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Diablo III |OT4| Antiques Roadshow: Sanctuary Edition

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Speaking of LoH, how's this for a nice Monk EDIT: AMULET? Looks like it could fetch a good price.


Ploid 3.0

Anyone else unable to change the parental controls settings on the blizzard forums because they won't send the email?

That blizzard thread with the guy exposing exploits and bugs is awesome. At first it sounded a bit serious, then it quickly turned hilarious.


Stealth edit above

I'm going to make the assumption that you're having trouble keeping up with incoming damage on elite packs. I can't see your resists, but if you don't have much (and you probably won't until 60), don't bother with OwE just yet. Resolve would probably give you better returns on damage reduction.

Deadly Reach is slow, and if it's not coupled with the armor or damage bonus rune, I don't think it's worth it. FoT generates more spirit and has more stun, and WotHF does more damage (and also has a stun). Crippling Wave is really slow, but has a powerful damage reduction component if you choose to rune for it.

Mantra of Healing isn't that good, but its mechanics are vastly different than when I leveled my monk (when it was overpowered). Give Mantra of Evasion - Hard Target a try.

Ditch Wave of Light. It costs too much Spirit, and Mantra spamming with Transcendence is probably the best way to go for survival. If you want more defense, go with Blinding Flash. If you want more damage, Sweeping Wind, and rune for spirit if you feel like you need to spam more heals, else Fire Storm works extremely well with Keen Eye if you wanna keep it, or Blade Storm if you switch to a primary that is more up close and personal.
Hmm, threads are showing up now with more people saying they feel the ilvl drops in Act 3 were lowered in comparison to pre patch.

I've noticed that. I've done nothing but farm the underbridge from the checkpoint before siege's lair for the last week or so. Underbridge is open about half the time, and there's a goblin in there about half the time as well, along with an elite mob. The drops are definitely worse post-patch. Armor racks drop way more grays/whites, and you'd be lucky to get a yellow off of anything but elite or goblin. I gutted my character building up MF, but I'm not seeing any improvement.


Hmm, threads are showing up now with more people saying they feel the ilvl drops in Act 3 were lowered in comparison to pre patch.
They definitely have been lowered for the high end inferno ilvl 63 stuff. If you were previously capable of farming act 3, the patch is huge nerf. With the higher repair costs, I feel like flipping on the AH is a far more rewarding use of my time compared to actually farming. So the only good side of the patch is that it's now much more easier to progress into Inferno but on the flip side you get way less rewards for doing so.

Ploid 3.0

Wow, this is probably very very old but I know the feeling. I think I keep the game running because of the AH access. Not because I'm swimming in gold, or use rmah, but because I want to get lucky and find a good 1d12 item that I can use for cheap.

Just installed the new Nvidia beta drivers. Gonna see how D3 looks with the in-game vaseline filter turned off and with MSAA from the inspector instead.

The ambient occlusion setting I'm not convinced is that great a thing to use. It makes it look better in some places, but also ruins the look in others.


They need to do something. Public inferno games are dead.

Log in and mouse over Act 1 and 2 public games and look at how many people it says are in game....

3, 4, 9. Shit is terrible. Noone is playing pubs anymore. The drop off is staggering for just a single day.
In my experience the counter for how many players are in a game tends to be inaccurate. If you click to another quest and back to the one you want to look at, it'll usually be a higher number.


Ok, GAF, I don't usually do this but I need help with the following items:


Picked this up last night. The crit damage modifier throws me off somewhat. Do barbs even care about crit damage? Or should I just ignore that and value it alone the lines of 2H weapons with similar DPS and +Strength? Any estimates on what it can fetch on GAH or RMAH?


Picked this up last week and listed on the RMAH for $250, $200 and now $175. No one is biting. Did I overvalue it?

EDIT: Forgot to add that the ring screenshot is pre-nerf. Post-nerf, IAS is only 6%.


They need to do something. Public inferno games are dead.

Log in and mouse over Act 1 and 2 public games and look at how many people it says are in game....

3, 4, 9. Shit is terrible. Noone is playing pubs anymore. The drop off is staggering for just a single day.
I don't see the fun in those anyway. I have much more fun playing solo than 3 people I don't know. Too much mechanics in this game to be reliable with 3 ransoms. I'm strictly solo and friends.
There I am happily tanking Belial and he engages enraged mode and does undodgeable pools that do double damage...

Do high DPS Demon Hunters still exist? I think I need a hand


Just installed the new Nvidia beta drivers. Gonna see how D3 looks with the in-game vaseline filter turned off and with MSAA from the inspector instead.

The ambient occlusion setting I'm not convinced is that great a thing to use. It makes it look better in some places, but also ruins the look in others.

How do you remove the filter?


Is anyone else experience stuttering post patch? Ever since tuesday my wd will slow down, speed up and look jerky. The one benefit I've noticed is there is considerably less slow down in the aqueducts in act 2, but way jerky.
How do you remove the filter?

