I just realized a weapon's DPS number does not include the +elemental dmg or +% damage mods.
brb guys, going back for everything I ever vendored/salvaged/AH'd/left on the ground.
I just realized a weapon's DPS number does not include the +elemental dmg or +% damage mods.
I love the Scoundrel. He's not completely oblivious or stupid like the other two followers. >_>;
He actually has AI.
How much could this go for on the AH and RMAH?
That's always a benefit too. But he snarks and comments on everything stupid all the other NPCs do.
The Enchantress is the worst writing that has blessed videogames this year.
She's moeeeeeeeeeeeee
The Enchantress is the worst writing that has blessed videogames this year.
She or Diablo.
Could you post your gear if it's not too much trouble, I'm always interested in your Monk builds.
I'm liking the 1.03 changes so far, except for the repair bills. Vortex, Fast, Arcane and Shielding was a costly showdown. Still I was able to win, but man it hurts my gold. Also took down a pack of elite Soul Rippers without too much trouble.
I can if other folks want to see. Otherwise, you can just add me shouta#1258 and check my gear in game.
The Enchantress is the worst writing that has blessed videogames this year.
How the fuck does a DH deal with fast moving, invulnerable minion, mortar and freeze enemies in a tight corridor? I can't kite them, I can't go toe to toe with them for even 2 hits... what the fuck am I supposed to do? If they can 2 shot me with 35k hp, and all the DPS in the world won't take them down even 1 HP, since they're fucking invulnerable, what the fuck do I do?
Look! more footprints.
How the fuck does a DH deal with fast moving, invulnerable minion, mortar and freeze enemies in a tight corridor? I can't kite them, I can't go toe to toe with them for even 2 hits... what the fuck am I supposed to do? If they can 2 shot me with 35k hp, and all the DPS in the world won't take them down even 1 HP, since they're fucking invulnerable, what the fuck do I do?
How the fuck does a DH deal with fast moving, invulnerable minion, mortar and freeze enemies in a tight corridor? I can't kite them, I can't go toe to toe with them for even 2 hits... what the fuck am I supposed to do? If they can 2 shot me with 35k hp, and all the DPS in the world won't take them down even 1 HP, since they're fucking invulnerable, what the fuck do I do?
How the fuck does a DH deal with fast moving, invulnerable minion, mortar and freeze enemies in a tight corridor? I can't kite them, I can't go toe to toe with them for even 2 hits... what the fuck am I supposed to do? If they can 2 shot me with 35k hp, and all the DPS in the world won't take them down even 1 HP, since they're fucking invulnerable, what the fuck do I do?
Better not be a justice lantern.
Shoot some piercing shit to hit the boss and use smokescreen. Vault past them and kite with caltrops. Die, respawn on the other side, hope the boss didn't regen, rinse, repeat.
The boss isn't anywhere near the minions, and I kited them into more elites...
She's moeeeeeeeeeeeee
To be "moe", you have to actually be cute. She on the other hand is just retarded and only survives by virtue of plot devices and being a follower. >_>;
Oh, I was merely curious.Oh, I was 13...
Nice luck today:
When you die, don't go rushing back into a difficult situation. Get out of there, and find a way back to the boss that doesn't aggro the minions. Take a TP, then waypoint back, and run around a different way or something. If you can't do that, then just move on.
How the fuck does a DH deal with fast moving, invulnerable minion, mortar and freeze enemies in a tight corridor? I can't kite them, I can't go toe to toe with them for even 2 hits... what the fuck am I supposed to do? If they can 2 shot me with 35k hp, and all the DPS in the world won't take them down even 1 HP, since they're fucking invulnerable, what the fuck do I do?
Why is everyone in my list playing Legacy of Cain on inferno? Is there a new farm spot?!?
The Enchantress is the worst writing that has blessed videogames this year.
I do Rumsford Gate to the teleporter. Takes about 7-10 minutes.
Is it cheaper to gear a barb or monk for a3-4 inferno?
Barb by far. Monk shares gear with DH and they are more gear dependent as well.
Barb by far. Monk shares gear with DH and they are more gear dependent as well.
Not past Act 2.
Then again, Monks can stack a single resist instead of looking for All Resist items.
Err, I don't think it's really that cheap to gear a Barb. Certainly not "by far".
I would think that because Barbs are the only class that uses STR and because monks share their gear with DH AND they need AR + a single resist, their gear is less available and more sought after... But who knows.