No way those are 200$ gloves
Actually this guy is right, those gloves are a piece of crap. I guess I'll take it off your hands for a million gold, just cos you're a GAFfer.
No way those are 200$ gloves
Actually this guy is right, those gloves are a piece of crap. I guess I'll take it off your hands for a million gold, just cos you're a GAFfer.
Speaking of LoH, how's this for a nice Monk ring? Looks like it could fetch a good price.
Stealth edit above
Hmm, threads are showing up now with more people saying they feel the ilvl drops in Act 3 were lowered in comparison to pre patch.
They definitely have been lowered for the high end inferno ilvl 63 stuff. If you were previously capable of farming act 3, the patch is huge nerf. With the higher repair costs, I feel like flipping on the AH is a far more rewarding use of my time compared to actually farming. So the only good side of the patch is that it's now much more easier to progress into Inferno but on the flip side you get way less rewards for doing so.Hmm, threads are showing up now with more people saying they feel the ilvl drops in Act 3 were lowered in comparison to pre patch.
Critical hit damage % is the next stat getting nerfed for sure, so use it before we lose it.
I don't see the fun in those anyway. I have much more fun playing solo than 3 people I don't know. Too much mechanics in this game to be reliable with 3 ransoms. I'm strictly solo and friends.They need to do something. Public inferno games are dead.
Log in and mouse over Act 1 and 2 public games and look at how many people it says are in game....
3, 4, 9. Shit is terrible. Noone is playing pubs anymore. The drop off is staggering for just a single day.
Not sure if already posted, but somebody's been collating all the potential exploits on the official forums. Lets hope they stamp these out quick.
Just installed the new Nvidia beta drivers. Gonna see how D3 looks with the in-game vaseline filter turned off and with MSAA from the inspector instead.
The ambient occlusion setting I'm not convinced is that great a thing to use. It makes it look better in some places, but also ruins the look in others.
How do you remove the filter?
Oh..and what's Blizzard's stance on using the DarkD3 + Sharpening filter. I'm not exactly sure if those filters messes with the game files or not, just wondering if using the filters will alert Blizzard of a 3rd party program or something.
Is anyone else experience stuttering post patch? Ever since tuesday my wd will slow down, speed up and look jerky. The one benefit I've noticed is there is considerably less slow down in the aqueducts in act 2, but way jerky.
Is anyone else experience stuttering post patch? Ever since tuesday my wd will slow down, speed up and look jerky. The one benefit I've noticed is there is considerably less slow down in the aqueducts in act 2, but way jerky.
I am trying to find this DarkD3 on google, but I cannot find it....
I am trying to find this DarkD3 on google, but I cannot find it....
It's the first result
Check here to look at the new drivers:
I tested it out, but I'm not sure about the difference. Disabled it for the moment as I have a weak laptop graphics card and I think I took a performance hit on this patch on the PC side (even though I got a boost on OS X). I don't think I logged in before on PC this patch and now I'm getting sub 20 FPS in town, when I was averaging at least closer to 30 before. The extra AA makes performance take a further hit. With low numbers like that, all the FPS you can get makes a huge difference.
The change to guarantee rares off elite packs with 5 stack NV is the best thing ever