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Devos removes Obama Student Loan protections

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The only frightning part is the stupidity to not understand concepts on amortization schedule and principal curtailment.

I think the frightening part is expecting 17 year old kids to understand these concepts when they likely haven't lived by themselves or anything like that. I personally tried to wrap my head around what I would actually be paying with these loans and they gave me really roundabout answers and said they couldn't really tell me because it's so variable. Even if they had been able to tell me it'd be $300-$500 per month for 30 years my 17 year old mind wouldn't know what the fuck that meant. Again, I hadn't lived alone. I hadn't grocery shopped alone. I didn't pay utility bills. How the shit am I supposed to know what $300-$500 per month even means. That's on top of the fact that it's that much 4-5 years down the road and with a mystery job and mystery expenses.

Student loans are just fucking dumb. You make the biggest financial decision of your entire life with almost no context or concept of what it actually means.

Seriously Fuck this administration. Watch as they complain that education is low in America compared to the rest of the world, and then they ruin their education even more.


When my wife set up her payments for her loan, the person over the phone set her monthly payments so low that she was actually paying less than $50 of the principal (and ~$300 for the interest). I had to explain to her that we had to bump up her monthly payments or she'd be paying that loan off for decades. We knocked off half a decade and like five grand in interest by just bumping up the monthly payments by $100.

The people that set up the payments are probably told to do this, without explaining the consequences. Fucking crooked.


Pardon my ignorance but wasn't s*** bout to hit the fan before Obama took over? So what will happen when they reverse every single thing Obama has done since his presidency? Well that means that we will go back to the point where our country was about to collapse under the the debt and corporations about to go under because of that? Please don't tell me my country's this stupid?

Its even worse then this, most of the people voting in the people pushing these policies are the ones whose live's will be the most damaged by insane GOP financial policy.


Junior Member
Pardon my ignorance but wasn't s*** bout to hit the fan before Obama took over? So what will happen when they reverse every single thing Obama has done since his presidency? Well that means that we will go back to the point where our country was about to collapse under the the debt and corporations about to go under because of that? Please don't tell me my country's this stupid?
Trumps administration has given me a new found of respect for the Obama administration that I never had before. Obama is probably a top ten president of all time.


there is joy in sucking dick
With this act alone, its obvious what they'll do with public education. This is about as terrifying as Trumps foreign policy so far. Generations of kids are gonna get fucked.
Someone told me if I graduate in my health related field and work at a nonprofit hospital, there was a student loan repayment through Obama that would be income adjusted and forgiven after 10 years. I'm over $100k in student debt.

Will this affect that and ruin my life?

Just make sure it's a non-profit that is tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3).
The burden on our poor banks must be lifted, so that Ayn Rand's Invisible Claws can work their magic. Praise be to thee, oh Father Market.


Yeah, no shit. Anybody with half-a-brain should have understood what the choices and the consequences were, and the people who didn't vote for Hillary were going to get screwed a dozen ways to Sunday. Welcome to your dystopia, dumbasses.

The left eats itself, instead of jumping on the slow March of progress.


you can't put a price on sparks
government should stay out of the business of defending its citizens from corporations or something
If only Hillary had given me a reason to vote for her. Oh, well.
let's put it like this..
when it's time for the next elections you won't need to look up the facts about the opponent of the currrent administration.. if things continue like this, you'd vote just anyone :)


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
You fill out the form after the 10 years have past

You can sign up now to verify each year that your payments count toward this forgiveness. I've been doing it for 8 years.
You can sign up now to verify each year that your payments count toward this forgiveness. I've been doing it for 8 years.

Oh really? All I found on the site was a note saying the form will be out before Oct 2017. Could you post the link? Want to start checking, since I started recently at a non profit.
You can sign up now to verify each year that your payments count toward this forgiveness. I've been doing it for 8 years.

I am also doing this route, on year 3. Hoping to god that they don't screw this one up down the line.

I do a check up on mine yearly to make sure they are counting towards it, when I do my IBR sheet.


As poisonous to the entire nation as she was to my state, as anticipated. Wretched witch.
Yep. The Republican agenda is transparently designed to create a permanent servant class. That's why they protest so much about class warfare. They're already waging a class war, and they're winning.

But let's not vote because it's boring, or we didn't get exactly who we want in the primary, or we aren't "in love" with the candidates, or we value some kind of protest position over our ability to influence our own lives.
Each and every one of those idiots are just as loathsome as the tyrants that their apathy helped empower.
The left eats itself, instead of jumping on the slow March of progress.
They're just as selfish as the extreme right. Also very ignorant, getting fooled by the incorrect caricature of Hillary Clinton, just like the uneducated were fooled into voting for Trump.


