Till the expansion. Diablo is downed in Inferno, and my gold stash has been converted into money via the RMAH. I have defeated the game.
Dunno if that 7 disc is worth the massive dps drop you'd likely have if you equipped it though. I'd go down close to 9k.
This is what I'm worried about in the future. Unlike Starcraft and WoW, I can actually see an end to the game.
You're not alone.
I'm not rage quitting though, just putting it on the backburner.
It's possible to get to completion, I'm just not finding it fun anymore. The elite act1 farming is something that I did all day Saturday. I got 1 good lvl63 roll and it's a shoulder piece. 2-3 decent lvl 62 rolls. And a shit ton of 60 and below.
It's just too damn tedious. You grind through a bunch of elites, which done efficiently in act1 takes about 30 minutes. Then you have to right-click a ton of question marks, and nearly every time they're all shit. lvl 60 items don't sell in the AH because people aren't playing and the AH is saturated..
I've switched to civ5. I may return if I'm bored or if they increase the drop rate.
It would be really nice if there was an option to not even drop whites or even magical items. Just auto-delete them. Also get rid of the right-click to unwrap a bag of shit thing.
So yes it's possible to eventually get a bunch of level 63 items with good rolls, but it would take hundreds of hours. That's really the only way to go because I've looked at both the GAH and the RMAH, and the stuff I need is 100+M or $250 or not on the RMAH at all (lots of shit items being sold at $250 by crazy people).
It's not worth it. People keep buying them though. This is my fourth one.
I have reached that point. I may come back at a later date to level other classes to 60, but once I sell off this loot, I'm done for a while.
You play on US servers? i'm thinking of cashing out as well. it's an addictive cycle that i'd rather put an end to sooner rather than later.
Yeah, NA server. If you're going to cash out, I would do it soon. Values on everything but the very top stuff are going down pretty steadily.
Good. Maybe I'll be able to afford some new gear then and not be stuck at the beginning of Act II Inferno, simply because:
1. the game won't drop any loot I can use
2. it's taking way too long to farm the gold to buy anything I need because of my repair bills
I really feel like I'm at a wall on my wizard. I barely make any gold at all with my repairs due to deaths, and even with 5 stacks of NV I can't seem to get any good rares to either use or sell. It's kind of frustrating.
I think I'm gonna take a break from D3 for awhile, come back fresh later on.
Ok, GAF, I don't usually do this but I need help with the following items:
Picked this up last night. The crit damage modifier throws me off somewhat. Do barbs even care about crit damage? Or should I just ignore that and value it alone the lines of 2H weapons with similar DPS and +Strength? Any estimates on what it can fetch on GAH or RMAH?
Picked this up last week and listed on the RMAH for $250, $200 and now $175. No one is biting. Did I overvalue it?
EDIT: Forgot to add that the ring screenshot is pre-nerf. Post-nerf, IAS is only 6%.
You should try playing the game without using the AH at all. Now that is a "fun" experience.
Its actually impossible, literally. Once you get to inferno, you wont make enough gold from random drops and vendoring junk to cover repairs.
Its actually impossible, literally. Once you get to inferno, you wont make enough gold from random drops and vendoring junk to cover repairs.
Is it even worth it to check the auction house if you are a lower level?
Is it even worth it to check the auction house if you are a lower level?
Its actually impossible, literally. Once you get to inferno, you wont make enough gold from random drops and vendoring junk to cover repairs.
If you want to steamroll your way through the game, then yes. I would advise against it though. The game really shines when you're progressing from 1-60 and from Normal to the end of Hell. After that, the experience does plateau a little.
Shouldn't really be in inferno yet if that's the case. Playing without the AH to gear for inferno is going to be a long process of farming act 3/4 of hell mode, which is what blizzard wanted, only now you can gear even better in hell mode.
It looks to me that the repair costs have done exactly what Blizzard wanted and slowed progression.
Why in the world does it ask me for an authenticator every single time I log in on my laptop? I have it set to not do that, and it almost never asks me on my desktop. Is it because I have it on 2 computers or something?
Its actually impossible, literally. Once you get to inferno, you wont make enough gold from random drops and vendoring junk to cover repairs.
I've taken notes from the last couple of runs I've done.
I've faced 115 champion/rare packs
and 91 of them have had Reflect damage.
Random my ass.
Are you a DH? I basically quit because that's all I saw in the past couple of runs.
Good. Maybe I'll be able to afford some new gear then and not be stuck at the beginning of Act II Inferno, simply because:
1. the game won't drop any loot I can use
2. it's taking way too long to farm the gold to buy anything I need because of my repair bills
I really feel like I'm at a wall on my wizard. I barely make any gold at all with my repairs due to deaths, and even with 5 stacks of NV I can't seem to get any good rares to either use or sell. It's kind of frustrating.
