Not really but it just seemed like a weird thing to do unless you had like a billion gold and were afraid Blizzard was going to go in on you.
Next time I'll post my gold with all my stats blacked out.
Not really but it just seemed like a weird thing to do unless you had like a billion gold and were afraid Blizzard was going to go in on you.
How did we get broken? I was more than capable of downing Elites in Act II and III Inferno.So Blizzard broke WD in 1.03. I guess that's pretty cool...
Hey, quick question for the peanut gallery here because I've been largely oblivious to what I should be looking for.Wow, Natalya's Soul with dex seem to go for insane amounts... There are a couple for $100-$200 (I don't see those selling) and some for 10 mill with bids on them, and still a lot of time left. Kind of wondering what AH I should try.
From what I've read about terrible pets, it sounds like the WD is like the necro from D2.
You know, before they patched minions to be actually useful.
The only thing I can think of to distinguish between a posted starting bid and an item with actual bid volume is that when you attempt to bid the minimum value on an auction, it will either be the opening bid price (what is currently listed) or an arbitrary number higher than the posted bid price (because you need to outbid someone already tied to the listing).
Is there an easier/quicker way?
I didnt roll a necro until the advent of the crazy rune words, and at that time he felt like badass with an army of the undead at his disposal.
What you don't like nonstop kiting and spitting on monsters over and over?
Oooohhh, pick me! I could sure use some upgrades...I think i'm going to sell off my Wd gear.
Blizzard HATES classes like this.
The Necro SUCKED at release.
The Warlock (in WoW) sucked at release.
And now they broke the WD.
I know that a summoner is never the right class to pick in a blizzard game.
Although, at this point, the same thing could be said about every class, because they like breaking things.Except rogues, fuck rogues.
I didnt roll a necro until the advent of the crazy rune words, and at that time he felt like badass with an army of the undead at his disposal.
I think Diablo 3 is viral marketing for Torchlight 2.Just got input limit reached and disconnected from the server while browsing the auction house and doing nothing special.
I know that feel, I just still hate NE rogues with a passion, so I don't give a shiiiiiiit if they are nerfed to hell.Uhhh, I was a Rogue in WoW and had periods where people wouldn't group with me because I was a worthless rogue![]()
Uhhh, I was a Rogue in WoW and had periods where people wouldn't group with me because I was a worthless rogue![]()
Oooohhh, pick me! I could sure use some upgrades...
Now you're just a worthless WD.
Yeah, I think the crazy rune word patch and the necro minion buff were in the same patch. Before then, skeletons were completely useless.
Just got input limit reached and disconnected from the server while browsing the auction house and doing nothing special.
yo neki give me 10 mil gold so i can buy you a birthday present
The endgame is such a fuck up :lol
Next time I'll post my gold with all my stats blacked out.![]()
Just got input limit reached and disconnected from the server while browsing the auction house and doing nothing special.
Could some Barbarians who are farming act3 comfortably post some very general stats on what you should be looking for, assuming your going sword+shield?
I think I've heard that you need less ALL-resists and defense since the patch, and with things hitting less hard. Is their a pretty much accepted base minimum level that you need, ala, 10k dps/900 ALL ress/xx hp/xx armor?
I'm getting pretty bored with my DH, though to be honest, after the patch, I still farm pretty nicely, I kinda just want a change before I get burned out, and since I have a level 60 barb already here, I figure it was the perfect change of pace.
Would it may unreasonable to assume I could fully gear a barb up to farm Act3 spending about 1.5-2 mill per piece excluding the sword/shield?
15k DPS, 700 all resist (buffed), 9k armor, 45k HP should be relatively comfortable. You won't be invincible, but it will feel about right.
Can you tell us what it is so we can bid on it and put it up on RMAH ourselves?Fuck me I put something up on AH that I should have put on RMAH instead. Only 1 other like it on RMAH
Fuck me I put something up on AH that I should have put on RMAH instead. Only 1 other like it on RMAH
I think Diablo 3 is viral marketing for Torchlight 2.
Nice, I've been reading online that many feel that the trio of SS, justice, and helm of command is sorta overkill at this point? You feel that way as well? I'm pretty ignorant on the situation, but I thought making your block chance higher and higher would be pretty beneficial, and allow you to perhaps then skimp in other areas to get higher dps.
How are people reaching 2000 dex with characters specifically Monk. I don't even know how that's possible.
How are people reaching 2000 dex with characters specifically Monk. I don't even know how that's possible.
There's an even more terrible one with nerfed attack speed out there...somewhere, waiting to be found.
ROFL @ name
Just got input limit reached and disconnected from the server while browsing the auction house and doing nothing special.
You specifically build for it and find pieces that you're satisfied with that fit the dex requirement. That's how I have 2k DEX. I give up a little here and there to get it.
Luck has turned around on set and legendary items. Took me over 100 hours to find my first, now yesterday and today i've found 2 set items and a legendary.
some decent stuff from my first 1.0.3 warden/butcher run
I just realized a weapon's DPS number does not include the +elemental dmg or +% damage mods.