Guys I have an idea, just assume anyone associated with trump is a piece of shit. That way you won't be shocked with what eventually always happens.


Fuck this lady. She's going to remove all of the payment programs Obama put in. Those programs are barely holding off a huge student loan debt bubble and crash as it is, with defaults and debts at all time highs. She's going to destroy the poor and middle class with inflexible, crushing student debt so that "taxpayers" (read: rich fucks like her) can get bigger tax breaks. Fuuuuuuuck her and Trump.
GoP Voters: Ha ha! We showed those intelligent college people! Now, where's my pickaxe? Time to get back to the coal mine! I bet those Liberal Arts majors don't know how to swing a pickaxe! BWAAAA HA HA HA HAR AHR ARH ARHA RRRHRRH COUGH COUGH COUGH COUGH, /SPIT SCARY BLACK FLUID.
May be whiny little children will go out to vote next time.
I can't tell you how many times I have had this conversation with college going/recent grad friends when we are dissing Trump and I ask them how did they vote on election night:
"I didn't vote"
"Green party son !"
"I wrote in Bernie"

Y'all motherfuckers got played.

Yep, had a friend who didn't vote, she got side-eye the rest of the time we were out that day. Young people need to fucking vote and be practical about it.
That Clinton thing couldn't have been better timed.

And this was one of types of things I called my senators about in January. Funny about that, huh?


Okay THIS terrifies me. Before Obama put shit in order I was living paycheck to paycheck at a good job. $700+ a month on top of all my other stuff? I couldn't make it if they did that to me again. I'd lose my house.


I love that Obama has gotten so deep under the collective GOP skin that anything linked to him is being eliminated.

Added bonus being it helps serve lobbyist interests.

Fucking corrupt pieces of shit.


Typical Republican style governance. Remove protections of consumers and/or the regulation of business implemented by someone else, cite vague reasons such as "it was inconsistent" or "didn't work" while not being able to provide any actual examples of either, and have no replacement or improvement in its place.

DeVos has stakes in a company that collects student loan debt, BTW (in case no one else has mentioned it yet). Elect an oligarch for president, get oligarchs appointed. I wonder who the legion of /r/T_D assholes are going to blame their problems on when they default on their student loans.


Separate issue, but doubt has been cast on the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program as well. I'm not sure how participation works - have you already signed up?


No, I graduate in August and I don't think I can sign up until then. It's really stressing me out because if they get rid of it in the next 4 months, my future is going to look very different.


I have one of those Sallie Mae loans that Navient took over.

Graduated in 2005 with $27k to repay. I still owe $24k. $226/mo for over 10 years and I'm only $3k toward principle? This shit should be straight up illegal.

Damn that's a like car payment, you need to set up the payments so that they cover the principle first.
Okay THIS terrifies me. Before Obama put shit in order I was living paycheck to paycheck at a good job. $700+ a month on top of all my other stuff? I couldn't make it if they did that to me again. I'd lose my house.

It has me panicking as well. I moved to Arkansas so my wife and I could afford to buy a house and have two kids in daycare. If IBR is eliminated I will have to declare bankruptcy in about 3 years.

I filed a complaint against Navient with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and I'm looking into refinancing. I won't let the thieving hucksters that run this country fuck me anymore than I have to.
It has me panicking as well. I moved to Arkansas so my wife and I could afford to buy a house and have two kids in daycare. If IBR is eliminated I will have to declare bankruptcy in about 3 years.

I filed a complaint against Navient with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and I'm looking into refinancing. I won't let the thieving hucksters that run this country fuck me anymore than I have to.

They would be completely insane to remove IBR (I'm completely aware that they are, in fact, insane). I'm pretty sure it would be devastating to a huge amount of people.


Typical Republican style governance. Remove protections of consumers and/or the regulation of business implemented by someone else, cite vague reasons such as "it was inconsistent" or "didn't work" while not being able to provide any actual examples of either, and have no replacement or improvement in its place.

DeVos has stakes in a company that collects student loan debt, BTW (in case no one else has mentioned it yet). Elect an oligarch for president, get oligarchs appointed. I wonder who the legion of /r/T_D assholes are going to blame their problems on when they default on their student loans.

They'll just continue blaming it on faceless liberal arts majors who take loans.
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