced by DMC/Nero. In the character leak he was referred to as 'demon boy' and his attacks in the trailer are pretty reminiscent of Nero attacking with demon/ghost arms.

Well Neo_G (or whoever, forgetting their name part of the DMC4 team) did move over to SNK...
I don't know how many of you guys follow Nioh, but the game's Alpha demo is currently available in all regions of PSN until May 5th, and I encourage everyone to give it a go.

It's a very interesting mix of Dark Souls and Ninja Gaiden and feels quite fresh and fun.


I have a chance to play it in the weekend. Looking forward to it. Trial period lasts roughly a week, right?

I hope they nail Nioh's gameplay so I can officially have hope for NG4 as well.


Well Neo_G (or whoever, forgetting their name part of the DMC4 team) did move over to SNK...

He only joined in January 2016, as a planner.

Going by the leaks, the characters were finalized a long time ago.

I have a chance to play it in the weekend. Looking forward to it. Trial period lasts roughly a week, right?

I hope they nail Nioh's gameplay so I can officially have hope for NG4 as well.

Will be trying it today after work, it would be great to see a new solid series added to the genre.
I have a chance to play it in the weekend. Looking forward to it. Trial period lasts roughly a week, right?

I hope they nail Nioh's gameplay so I can officially have hope for NG4 as well.

Yeah, it ends at 5th of May, I hope you like it.

The gameplay is actually more of NG than Souls series. Though, it's still quite different from both. I'm really liking it thus far. At first I was dying all the time because I tried to play it like Souls series or a traditional NG title, but those obviously don't work here. But as soon as I learned a little more about the game and its systems it clicked and I'm having lots of fun with it.

It still needs lots of improvements but it has the potential to be something quite extraordinary.
I don't really want all action games to copy dark souls now.. I want my fast paced frenetic action games (where's MGR2 may it rest in peace). Copy other elements of souls games and I'm fine like the pvp, world, exploration, etc.....


Yeah, it ends at 5th of May, I hope you like it.

The gameplay is actually more of NG than Souls series. Though, it's still quite different from both. I'm really liking it thus far. At first I was dying all the time because I tried to play it like Souls series or a traditional NG title, but those obviously don't work here. But as soon as I learned a little more about the game and its systems it clicked and I'm having lots of fun with it.

It still needs lots of improvements but it has the potential to be something quite extraordinary.

Will put more time into it after finishing Dark Souls 3 (I think I'm at the last boss?) but so far it has potential, the gameplay in particular. The graphics are kinda meh, feels like an early PS3 game.

The stance thing seems cool and apparently there is some quick reload mechanic for the stamina bar. And a special evade too if you time it with your attacks (which causes it not to use stamina?).

The difficulty to start seems brutal though (1 hit deaths galore). I'm sure you just need to learn the mechanics but overall I could see this aspect limiting the game's audience.

I also hear that the equipment breaks often, I hate that in games.

I don't really want all action games to copy dark souls now.. I want my fast paced frenetic action games (where's MGR2 may it rest in peace). Copy other elements of souls games and I'm fine like the pvp, world, exploration, etc.....

I wouldn't say it's like Souls, it seems to be very much doing it's own thing.
Will put more time into it after finishing Dark Souls 3 (I think I'm at the last boss?) but so far it has potential, the gameplay in particular. The graphics are kinda meh, feels like an early PS3 game.

The stance thing seems cool and apparently there is some quick reload mechanic for the stamina bar. And a special evade too if you time it with your attacks (which causes it not to use stamina?).

The difficulty to start seems brutal though (1 hit deaths galore). I'm sure you just need to learn the mechanics but overall I could see this aspect limiting the game's audience.

I also hear that the equipment breaks often, I hate that in games.
Which boss is that, if you don't mind me asking. I've finished it myself but please use spoiler tag since others might have not played it yet :)

Yeah, gameplay is where it's at. I'm playing it in Action mode and the 60fps is really enjoyable with the kinda action that it provides.