Check here to look at the new drivers: http://www.geforce.com/whats-new/articles/nvidia-geforce-304-48-beta-drivers-released/

I tested it out, but I'm not sure about the difference. Disabled it for the moment as I have a weak laptop graphics card and I think I took a performance hit on this patch on the PC side (even though I got a boost on OS X). I don't think I logged in before on PC this patch and now I'm getting sub 20 FPS in town, when I was averaging at least closer to 30 before. The extra AA makes performance take a further hit. With low numbers like that, all the FPS you can get makes a huge difference.


Oh..and what's Blizzard's stance on using the DarkD3 + Sharpening filter. I'm not exactly sure if those filters messes with the game files or not, just wondering if using the filters will alert Blizzard of a 3rd party program or something.
Oh..and what's Blizzard's stance on using the DarkD3 + Sharpening filter. I'm not exactly sure if those filters messes with the game files or not, just wondering if using the filters will alert Blizzard of a 3rd party program or something.

They said they aren't going to ban people for Dark3d.

Possibilites there though. So its like take your chance.

I don't understand why they don't just include Dark3d options into the next patch. That way their game would be a bit better...in terms of setting your preferences to how you prefer.


Is anyone else experience stuttering post patch? Ever since tuesday my wd will slow down, speed up and look jerky. The one benefit I've noticed is there is considerably less slow down in the aqueducts in act 2, but way jerky.

Yep, although not in every new game I make. It's fucking shitty either way.
So I decided to make a Wizard after losing my hardcore barbarian...

I went with a normal Wizard and I'm around lvl 38 and I'm hating how squishy this guy is.. :(

Are all ranged characters pretty much like this? I may move back to my Barbarian or maybe try out a Monk but I'm not sure if I will enjoy Monk.. they seem pretty bleh as well :(



New Stats Time!™

I got some of my stuff to sell, so I picked up The Helm of Command. 8% Block is TOO hard to ignore. I'm looking to get the Stormshield next of course, but I think I want that one Set shield because it's pretty damn good too.

You'll notice my resists are over 500, Block and Dodge are pimp, and Check out dat Health Globe bonus, rofl. One globe puts me back at full health. Tank tank tank tank tank!


D2 Paladin is a go.
Inferno is still broken.

I'm overpowered for act 1.

I'm going broke in act 2 repairing my shit. Blizzard broke my character with the IAS nerf. I went from 36k DPS barely able to make it in Act 2 to 24k. now i'm dumped back into Act 1. I'm totally fucked. Thanks blizzard for ruining my build. Meanwhile, please keep dropping level 51 cross bows for my Wiz.



Is anyone else experience stuttering post patch? Ever since tuesday my wd will slow down, speed up and look jerky. The one benefit I've noticed is there is considerably less slow down in the aqueducts in act 2, but way jerky.

Yes, and it makes me want to knock over a magazine rack in the auction house. Really annoying.

Tom Penny

Since attack speed has gotten cut in half. Do you think it's better to stack more dex or attack speed for a Monk utilizing Life on Hit. For instance. I have some shoulders that are 139 dex 6% attack speed. Would I get better results finding 200+ dex shoulders now?
You know the unskippable piracy warnings at the start of DVDs that piss everyone off and are only viewed by people who bought the damn thing,not pirates.

Thats how I feel about 1.03.

Some of the anti-boting, farmer changes in 1.03 and before that all feel like bandaids and the actual game has suffered for it.

ps. have they fixed Ghom yet?
I went from 38K to 29K in Act 2 inferno thanks to the nerf, but I think they nerfed the monsters too because my Magdha runs are about as smooth as before.


Check here to look at the new drivers: http://www.geforce.com/whats-new/articles/nvidia-geforce-304-48-beta-drivers-released/

I tested it out, but I'm not sure about the difference. Disabled it for the moment as I have a weak laptop graphics card and I think I took a performance hit on this patch on the PC side (even though I got a boost on OS X). I don't think I logged in before on PC this patch and now I'm getting sub 20 FPS in town, when I was averaging at least closer to 30 before. The extra AA makes performance take a further hit. With low numbers like that, all the FPS you can get makes a huge difference.

It looks amazing, but it even pokes my 580 in the ribs a little.
Still can't kill Belial in time :(

Either I happen across a godlike 10billion gold weapon or, I replace my entire set of gear with a similar one with more dex. Also, costing 10 billion gold
Does Blizzard have any plans to make the Auction House search functions a little more robust? Only having 3 slots to specify is pretty restrictive and I'm pretty annoyed that they can't implement some kind of stat summary tool tip like they do in game. I hate having to alt tab to my Excel spreadsheet anytime I'm looking at a non-obvious upgrade.


The change to guarantee rares off elite packs with 5 stack NV is the best thing ever

Unfortunately almost every one of those rares is worthless.

I'm getting LESS loot worth using/selling AFTER the patch. With so much junk dropping I've stopped picking up blues that are ilvl60 or less.
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