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Devos removes Obama Student Loan protections

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Has there ever been such a concerted and blatant effort to undermine and erase the legacy of a prior administration?

This shit is unreal.

It'll become a topic of discussion on a national level when the next Democrat administration rolls back these changes before the following Republican admin reverses those. Ultimately, it all relies on who the electorate choose to represent them, and with Donald Trump, they've chosen someone to undo what Barack Obama had accomplished whilst at least half the nation didn't bother to vote.



And in a year when all this BS starts catching up with this administration they'll turn around and blame Obama and then probably put the shit back and rename it.


Man, every time some fuckboi shit like this gets announced, that fervent defense of Trump and against "liberal elitism" we had in the week after the election just gets quieter...and quieter...and quieter. Where are all of my completely rational Trump voters at who are totally not deplorables to explain why this is a good thing for America?
It's still funny as an foreigner that people protest voted, stayed home, or voted Trump because they didn't get Bernie. Free education or bust, huh?
Both parties are the same and Democrats aren't progressive enough so I'm gonna stay home or vote for those local election fraud failure Jill Stein and make them learn. Yeah that will teach them...

Two years later

Why is our country regressing?
Both parties are the same and Democrats aren't progressive enough so I'm gonna stay home or vote for those local election fraud failure Jill Stein and make them learn. Yeah that will teach them...

Two years later

Why is our country regressing?
time and time again you have to ask why would they do that??


Obama legacy = delete

Which will backfire.

The more they keep doing this, the more they're allowing for Obama's presidency to contrast glaringly with that of Trump and therefore rendering Obama's legacy more discernible in both history and in memory.


Does this get rid of the 10 year student loan forgiveness program? I heard that it was on DeVos' shit list

No, nothing like that. Obama directed the agencies like Navient who were in charge of managing and collecting on student loans to spend more of their resources helping borrowers manage their loans and understand their options, as opposed to focusing on collecting on debts. Those directions are now withdrawn, so the expectation is that these agencies will not make that a priority any longer.

Public service loan forgiveness was actually Bush-era legislation.


Does this get rid of the 10 year student loan forgiveness program? I heard that it was on DeVos' shit list

This is what I'm most concerned about as well. My wife is banking on this and if it's removed, our long term plans to buy a house or condo are getting pushed back by quite a few years.
I have one of those Sallie Mae loans that Navient took over.

Graduated in 2005 with $27k to repay. I still owe $24k. $226/mo for over 10 years and I'm only $3k toward principle? This shit should be straight up illegal.


So the memorandum was inconsistent (whatever the fuck that means)? Why not just fix the inconsistencies?

Oh that's right, because you're not actually about helping people. Somehow, some way, some when, we went from government of the people, by the people, for the people to government of the elite, by the elite, for themselves and it is now completely fucking broken.

Not to excuse the Trump administration of anything, but America started off as a government of the elite, by the elite for themselves at the expense of everyone else who wasn't also rich, white, and male.

What you see today is what happens when people forget or whitewash their history and pretend America is some shining city on the hill and the greatest country on earth. We don't learn from our mistakes and, instead, repeat them with gusto.

"Make America great again" indeed.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
I have one of those Sallie Mae loans that Navient took over.

Graduated in 2005 with $27k to repay. I still owe $24k. $226/mo for over 10 years and I'm only $3k toward principle? This shit should be straight up illegal.

Very curious to see the math on that. You've paid over 30K on a 27k loan and still need to pay 24K? That's frightening.


Very curious to see the math on that. You've paid over 30K on a 27k loan and still need to pay 24K? That's frightening.
The only frightning part is the stupidity to not understand concepts on amortization schedule and principal curtailment.


Very curious to see the math on that. You've paid over 30K on a 27k loan and still need to pay 24K? That's frightening.

If you pay the minimum or slightly above the minimum, yeah, you can get stuck in this situation. I've seen loans where they will let you pay an amount monthly that will actually cause your balance to increase instead of decrease. It's pretty nuts.