I think I'm gonna take a break from D3 for awhile, come back fresh later on.
Are you a DH? I basically quit because that's all I saw in the past couple of runs.
Wizard. Still annoying as hell, although not NEARLY as bad as a DH, as I have one, and it's way more punishing, I can at least Diamond Skin it, it's just NOT random.
My last 5 packs all had arcane, molten, and reflect damage. That's when I said fuck it.
well, there's a difference between random and equally likely. I mean, how often do you see a missile dampening affix?
Take a break until they patch.
If you crunch the numbers, getting the equipment you need approaches lottery ticket odds.
lvl 63 drop rate = 0.02
Relevant to your class = .25
Good roll = .05
Number of pieces needed (12?) = .08333
Multiple them all = 2.08E-5
So you only need to get 48,000 rares to get what you need. Sounds like fun.
If blizzard wants to fix this game, they should jack up the drop rate for inferno items, revert the repair change and gold drop decrease. Then there might be enough balance to keep people hooked a few weeks doing different classes. They've gone overboard and it's causing people to quit. Bad design or design intended to maximize RMAH, I don't know but it's not realistic.
Take a break until they patch.
If you crunch the numbers, getting the equipment you need approaches lottery ticket odds.
lvl 63 drop rate = 0.02
Relevant to your class = .25
Good roll = .05
Number of pieces needed (12?) = .08333
Multiple them all = 2.08E-5
So you only need to get 48,000 rares to get what you need. Sounds like fun.
If blizzard wants to fix this game, they should jack up the drop rate for inferno items, revert the repair change and gold drop decrease. Then there might be enough balance to keep people hooked a few weeks doing different classes. They've gone overboard and it's causing people to quit. Bad design or design intended to maximize RMAH, I don't know but it's not realistic.
Plugging in RivalCore's numbers from above: 62 min/73 rares > 48000/73 = 657 runs at 62 minutes a pop, which is 679 hours of grinding.
There's really no good solution to the core problem, which is lack of content. People quit either way, either due to frustration or finishing all the content.
Take a break until they patch.
If you crunch the numbers, getting the equipment you need approaches lottery ticket odds.
lvl 63 drop rate = 0.02
Relevant to your class = .25
Good roll = .05
Number of pieces needed (12?) = .08333
Multiple them all = 2.08E-5
So you only need to get 48,000 rares to get what you need. Sounds like fun.
If blizzard wants to fix this game, they should jack up the drop rate for inferno items, revert the repair change and gold drop decrease. Then there might be enough balance to keep people hooked a few weeks doing different classes. They've gone overboard and it's causing people to quit. Bad design or design intended to maximize RMAH, I don't know but it's not realistic.
Most people don't want that kind of game anymore. It's just too much work for such little reward.
If using the GAH you can remove the "appropriate class" variable. Also you don't need ilvl63 items to progress. Well rolled 61s and lots of 62s are fine as well. You also don't need great items in every slot to progress.Take a break until they patch.
If you crunch the numbers, getting the equipment you need approaches lottery ticket odds.
lvl 63 drop rate = 0.02
Relevant to your class = .25
Good roll = .05
Number of pieces needed (12?) = .08333
Multiple them all = 2.08E-5
So you only need to get 48,000 rares to get what you need. Sounds like fun.
If blizzard wants to fix this game, they should jack up the drop rate for inferno items, revert the repair change and gold drop decrease. Then there might be enough balance to keep people hooked a few weeks doing different classes. They've gone overboard and it's causing people to quit. Bad design or design intended to maximize RMAH, I don't know but it's not realistic.
I've been doing this run for a few days (posted a link to it a while back but no one replied) and it's excellent. Plus it's actually fairly fun to do as well.So I took a few notes doing an Act I run. Went Cemetery - Field North of Tristram - Festering Woods - North Highlands - Leorics Manor and then did the Warden/Butcher run.
62 minutes,
4 goblins,
73 rares,
92000 gold after repairs and selling junk blues,
30000 from junk rares,
2 rares on the AH,
Plus whatever crafting materials (30+ essences), gems and potions. Not bad at all. I need to buy myself a MF weapon and a pair of +Mov and MF boots now to get it down quicker.
Guys guys guys! I sold something!
Of course, profited $1.67, but I sold something!
Its actually impossible, literally. Once you get to inferno, you wont make enough gold from random drops and vendoring junk to cover repairs.
There's really no good solution to the core problem, which is lack of content. People quit either way, either due to frustration or finishing all the content.
They need additional time sinks that arent cockblocks to inferno progression. Its that simple.
This is why i think the challenge ladder is such a great idea. Its simple in nature so takes less time to implement than something involving a cohesive story, and adds a competitive element to the game.
an infinite dungeon type thing that keeps getting harder and harder would be ace imo. take the bosses already in the game and give them new affixes after so many levels.