That's Act 3 shit. Unless you're being factious. But I don't know why you would be.
Aren't there moon clans in act 1 too? Well either way, I think an oppressor packs way more of a punch.. especially not being able to dodge it at all.
That's Act 3 shit. Unless you're being factious. But I don't know why you would be.
Exactly. The DH is just not designed to be able to take hits. The high repair cost plus the IAS and nether tentacle nerf just makes it not fun to play any more. With my monk and I can keep the left mouse button pressed and sit there all day. Guess that's what Blizzard wants since you need to play the AH game a lot more with melee classes.
How are DHs killing Siegebreaker now that he has Damage Reflect
We're talking about an oppressor, not that piddly shit in act 1.
DH has skills which suggest otherwise.
I just spent like, 30 mins crafting the 600+ gems I had stocked up because I heard about the money changes.
Oh wow. Crafting is suddenly useful! This is fun at least.
What act/difficulty drops tome of jewelcrafting ?
Fuck this shit, just gonna play another character for now, too much gold being wasted on repairing, and I need gold to buy better shit but I'm not looking to pay like $7 for a mill gold.
I'm thinking Witch Doctor, are they a fun class?
What act/difficulty drops tome of jewelcrafting ?
Crafting is incredibly useful.
This dude made 250 million gold in 2 days by crafting 6 property gloves, shoulders and bracers for his viewers. You can get the best stuff in the game for those slots with exalted grand patterns.
The tears on the official forums over the IAS nerf are hilarious. So many people threatening to sue/quit (quit diablo and go back to WoW. Seriously).
Hell I believe.
The tears on the official forums over the IAS nerf are hilarious. So many people threatening to sue/quit (quit diablo and go back to WoW. Seriously).
Yeah, him and another streamer from Sweeden do the same thing. Buy mats off the AH, craft all day, make a LOT of gold.
The tears on the official forums over the IAS nerf are hilarious. So many people threatening to sue/quit (quit diablo and go back to WoW. Seriously).
So many people threatening to sue/quit (quit diablo and go back to WoW. Seriously).
While that's cool, what I really meant was that it is now a more legitimate way to get items to use if, like me, you refuse to equip yourself from the auction house.
How bad are repair costs?
How bad are repair costs?
I'd like to see how many hits a fully resist geared DH can actually take from A3/A4. I'm guessing that one Oppressor bum rush would still be death.
DH has skills which suggest otherwise.
You are not supposed to be rushed by an Oppressor though.
I'd go a wizard personally.![]()
Compared to other classes? Not really.
Like I said, my monk could just sit there all day, which is no fun either but at least I don't need to worry about repair costs.
You are not supposed to be rushed by an Oppressor though.
I watch my little brother use his lvl 60 Wizard, seems really fun!
I just wish there was a way to level up really fast and get a lot of gold really fast as well...
I would play with other people but no one seems to wanna play :<
You didn't say compared to other classes. You just said they weren't designed to take hits. They can take hits just fine if geared properly and even more so with certain skills. Sure, they can't take hits as well other other classes, but that doesn't mean it can't be done at all.
It's actually not that funny. You gotta figure people spent absurd amounts of real money on their real auction house on items that are not even close to worth that price anymore. I'm sure quite a few people got seriously burned.
I'm about to throw my goddamned mouse at the wall. They fixed those moloks, but the fucking firemages are insane still. 2 hits run run run run run run 2 hits run run run run run enrage timer FUUUUUUU.... Illusionist with one of those things is an exercise in madness.
After seeing Kripp do Act 2 with a Barb awhile back, I was convinced that the DH's "die a lot to succeed" playstyle was ultimately inferior when it comes to handling more difficult and demanding tasks. It was evident that they were gonna get hit super hard.Everyone calling Demon Hunters cheese before today's patch are full of it. Clearing all of Inferno was incredibly difficult when the slightest thing can one shot you. Plenty of the other Demon Hunters I know wouldn't even brave Act 4 let alone had a pretty difficult time in Act 3.
I'm not going to try and justify Blizzard's actions because it's impossible, but they DID talk about plans to nerf attack speed before the RMAH actually came online, so there was at least a small heads up that it was coming.I'm with you on this one. It'd be funny if we hadn't all spent $60 on this game expecting a finished, balanced product--much less those folks who spent additional dollars for equipment destined to be busted.
It's a rational expectation that once they introduced the RMAH, they wouldn't be breaking the items a week later.
asking again - anyone know if drop rates for act 3/4 are up too?