Someone told me if I graduate in my health related field and work at a nonprofit hospital, there was a student loan repayment through Obama that would be income adjusted and forgiven after 10 years. I'm over $100k in student debt.

Will this affect that and ruin my life?
Welp. Let's see how far I can get through my cheap community college out of pocket, because one I realize I need a loan, then I'm most definitely dropping out. I can support myself as long as I put a hefty down payment on a home in a few years, but extra disposable would be much nicer, especially if I have kids someday.

I only plan on getting certified so I can get a promotion into the IT department at my job. They say you don't need a cert or degree, but they want experience. So basically they contradicted themselves. Besides, that's the best way to do it. It's cheap enough to pull off out of pocket, and you can get just as high of a wage as someone who spent years in college without the crippling debt.


Whew, from the thread title, I thought they were coming for my IBR.

How exactly are you fucked/screwed because of this news?

Don't put anything past Devos. And by the by, if IBR is touched later on, there will be a MASSIVE backlash against the administration and to the economy, in particular.


Someone told me if I graduate in my health related field and work at a nonprofit hospital, there was a student loan repayment through Obama that would be income adjusted and forgiven after 10 years. I'm over $100k in student debt.

Will this affect that and ruin my life?

Separate issue, but doubt has been cast on the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program as well. I'm not sure how participation works - have you already signed up?



Someone told me if I graduate in my health related field and work at a nonprofit hospital, there was a student loan repayment through Obama that would be income adjusted and forgiven after 10 years. I'm over $100k in student debt.

Will this affect that and ruin my life?

Actually that had nothing to do with Obama. That program was in place long before he got into office.


I have one of those Sallie Mae loans that Navient took over.

Graduated in 2005 with $27k to repay. I still owe $24k. $226/mo for over 10 years and I'm only $3k toward principle? This shit should be straight up illegal.

Yeah, I'm pretty similar. Graduated in 2004 owing around $26k. I now owe... $19k after paying from $170-300 every month since then.

So I've paid them basically more than what I took out already and yet it 73% of my loan still exists.
Fuck off Devos you piece of shit. You shouldn't even be in that fucking position. You bought because of corrupt ass fucking repbulican politicians. Wish nothing but the worst for you.
I have one of those Sallie Mae loans that Navient took over.

Graduated in 2005 with $27k to repay. I still owe $24k. $226/mo for over 10 years and I'm only $3k toward principle? This shit should be straight up illegal.

I don't understand this just from a financial/loan perspective. Graduated in 2006 with
and finished paying off last year.. former Sallie Mae loan (got bought and traded multiple times, but forget who ended up financing it in the end). had a little over
or so. Did you defer payments or continually refinance for many years? Unless maybe they were interest only payments for 10+ years. How long is the loan?
May be whiny little children will go out to vote next time.
I can't tell you how many times I have had this conversation with college going/recent grad friends when we are dissing Trump and I ask them how did they vote on election night:
"I didn't vote"
"Green party son !"
"I wrote in Bernie"

Y'all motherfuckers got played.
Literally every move made will be in the service of a dystopic corporatist oligarchy. It's really simple and that is the only goal.

It helps keep them in their place as mules and serfs to their betters.

Yep. The Republican agenda is transparently designed to create a permanent servant class. That's why they protest so much about class warfare. They're already waging a class war, and they're winning.

But let's not vote because it's boring, or we didn't get exactly who we want in the primary, or we aren't "in love" with the candidates, or we value some kind of protest position over our ability to influence our own lives.


I don't understand this just from a financial/loan perspective. Graduated in 2006 with
and finished paying off last year.. former Sallie Mae loan (got bought and traded multiple times, but forget who ended up financing it in the end). had a little over
or so. Did you defer payments or continually refinance for many years? Unless maybe they were interest only payments for 10+ years. How long is the loan?

In my case I didn't defer anything. 30 year loan.


The only frightning part is the stupidity to not understand concepts on amortization schedule and principal curtailment.

The frightening part is that I got student loans with a 7+% APR in the same year I got a mortgage with a 2.75% APR.

So honestly, fuck Obama too. He didn't do enough.
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