Yep, the quick reload thingy is called Ki Pulse and is a key feature of the combat system. I've used that special evade a few times but still haven't been able to nail the timing. The game also has skills that give you new moves and customizable combos, there are even some combos that use half circle motion. You also have a DT like feature called Guardian Spirits that you can change at the shrines. Overall the combat system is way more deeper than Souls titles and I'm really enjoying it.

The durability of equipments depletes pretty fast, so that's a bummer. But there are items that you can use to repair your equipments and you can find a lot of those.

The game might seem a little too difficult at the beginning (I legit think I died more at the beginning of Nioh than I did in the entirety of DS III) but as you learn more about its systems and understand how the game is meant to be played the game becomes much easier.

I just beat the first boss myself. It was a really fun fight. Can't wait to play the second mission tomorrow.

P.S: Use your bow, you can headshot enemies with that. Also, remember to change your equipment every once in a while since you get much better weapons and armors as you advance through the level.


Santa May Claus
I dug into the Ni-Oh alpha last night and it feels pretty glorious. The interaction between life and stamina/ki as resources is pretty genius and unique, particularly in how those are universal elements that apply to both enemies and the player character. Hopefully I can beat it tonight.


Which boss is that, if you don't mind me asking. I've finished it myself but please use spoiler tag since others might have not played it yet :)

Yeah, gameplay is where it's at. I'm playing it in Action mode and the 60fps is really enjoyable with the kinda action that it provides.

Yep, the quick reload thingy is called Ki Pulse and is a key feature of the combat system. I've used that special evade a few times but still haven't been able to nail the timing. The game also has skills that give you new moves and customizable combos, there are even some combos that use half circle motion. You also have a DT like feature called Guardian Spirits that you can change at the shrines. Overall the combat system is way more deeper than Souls titles and I'm really enjoying it.

The durability of equipments depletes pretty fast, so that's a bummer. But there are items that you can use to repair your equipments and you can find a lot of those.

The game might seem a little too difficult at the beginning (I legit think I died more at the beginning of Nioh than I did in the entirety of DS III) but as you learn more about its systems and understand how the game is meant to be played the game becomes much easier.

I just beat the first boss myself. It was a really fun fight. Can't wait to play the second mission tomorrow.

P.S: Use your bow, you can headshot enemies with that. Also, remember to change your equipment every once in a while since you get much better weapons and armors as you advance through the level.

It was the Lothric bros. Turns out there was another boss after them (the Kiln dude). Beat them both yesterday, great boss fights. Fantastic game overall, definitely the best Souls game and up there with Bloodborne.

Thanks for the Nioh tips man, I'll be sure to put them to good use this weekend.

The combat does feel legit good, it's like that deep samurai game we've all been waiting for. The active reload mechanic gives some Nero sword rev'ing vibes of keeping you on your toes at all times and seems to be really well implemented. And the move/combo list also seems to be fully customizable ala God Hand.


Watching Shun'ei in the new KoF14 trailers made me wish for a character or a weapon with a mid-air version of Gilgamesh's Draw. I don't know why. That is all.
It was the Lothric bros. Turns out there was another boss after them (the Kiln dude). Beat them both yesterday, great boss fights. Fantastic game overall, definitely the best Souls game and up there with Bloodborne.

Thanks for the Nioh tips man, I'll be sure to put them to good use this weekend.

The combat does feel legit good, it's like that deep samurai game we've all been waiting for. The active reload mechanic gives some Nero sword rev'ing vibes of keeping you on your toes at all times and seems to be really well implemented. And the move/combo list also seems to be fully customizable ala God Hand.
Yeah, that
fight was a lot of fun and got me a few times. The last boss wasn't as good as I hoped it would and I actually managed to beat
in my second try. It felt kinda underwhelming.

