I said this weeks ago but you didn't listen.
There are things to like though, the combat is nice and I even got used to the "access all builds anytime" strategy.
The basic loot game is shit though. It was shit from the beginning because of the AH/RMAH and now that the game is getting raped by cheaters and bots and whatnot, it's not even shit, it's flatout broken. Diablo though is about 90% a loot game whick makes it shit when loot is broke.
See my Barb Inferno, I got no chance to progress or find good loot for several reasons. I'm basically stuck now. Nothing sells on the AH, even if I undervalue my best items by a lot. I can't make money (besides farming for hours, which isn't a fund gameplay mechanism). So...no chance. That's it.
I'll try again after the patch, maybe it helps, but seeing the decisions Blizzard made so far...they just dropped the ball. They lost the feeling for their own franchise.