Re-rolling wizard, brb.
Re-rolling wizard, brb.
I did this before D3 came out. It ran pretty poorly then too and even worse now.
Even "fixes" that people post on forums don't work for me since most of the time I don't have the same options as them. For example: second post. Seemed legit and I followed his steps until I installed afterburner and literally none of the options from the screenshot were there. PC gaming is so frustrating lol.
Also, the game got a huge performance boost for me this patch.
Ok, there must be something Nerfed they didn't mention, without any attack speed items, my DPS still went down.
Class? If it's wizard they just fixed the damage bonus of magic weapon - force rune to show correctly. You never actually did that extra damage. If you're another class, I have no idea.
HAHAHHAAHAHARe-rolling wizard, brb.
DH super nerfed basically.
Blizzard can't balance for shit.
My barb had a hard time completing act 3 pre-patch with a 29% SS, 1k+ resist all, 11k damage and 62k HP. After selling some of my items on the RMAH, I'm at 10k damage with a 2hander, 900 Resist all, 60k hp. No damage reduction whatsoever. Act 3 is a cakewalk. Meanwhile, DH's were super nerfed to the point where they're the new Monk. Most of their old builds are no longer viable and hey guess what? 100 of hours down the drain.
DH got hit hard in this patch. Glass cannon builds are simply not viable now due to insane repair costs. I logged in and checked my DH only to see that I had like 20K+ of repair cost from my previous game before the patch. Can't be dieing too much or else your gold progress is offset by your death. DH's now need to gear like Monks, which means they need to give a shit about mitigation and health. That Gloom build is looking a lot sexier now. NT is ass now against single big targets as opposed to being OP against big targets before. Still good against crowds but probably better to pick something else. Impale is going to be a hot skill for DH's now. IAS nerf also hurt DH big time but that goes for everyone.
And like I mentioned before, they fixed the spider spawn exploit in Act 2. They don't drop shit anymore, at least from my Act 2 run today. The tower still drops gold though. Didn't see it in the patch so I thought I would mention it.
Inferno is nerfed and I can definitely feel the nerfs on the specific enemies (the Wasps really just stay there) but it's offset by the repair cost. You don't step into an Act unless you are absolutely sure you can destroy Elites on it with relative ease. I guess I am ok with this, this should put a damper on characters farming Act 3 when they are barely clearing Act 2.
He comes across of a bit of a douche bag in the tweets, but I think everyone blew it out of proportion. You can tell Bashiok clearly dislikes them though, probably for trying to spread false rumours about the gold duping on the AH.
Did the patch make Lacuni Prowlers a lot less useful? The attack speed on every item is now halved, correct?
They buffed the living shit out of Siegebreaker. He reflects damage now, and I think he takes a bit more damage. Brutal.
DH got hit hard in this patch. Glass cannon builds are simply not viable now due to insane repair costs. I logged in and checked my DH only to see that I had like 20K+ of repair cost from my previous game before the patch. Can't be dieing too much or else your gold progress is offset by your death. DH's now need to gear like Monks, which means they need to give a shit about mitigation and health. That Gloom build is looking a lot sexier now. NT is ass now against single big targets as opposed to being OP against big targets before. Still good against crowds but probably better to pick something else. Impale is going to be a hot skill for DH's now. IAS nerf also hurt DH big time but that goes for everyone.
And like I mentioned before, they fixed the spider spawn exploit in Act 2. They don't drop shit anymore, at least from my Act 2 run today. The tower still drops gold though. Didn't see it in the patch so I thought I would mention it.
Inferno is nerfed and I can definitely feel the nerfs on the specific enemies (the Wasps really just stay there) but it's offset by the repair cost. You don't step into an Act unless you are absolutely sure you can destroy Elites on it with relative ease. I guess I am ok with this, this should put a damper on characters farming Act 3 when they are barely clearing Act 2.
I also tinkered around with the Blacksmith costs and they are very reasonable now especially in the lower difficulties. I got 3 upgrades today from crafting. I also upgraded all my crap gems into Flawless Squares so that was nice too. Overall liking this patch a lot, still some things to fix in the game but this is a step in the right direction IMO.
They buffed the living shit out of Siegebreaker. He reflects damage now, and I think he takes a bit more damage. Brutal.
DH super nerfed basically.
Blizzard can't balance for shit.
My barb had a hard time completing act 3 pre-patch with a 29% SS, 1k+ resist all, 11k damage and 62k HP. After selling some of my items on the RMAH, I'm at 10k damage with a 2hander, 900 Resist all, 60k hp. No damage reduction whatsoever. Act 3 is a cakewalk. Meanwhile, DH's were super nerfed to the point where they're the new Monk. Most of their old builds are no longer viable and hey guess what? 100 of hours down the drain.
Did the patch make Lacuni Prowlers a lot less useful? The attack speed on every item is now halved, correct?
yeah I figured.^Vendor/salvage
Tip: If you have a level 60 weapon with dps not at least in the 600s (even then barely worth crap) for a 1 hander, more for 2h, vendor or salvage it.
This is how I have always geared though, which means I have been following the correct path.
I'm not even glass cannon, I just feel extremely terrible as class when I'm dpsing now. I have to throw 4 impales and then run back and wait for hatred, I basically feel like a wizard without the mobility or the cool abilities. The gloom build is shit now though, because nether tentacles only hit once, you don't get enough lifesteal to sustain anything. I feel like a rogue from WoW basically, I auto-attack for really low damage, but when I crit, I hit huge damage (300k crits). So I basically have to rely on crits to actually kill things.
Are you saying they've managed to screw up both inferno viable DH builds with one patch? Nice work Blizzard.
So build with some resists in mind rather than just glass-cannoning it up. Barbs and Monks are doing well now because we had to reduce damage. DHs can't instantly blow shit up now so surviving it and getting away is going to be the priority.
Also, Ball Lightning is gonna be my main Hatred skill now, heh.
You're kidding right. The correct path is the strongest path. You've been gearing in an objectively inferior manner before now, it doesn't make you good when Blizzard nerfs the better spec.
You were incorrect to not spec IAS before unless you were dosing large quantities of melange.
You're kidding right. The correct path is the strongest path. You've been gearing in an objectively inferior manner before now, it doesn't make you good when Blizzard nerfs the better spec.
You were incorrect to not spec IAS before unless you were dosing large quantities of melange.
Everything except quivers yeah. Prowlers still have the benefit of being an item with both move and attack speed, but there are better spots to get your move speed in imo. Not nearly as enticing to lose main stat/resist/crit/whatever in that slot now.
For my demon hunter I've switched to cull of the weak and rapid fire with webshot, impale just doesn't cut it. I also have to use the raven now because I need hatred ASAP. Entangled shot is too weak to help me so I can't use that.
Basically any fast elite, you'll die, most act 3+4 elites, you'll die. And this is with 450-500 resists. Act 1 is still easy as always, act 2 is doable depending on elites. You COULD maybe go higher but prepared to get butt fucked on repairs.
Getting some proper defense and health was always the strongest path. Just not the cheapest.
Nope, nothing above 60 from that mob but still, 3 rares!
35KWell what's your HP?
Eh what? He has no business making that comment in the first place, he's not just a random player. He works for Blizzard for fuck's sake. So what if he doesn't like a certain player? He needs to shut up and do his job, which is PR. If it doesn't concern him, he has no place to say anything because he represents his company.