Considering that I played Bloodborne and its DLC then Demon's souls and then Dark Souls II (and the DLCs) within the past 12 months, when DS III came out I started to feel a little bit of Souls fatigue. I think I should come back to DS III in a few months and continue my NG+ run then.

Sure man, I hope you enjoy Nioh as much as I am.

Yep, exactly. The gameplay does so many right things that you can't help but get excited about the full game and what it could offer to the whole genre after its release (if they realize all of its potential, that is).


DS3 is confirmed to have two DLC expansions, one in fall and the other in spring next year. Either time will be a good occasion to come back.
Thanks for the suggestion, Sesha. Yeah, DLCs are far enough that I think I should be okay to come back to the series when they drop.

Well, if I'm still around by then.

I mean the army thing, so don't assume something worse like last time :)
So I've played about 20 minutes of NiOh so far and it hasn't clicked for me yet. I can deal with stamina management, but freezing my character once he's run out totally ruins the flow. I can deal with my weapon breaking, but when I'm trying to practice the very basics on the first enemy, I'd like some leeway. I can deal with no tutorial, but don't overwhelm me with hundreds of stats and "samurai points" whatever they are.

It looks like it's learned the worst lessons from Dark Souls by making it obtuse for the sake of being obtuse. I'll definitely give it a proper play later today, and hopefully it'll change my mind.


So I've played about 20 minutes of NiOh so far and it hasn't clicked for me yet. I can deal with stamina management, but freezing my character once he's run out totally ruins the flow. I can deal with my weapon breaking, but when I'm trying to practice the very basics on the first enemy, I'd like some leeway. I can deal with no tutorial, but don't overwhelm me with hundreds of stats and "samurai points" whatever they are.

It looks like it's learned the worst lessons from Dark Souls by making it obtuse for the sake of being obtuse. I'll definitely give it a proper play later today, and hopefully it'll change my mind.

Start here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXOu1wG70_k

Letting stamina hit zero is carelessness on your part, you won't be doing it much soon. Using active stamina reload is a must (don't play it like Souls).

Stamina drain is a two way street by the way, it effects enemies heavily as well.
Just came here to say that Onechanbara Z2: Chaos is currently on sale for $14.99 ($11.99 if you have PS Plus) and since I've seen a few people mention how good the gameplay is, I thought some of you guys might be interested in it. I think the sale lasts till the 3th of May.

I bought it myself, since I've wanted to try the game for a long time now but I'm still downloading it so I can't give you guys any impression yet.

Also on a somewhat related note, Yakuza 5 is on the sale for $24.99 (with plus) so if you guys are interested, you can check that one out as well.



This guy are sick. That looks amazing.

Shame Capcom never spent the extra time/budget to make an official DMC1 costume.

Also, speaking of mods, I recently chatted with someone on YouTube regarding DMC3's Instant Style Access mod, who said he'd tweaked it and implemented Dahbomb's style modifier idea for DMC5. Was that one of you guys?

Edit: Also, decided to share this. A modder is asking for input on which costume mods he should create for DMC4SE in the future. There's quite a few options: http://www.poll-maker.com/Q2MMZXE


Shame Capcom never spent the extra time/budget to make an official DMC1 costume.

Also, speaking of mods, I recently chatted with someone on YouTube regarding DMC3's Instant Style Access mod, who said he'd tweaked it and implemented Dahbomb's style modifier idea for DMC5. Was that one of you guys?

Technically, they did...

Also, is there a publicly available version of the altered version of that DMC3 mod?


Well Neo_G (or whoever, forgetting their name part of the DMC4 team) did move over to SNK...

Returning to this, it seems you may be right.

Via TreIII from the other thread, Neo_G was interviewed yesterday.

- They had him start working as lead game designer on XIV the moment he started working at SNK.

- He said that even though he is working on XIV, he was actually hired for the purpose of working on action games. Between what he and Oda said in this interview, it really sounds like SNK will be branching out of making just fighting games soon.
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