Made it to the first ending. I haven't done the
yet. Overall, it was a decent game. Good variety of demons even though I know I'm not nearly done (I think my compendium is at 59%) The alignment system was interesting, but I can see why they streamlined it in later games like Strange Journey: Light/Dark was negated with a single piece of software, so the only thing that mattered when choosing a team was Law/Chaos. And they sure do love their secret types in this one. I do kinda wish all types were fusable though: what's the point of
except to be tossed away once they're in the compendium?
The Magnetite system was a bit frustrating. You're tempted to fill up your team, until you realize that it costs you for every step. Early on, you see it's a losing battle so you stop summoning entirely except for boss battles. Not sure why they get you into the habit of not using demons in a demon-summoning game.
Level design was good. It wasn't totally straightforward, but nothing insane like Eridanus either. Maybe it could have stood to be a wee bit trickier, but I'm just speaking as someone with experience in the series. Character-wise, the protagonists were interesting, the antagonists didn't really have any personality, and the possible-allies needed more exposition.
9/10 would hack again.